Author Topic: Trip Two Shaoguan  (Read 9835 times)

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Offline Irishman

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Re: Trip Two Shaoguan
« Reply #30 on: June 18, 2010, 12:23:51 pm »
Up yours Martin!
Nice catch Shaun, he was lucky Peggy was there to stop you kicking his ass if you felt half as mad as I did when my wallet was stolen there.
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Re: Trip Two Shaoguan
« Reply #31 on: June 18, 2010, 04:43:30 pm »
Shaun good job.I have a chain on mine. I haven't had anyone try to steal my wallet yet.My wife says because Chinese man frightened.She said I look angry all the time.

Offline Bee964

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Re: Trip Two Shaoguan
« Reply #32 on: June 18, 2010, 06:50:57 pm »
Good job Shaun!

Another quick and dirty trick is to use a wide rubber band around your wallet, or translator in this case. It makes it too dificult for the thief to get the article out of your pocket. Well thats the theory anyways.

Dave C
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Paul Todd

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Re: Trip Two Shaoguan
« Reply #33 on: June 18, 2010, 09:42:08 pm »

That guy was real lucky, I've seen pickpockets dragged out into the street and given a severe beating by the general public. Let your wife look after stuff for you,It will make her feel good and she has more experience of this than you! If pickpockets targeted me they'd come up short as I don't carry any thing, my wife won't let me! Tell us more stories!!!!!


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Re: Trip Two Shaoguan
« Reply #34 on: June 19, 2010, 10:16:33 am »
thats an interesting story lucky for him peggy was there  and would the police have done anything??
probably not.

Offline Bee964

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Re: Trip Two Shaoguan
« Reply #35 on: June 20, 2010, 02:53:09 am »
Give all your valuables to Peggy.

I have a story about a, well sort of pick pocket. One of the supervisors used to check everybodies pockets for gum for himself. One guy was a little sick of him doing this every day so he cut a hole in his pocket and pulled his... thing through the hole. When the supervisor shoved his hand in and grabbed hold his eyes almost popped out of his head. Needless to say he never did just put his hand in someones pocket again.  :o :o :o

Dave C
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Offline Martin

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Re: Trip Two Shaoguan
« Reply #36 on: June 20, 2010, 03:57:01 am »
Last trip to China, we were in Guangzhou. A large crowd had gathered, and security officials were beating a man. My wife told me he was a pick pocket..apparently not a good one. Vigilante justice for sure. If he could have escaped these guys, I know the crowd would have stopped them.

Offline maxx

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Re: Trip Two Shaoguan
« Reply #37 on: June 20, 2010, 11:34:33 am »
I seen the same thing in Zhuhai.The crowed was beating the hell out of two guys.Who had stolen somebodies cell phone.It was a wild scene..These 2 guys were down on the ground.With about 20 guys around them  kicking them and hitting them.These 2 guys were taking a hell of a beating.About the time this got going good.The police did cruise by.They didn't even slow down to see what was going on.

It kind of amazed me.So I asked my wife about it.She said the 2 men were thief's.So they got what they deserved.I asked her why the police didn't stop.She told me the same thing.The men were thief's and they got what they deserved


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Re: Trip Two Shaoguan
« Reply #38 on: June 20, 2010, 12:15:13 pm »
Based off of mpo Mike’s suggestion I will try this again.

Peggy and I left Shenzhen to help her move to Shaoguan.  It was an early get up on the 10th if I remember correctly.  We had a ton of stuff to carry so we took a taxi where we met up with the bus headed for Shaoguan.  It is a 5 hour drive.  Peggy slept on my shoulder as it should be while I watched the scenery pass by.  There is nothing in this world… well almost nothing in this world better than having a beautiful Chinese woman, the one you love sleep on your shoulder

After a couple of hours I was so looking forward to the mid-point stop.  Peggy woke up and was telling me about the area and the homes and farms when suddenly I see us drive right by the mid-point stop. I said Peggy, are we going to stop?  Her reply was that they usually will yell out if anyone needs to stop.  I remember the woman who handles the business on the bus yelling something but it wasn’t in English so… 

We arrived in Shaoguan about 1:30pm.  It was raining, Peggy was doing the pee dance and the bus station was full of busses so the bus driver parked on the side of the station in the street.  Peggy got upset and chewed one of the bus workers out.  It was hysterical.  She was dancing and yelling when suddenly Peggy just left.  I got all of the luggage and waited.  In a couple of minutes she came back say sorry, sorry.  I said it was OK.  She hailed down a taxi and off to the hotel.  The first one she didn’t like the price so the taxi driver suggested another one to her.  We went there and Peggy decided we would stay.

