All About China > Understanding Chinese Women

What did she just say........

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Jason B:
Brothers, I do not know if this has happened to anyone before.  I was having a look on my CHNLOVE account thinking about purchasing some flowers for my girl when up came a Jason you have a new admirer notice.  OK go have a look, do not usually read the letter just go to bottom click on sorry not interested and that is it.  Anyway had a few minutes to kill and being a curious sod I decided to read the letter.  From a (I am sure she is sweet) 19 year old girl.  General gist, I know we will be happy, I will love you always, we can talk about SEX if you want.  What?? I had to wipe my keyboard down from all the tea that I spilt on it.

Call me old fashion, besides the fact that I would not want to talk about that subject with a 19 year old, but somethings do not need to be talked in an introduction letter surely, well not until you have a deeper understanding with the lady.  Anyway struck me as weird.  Is this the new attitude of youngsters these days?  I had to delete her, too young for me and if this is what she wants to talk about I probably would have a heart attack!!

Cheers have a good day Jason

That same or similiar letter was sent to hundreds of guys; don't feel too privilege. Once you find a lady, it's best to hide your profile.

bait from the translator to squeeze the revenue out of you would be my guess

I have a similar experience. I sent a cupid, got a reply, and I sent a introductory EMF. Guess what, i got a surprise reply, she WANT to bath with me and make love with me. OMG, that is first EMF!

At least her reply was kept clean  ::)


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