Ok, so after some MAJOR flight issues with Continental Airlines overbooking my flight, bumping me to another overbooked flight, staying the night then having to take 3 transfers all over the freaking world......I finally arrived n Zhongshan

after 47 hours of travel time!!
So after some much required rest, some good food and a few naps I am all together and functional....as much as a western guy can in a wholly new environment. I met with my lovely (young) lady and we spent the later half of yesterday together along with the translator. The translator is a pretty cool guy and even though it was also his firs time meeting my lady, (I think)..we had a decent 1st visit?
We had launch at the restaurant at my hotel...Nice place, really good food. Since I was not able to read the menu, I asked her to order whatever she wanted and must admit that that was the first time I had eaten pigeon....it was actually very good, but not very filling. I think they make the chopsticks in the nice restaurants here of a slippery material just too see how good you can hold onto your food, luckily I am fine with chopsticks. We then proceeded to wander around some local places but got caught in a wicked rainstorm which made it virtually impossible to get a cab. The translator actually left us to hang out together while he walked to another street to get a cab. Which is where the awkward situation came into play. There we both were, hanging out under a building overhang with dozens of other people......Neither of us able to speak to each other for abut 15-minutes....I tried to engage in some a basic chat...but she just kept smiling and shrugged her shoulders as she obviously had no clue what I was trying to say.
She is not exactly what I expected....But I am not complaining, she is actually very nice. The problem is she is very shy in person, which is not what I gathered from her letters and pictures. So now today we are to spend the day together taking in some sights, some shopping and whatever else she and the translator have planned as I have for the most part left this up to them.
So again, back to the nature of the post. She is open to meet with me during the rest of the time we are here, I will have the translator pretty much any time we need but she also said that we may just spend some time with each other in person with no translator.......but after the short time under the building in the rain I am thinking to myself.....what could we possibly say, or do to get to know each other when we obviously cant talk to each other.

.......ok guys, keep your minds out of the gutter, its still my first visit.
Its challenging enough to make idle chat with a lady when you can communicate, but I am admittedly out of my element here and need to get some advice. She loves to shop (what young lady doesn't) and today we will do some of that....but she is so shy that I am not sure if we are clicking? I feel like I am the only one doing the talking and she has barely asked me anything......Maybe today will be better??