We freshened up and looked for a little something to eat.  We went back to the room and Peggy said, stay here while she looked for a house.  I said, What?  Why?  I was surprised by the plan of attack until she told me that if I went with her that the price would go up.  Makes sense.  She left around 2:30 and didn’t come back until 6:00.  I was getting a little worried but then she is looking for a house.

The next morning she took me to see what she found.  The first one was very nice, it was brand new and spacious even by American specs. But they were asking $82,500.00US.  500,000RMB  Well you know what my answer was.  I love you Peggy but no.

The second house was about 30-40 years old.  It was a 3 bedroom, one of them converted into a study.  All very nice blond wood.  Much smaller than the first.  Completely furnished except
refrigerator and washing machine.  Peggy kept telling me it was 39000RMB.  I m thinking it can’t be.  I ask the agent 39000 she said yes. I am thinking yes if I can figure out how.  I mean we are talking $5850.00. But at the same time I am thinking 2 things.  Price is way wrong and in China every 70 years all property reverts back to Chinese government.  I am thinking it has less than 5 years to go.  If she were just to live in it OK but I am thinking investment property because the government is revitalizing the community.  We could make a bundle in a few years.

When we get back to the agents office and I am pressing the 2 points.  I write down on paper 39000RMB and her eyes open wide and she says no.  $396,000RMB.  That is a more reasonable price, maybe high but more in line with what I am hearing. $59,400.00US but they also want $30,000.00 down.  OK Question 2 isn't even a concern now.  I am out of the picture.  Peggy is upset.  She tries everything she
can think of to get me to buy.  OK I do this and I do that.  I will ask mother for money.  Blah Blah Blah but I know there is no way.

I was just sick because I know she wants a house to call her own.  I was also heartbroken because I would have like to have given it to her but reality is reality.  Besides he sister tells me that once she comes to America she will not want to go back and live in China.  I’m still not sure I agree with that assessment.

But we find a place she can afford and she is now living in a 15'X15' bedroom, kitchen and bath.  It is in
nice shape but now I feel like a heal.  We have been in it 6 days and it is not that bad.  There are a lot of inconveniences but not hard to get around.  Even has a squat toilet.  I ‘ll spare the details.

That evening we have the internet installed.  It turns out the contractor is her step son.  Quite a remarkable young man.  29, owns his own company, physically handicapped due to some kind of accident when he was a young boy.  A good portion of his torso is missing.  He wasn’t suppose to walk again ever but he walks quite well.  It is an interesting story I won’t share but I will tell you that Peggy took him in as if he were her son.

Two days after we move in we pick up her granddaughter Sisi and take her to an amusement park.  Now there was a cute bundle of energy and will power.  I was amazed to watch Peggy work and play with her.  Guy’s I found one heck of a woman.  We had a lot of fun and I wound up with another beautiful Chinese female sleeping on my shoulder.  Talking about luck and Peggy isn’t even jealous.   We were wore out by the end of the day and crashed.

Then the famous pick pocket day happened.

This evening we met one of Peggy’s childhood friends for supper.  They had a great time.  She is a school teacher.

Peggy and I haven’t done just a whole lot except spend time together getting to know each other better.  I keep asking myself what life would have been like if I had met her 30 years ago.  Well, no use crying over lost time but we vowed to make up for it and live together in happiness.

Well there is more to come.  We still haven’t made it to Guangzhou but Ted we’re headed your way soon.  Looking like June 27 right now.  Still waiting to hear about a meeting at the consulate office.


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Re: Trip Two Shaoguan
« Reply #39 on: June 20, 2010, 07:52:31 pm »

if you and Peggy arent planning on living in China after she moves to the USA then maybe its a good thing
to not buy here. you could buy a nicer one in the USA if you didnt spend the money here for one. something
i guess you need to clear with her on what will happen. but it is amazing the difference in prices between GZ
and were your at and its not that far away.


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Re: Trip Two Shaoguan
« Reply #40 on: June 20, 2010, 08:46:20 pm »

You are absolutely right.  We have discussed it several times.  Marry, buy a house in the US, retire, buy a house in Shaoguan, and agreed to it but you know how it is.  For Peggy it is a security thing.  I think.  It is what her sister tells me.  I entertain her thoughts and look then say no and later will remind her of our plan.  She says yes but...  I think it will take her a while to come completely around.

