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Offline whyknot62

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I love you - Yeah
« on: May 29, 2010, 06:45:00 pm »
So Just wondering how many other folks have had this same experience.

I have been communicating with several woman on Chnlove and for the most part after I have vetted the 20 somethings and other "too young but boy would it be nice" women. I have been in contact with three appropriate aged women for me.

Their communication seems to be sincere. So much so that when I called a lady on her saying "I love you". she was very upset and although I would characterize her emails as shy, she was not on this subject. She insisted that she was a real person, and very sincere in her words. Now I am not complaining and we have had some very nice letters in the 2 months of corresponding.

Now I have been in contact with three other women as well ( not putting all my hopes in one barrel :-) ) and two others have said I love you rather soon in a relationship that I believe anyway.

So that leads me to here. Is that the norm for chinese women?  Do they fall in love over letters?

Yes I am a bit of a skeptic, and yes I can understand the need for some of them to say every and anything to get out of the country, but these women do not strike me as that type.

Appriciate your feed back and what you all have experienced.

Offline Martin

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Re: I love you - Yeah
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2010, 08:51:19 pm »
Yes I am a bit of a skeptic, and yes I can understand the need for some of them to say every and anything to get out of the country, but these women do not strike me as that type.

I am not the most experienced person here to address you other concerns, but I would like to touch on this statement.  Some to say anything and everything to get out of the country...I think that might be a mistake to take this line of thinking.  These women are not necessarily looking to get away from anywhere.  China is not living in the dark ages, and these women are not looking for their knight in shining armour to save them from their dreary lives.  What they are looking for is love.  I'll let some of the more experienced members discuss the other issue you ask about.  I just wanted to throw in my two cents.

Offline whyknot62

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Re: I love you - Yeah
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2010, 09:07:09 pm »
fair enough! Guess I over simplified.

Offline maxx

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Re: I love you - Yeah
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2010, 09:33:17 pm »
whyknot62 I take it you are talking to these different ladies threw Chnlove Emf service.If that is the case.Allot of what your getting in the Emf letters.Is called translator fluff.The I love you.I miss you.It is put in the letters.To keep you writing.If you are that interested in the ladies you are writing to.I would go for direct contact.Web cam Phone call.Whatever it takes in your mind.To put your mind at ease


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Re: I love you - Yeah
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2010, 02:10:03 am »
well the problem i see here is that it is coming thru translators letters so i would be a little if not a lot
skeptical on this. get away from that and see what happens. if there is resistance then it is just coming
from the translators who are only there to keep the revenue coming in for more than enough of these
bogus agencies that are tied to chnlove.


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Re: I love you - Yeah
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2010, 07:59:34 am »
I have talked to a few women and the I love you came pretty quick.  Peggy hounded me to say it back to her.  I think if it is a real woman that many of them are trying to keep you interested long enough for you to fall in love with them.  I also think that true love takes much longer from them because of their past.  We have to prove ourselves to them.  One thing that tells me that I know Peggy loves me is that she will say. "I know you."

Initially I think the words I love you is simply a hook to keep you interested.  So while they say that you need recognize it for what it is and look for the signs that she will give you telling you it is true.  The one thing for sure is that you will not even come close to seeing it until after you have spent time with her face to face.


Offline Neil

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Re: I love you - Yeah
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2010, 11:15:04 pm »
If you throw "I love you" into the MDBG translator you will see:    爱   ài​   to love  / affection /  to  be  fond  of  / to like
that's a pretty wide range of emotions bundled into one little word. irresistible as chocolate

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: I love you - Yeah
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2010, 11:28:21 am »
Not that I have had a lot of experience with women in China ;) ::) but having watched some translators at work I am not suprised that a lot more problems do not arise.
 The translators I have seen in the offices do not have to speak perfect English to get the job.  Otherwise why would someone speaking perfect English work for 2-3000 a month when they could command much more.

When they stumble over words they use an electronic translator.   And as Neil said a phrase such as 'I like ' can end up with many definations including 'I love you'.

