Author Topic: Finally Here....Rather Awkward Situation  (Read 3095 times)

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Re: Finally Here....Rather Awkward Situation
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2010, 11:21:51 pm »
Lain your doing ok.Just take it slow and steady.Niel mentioned a rickshaw ride.Around the city.I think that would be kind of cool.It will give you and the lady some alone time while your checking out the city.


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Re: Finally Here....Rather Awkward Situation
« Reply #16 on: May 31, 2010, 02:04:34 pm »

Sorry about that, ...wasn't my usual self that day, had a bit of an altercation with a so called bully neighbour, and was kicking myself for letting him off so lightly!!!

But you were coming accross in that original post as being just a little too laid back, and not trying too hard.
Before i met Lucy, i used to date all manner of ladies in China, i tried to find those that had some English knowledge, but that didn't always work out. I also had to use these electronic translators, and believe me, they can be real fun to use, especially while out on dates at restaurants and cafe's. Honestly, ....i've had some of the best times playing around with these things with the lady i was with....

One thing i would point out, you don't need to be a ''perfect gentleman'' or be on ''your best behaviour'' ... just try being be yourself, as you won't be able to hide yourself forever behind these two symbols. If you click, you will click, if not ...then it was never to be anyway!!! 

The Chinese ladies are not as delicate as some make them out to be here on this Forum, fact many have lived far tougher life's than the majority of western women. Show them respect and affection ...Yes, ...but there is absolutly no need to treat them with kid gloves, cause they ain't gonna break,  ...and that's a Fact!!!  lol!!!

Enjoy your stay in China, and make the most of it. If you get the chance.   ...Go visit Willy, he will be able to give you some invaluable advise, and you'll get a laugh into the bargin as well!!! 

« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 02:10:27 pm by David5o »