Shaoguan has a real depressed economy.  People here are always saying the people here are very poor.  While I agree with their comments I don't think they are as poor as they think they are.  But there is a lot of wealthy people here too.

Paul Todd

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Re: Trip Two Shaoguan
« Reply #41 on: June 20, 2010, 11:39:00 pm »
Good to hear all is going well Shaun,

Buying apartments here is tricky especially when your ladies expectations are high. My Tasmanian friend Lester has just bought a 80m2 one bed roomed place here in Baoding for 16,000 usd. It's in bad shape but structurally sound, renovating a place here is real cheap. Double glazed windows fitted for 400rmb, metal security doors including the fame fitted for about the same price, floor tiles 80rmd for 800x800. The beauty of the place is that it has a walled garden, completely overgrown and full of rubbish but the place has potential written all over it. He payed half in cash and the rest on a bank loan at very good rates. His wife wanted the new builds but the prices were more than he was willing to spend, she is still not happy with his choice but I think after the renovation she will be more than pleased. Bargains can be found here.
I hope the rest of your trip goes well and as for thinking about" what if " you had met 30 years ago just be grateful that you are together now ! Looking forward to more updates!

Offline Rhonald

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Re: Trip Two Shaoguan
« Reply #42 on: June 21, 2010, 01:33:36 pm »
Thanks for the update Shaun

And as Paul mentioned above.....don't whine about 30 years, because we all know a fine Wine is better aged  ::)

« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 06:08:47 pm by Rhonald »
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Re: Trip Two Shaoguan
« Reply #43 on: June 23, 2010, 07:50:00 am »
Ron it was kind of tongue in cheek or wishful thinking.

Well on the 21st Peggy and I didn't do much of anything but sit around and talk.

Yesterday we went to her sisters house up in the mountains.  It was the bumpiest bus ride I think I have ever had.  My butt was sore. We arrived and didn't have a clue which direction we should go.  We found our way to the market in the center of town being directed by her sister on the cell.  It turns out her sister has a store there.  I like her already.  They talk a while and then we have lunch at the store.  I ate some kind of pork thing with something that looked similar to a green bean.  It was out of this world.

Peggy's oldest sister is one year older than me and is real charming.  She just happens to be into astrology.  Sister's verdict? Perfect match.  Peggy is happy and so am I even though I do not believe in it.  I am sure there are some truths to it but it isn't something I am really into.

Later Peggy and I went to the house where we met Peggy's retired brother in law.  It was obvious that everyone in this town was very poor but Peggy's sister and her husband had done rather well for themselves.  They are a delightful couple and have a son who lives in Guangzhou.  The phone rang all night and  people dropped by.  Last night there was plenty of food and it was delicious.  I almost think I could get used to the simplistic life there... right for two days maybe and then I would be climbing the walls.

This morning I learned how to play Mahjong and many of the people in the market watched.  Have you ever tried to learn the game and they only speak Chinese?  I was a lot of fun.  There was one man that told me his life story.  I kept telling him that I only knew about 10 words of Chinese.  He would shake his hands in the air and say something.  I think he could have been saying it doesn't matter.  No one else listens either and just kept on talking to me.  If I appeared to begin to lose interest he would gently slap me on the arm an keep on talking.

We had lunch and caught the bus back home.  I think the bruises on my butt from yesterdays bus ride now have bruises.  It was a 2 hour ride up but today it was a 1.5 hour ride of torture.  The driver had music blaring that I think would be best describe as techno rap.  Why I called it music I have no idea.  I don't know who many times I body slammed Peggy into the side of the bus because of the bumps and jerking movements of the driver.  The only 3 good parts of the ride where the photos I got, the way people would stop and stare at me when they got on the bus and the fact that we were able to get off the bus.

Tomorrow I think we head for the village to see Peggy's mother and where she grew up.

Have I ever said that I am totally infatuated with Peggy on this site?  She is incredible.

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Trip Two Shaoguan
« Reply #44 on: June 23, 2010, 08:16:31 am »
Way to go bro , terrific read , but as they say in China , relax , everything gets done in time , but not necessarily on time , ha ha , it is great that you are getting to see the countryside , you and Peggy take care ,regards Robert and Sujuan [ yo ]
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