The quality of the translators coupled with the amount they are required to do each day accounts for the poor return messages from chnlove.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline Bee964

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Re: I love you - Yeah
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2010, 03:30:14 pm »
I am finding this topic interesting as I have just refreshed my profile on CHN. I have had admirer mail from several ladies and some of them use "dear" and "darling" in them. I never thought much about this though. There are 2 that have my interest though. I have written 1 letter to each of them. Maybe I will take note of when they first use the "L" word. Seeing as it has a wide range of meaning, I will have to remember it may not mean what it seems. One is in Guangzhou so I may ask a member there to check out the agency and maybe even her. This will depend on how things progress with her.

When I first started this last year I seem to remember that some of these women were quick to use the "L" word. I did think this strange seeing as I have not even met them and I don't think you could make a concious decision to fall in love with someone. Love will just happen. I think that in terms of EMF letters and communicating over the internet it would be more of a sence of infatuation like Mike O said.

My opinion is that they are using it more in the sence that they really like you. Maybe even really, really like you.

Dave C
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Vince G

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Re: I love you - Yeah
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2010, 04:13:46 pm »
I'm back on Chnlove also. I checked the other sites but I think I'm more comfortable with Chnlove, I know what I'm dealing with. I am two letters in with two women. My first letter to each said the same... Do you know english? and Do you use a computer? Both came back with don't know english very well (not well enough for direct contact) and No computer, of course. I wrote, just wanted to know if I write about things on the computer if you would understand? (didn't ask for email address) A second letter from one owns a cafe and said "I know how to use computer. There is a computer at the cafe, so sometimes when it's available, I will use it to read my letter." Ahhhh truth prevails. The other woman said nothing else (even though she works for an insurance comp.?)

To early to see the "L" word pop up. But the signing off has changed already from both to Sincerely yours. I may be dumping the one and continuing with the cafe owner? Both very pretty, but more then that is needed.

Offline Bee964

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Re: I love you - Yeah
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2010, 06:30:43 pm »

I just realised that one of the girls I have started to write to is listed as "fair" for knowledge of english. I have seen so many with learning I guess I overlook it now expecting them to know no english. I have not asked about the computer yet but the other has already said she has a QQ number and that learning english is hard for her. I started writing these ladies because I still had credits left. I may persue the one that is "fair" with english. This would make things easier I think.

Dave C 8)
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Offline whyknot62

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Re: I love you - Yeah
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2010, 11:11:44 pm »
Thank you all for the replies. I totally have a new understanding of the meaning of the words.

Offline Bee964

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Re: I love you - Yeah
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2010, 10:13:56 am »
I am glad we could help you with the understanding of the words. I too have had to learn the meaning of some of the things they say to me. I have had to ask several of the women that I have exchanged letters with to explain what they mean when they say something. There is even a meaning behind it when you start addressing  letters as "Dearest ..." It has something to do with love too but for the life of me I cannot remember. I had started addressing my letters to a woman that I was talking with "Dearest" and she explained the meaning of what I had done in going from dear to dearest. If I remember I will post it.

Dave C
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Re: I love you - Yeah
« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2010, 11:42:01 am »
I may persue the one that is "fair" with english. This would make things easier I think.Dave C 8)

Dave , don't over-estimate " FAIR " english ! Some might only know a few sentences and call it fair .

Learning = close to Zero english
Fair = like I stated
Good = Some College Classes taken in the not so far past and had maybe a chance to use it too
Excellent = well , that should be just that

Offline Bee964

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Re: I love you - Yeah
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2010, 07:03:47 pm »

I got a reply from her and in my previous letter to her I asked about her english ability. She was enrolled in ESL classes but stopped due to her fathers illness. She is looking into getting back into classes again. I had mentioned about having a QQ number and talked about computers being a wonderful tool. She jumped all over those statements and asked if it would be ok to give her my QQ number so we could chat. She is an accountant in the company she works for so I was guessing that she would know how to use a computer. She has told me she has one at home too. I didn't even have to ask her about that one either.

I know that the system for rating their english ability is not the best. The last woman that I chatted with had almost no english ability but used google translate to chat with me. We did fairly well with our communication. There were some misunderstandings but we did manage to clear them up. Thanks for the information though. :D

Dave C
Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.