Author Topic: Chinese Girl Writing About Chinese Girls  (Read 21054 times)

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Offline Josh Markley

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Re: Chinese Girl Writing About Chinese Girls
« Reply #30 on: June 09, 2010, 02:13:31 am »
Welcome here Crystal, I have went over many of your post.  Imo I thought they were fun.  I even contributed. 
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Re: Chinese Girl Writing About Chinese Girls
« Reply #31 on: June 09, 2010, 02:15:04 am »
And why do men with little or no body hair wimps?? 
QQ 859407630

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Re: Chinese Girl Writing About Chinese Girls
« Reply #32 on: June 09, 2010, 02:15:29 am »
I did some snooping, I think she's in Israel.  Ok, yeah, I was bored and curious too. irresistible as chocolate

Offline Chong

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Re: Chinese Girl Writing About Chinese Girls
« Reply #33 on: June 09, 2010, 02:18:40 am »

Welcome to this Forum.

Your blog is yours. Write whatever you want. It's your avenue to express your thoughts and feelings. Don't let any readers/commenters persuade you otherwise. If they're that smart, tell them to start their own blog. Martin [ the creator of this Forum ], Arnold and myself have our own blogs.

I'm living in China with my Chinese wife. I haven't read your blog yet but how about adding a perspective on older Chinese ladies from your experiences with your mother, aunts or older female friends.

All the best
« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 02:20:31 am by Chong »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Chinese Girl Writing About Chinese Girls
« Reply #34 on: June 09, 2010, 03:40:41 am »
I for one liked the site.  It has some really attractive bits to it.   Did I say bits?

 And I like the idea behind the fact that by getting herself linked to this forum she will be doing herself a great deal of good. 

Increase her popularity and the same time possible increase the ranking of this one with Google.

When we are ready we will get link to her site and get a back link to ours. 

Anyone know of any other sites where we can pick up good back links?

Even in the early stages of our promotion of our new site the name of is prominent in our result listing when certain keywords are searched on Google. 

Maybe the Irishman can tell us why?  Presumably Google uses a different search criteria than some of the others.


Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: Chinese Girl Writing About Chinese Girls
« Reply #35 on: June 09, 2010, 11:48:32 am »
good questions and comments Willy, if anyone can answer that then Irishman can. Now if he can figure out how we
can get on here the normal channels in China that would be worth many + reps for him  or if he cant then many - reps for him
lol!!!!!! couldnt resist that one   hahaha


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Re: Chinese Girl Writing About Chinese Girls
« Reply #36 on: June 09, 2010, 04:07:57 pm »
Well i've been having a good little chuckle at some of the posts on this thread since i was last here yesterday. It seems that suddenly because Crystal is Chinese, and is of course female, has found her way to this site and registered, her blog has been elevated to a great, fun, interesting, useful, and believe it or not Informative site!!!!  Hey!! like many of the comments, i quite liked the site it's self, and yes it is many of the stated atributes, ...including Fun. But at the moment it is anything but informative!!! Perhaps those that find it so, should point out the informative sections, like the stuff you didn't know before you visited Crystals site!!!
Now, that's not to say that the site can't confirm in instances, various bit's of personal experiences and other things, sure it can....
Do i see potential, sure i do!!  Crystal seems to be of a more than above average intellect, with a more than an above average command of English. And from information she can assimilate from this Forum and of course other sites. She can, ...adding her own female slant on things, make her Blog site one of the ''better sites'' to make a point of visiting on a regular basis. But if she advocates '' all Chinese ladies'' in her blog, then she really needs to find out a little more about the older Chinese lady, and what's important to them, and what drives them towards western men. For sure the reasons will be far different than those of the younger girls/ladies.... Hell, she could have a blog for life here!!!, No seriously, ...If Crystal is that serious about the subject matter, she could turn her blog into a Forum in it's own right !!!   

Look, if you think that i'm criticising Crystal, ....Think again, i went to her blog site from a post that started this thread, and read maybe 2/3rds or more of Cystals blogs, and the visitors comments that accompanied those blogs. I found little in the way of content in the actual blogs, and this was confirmed in many of the visitors comments, (...not just the one i perhaps shouldn't of quoted) I then came back to this Forum and posted what i had found.... but did comment on the youngness of the blog site and of the founder. And i did say i would go back at a later date, and check again to look for any progress.  ....End of story as far as i was concerned!!!  But NO, ...back comes the same old drivels, from the same person, that has to be answered, and on and on it goes!!!!

The so called offending post(s) was posted for the benefit of the Forum ...not for Crystals eye's!!! That she some how found this forum, registered and read my comments on her blog site is beyond my control. So it then suddenly becomes personal criticism, (which it was Not and was Never meant to be!!!!),  from both herself and a good few of the so-called brothers. I'll be posting my reply to Crystal later by the way...

So now i'm being accused of, or at the very least it's been insinuated, that i think i know everything, and can't or won't learn anything new!! Yeah right!! hahaha!!!  Funny enough, you do tend to pick-up the odd things here and there from living and working in a place for 8+ years, and living with a Chinese lady for 3+ years, ...but know everything, ...I wish!!!! 
So yes i may know a lot more about China and Chinese ladies than most here, but i'm the ''First'' to stand up and admit when i am wrong about anything, unlike many here, that will fluff around trying to wiggle out of admitting anything wrong they have posted...
One things for sure, i am my own man, i don't run with the crowd as a Lemming. So, anything that i feel needs to be said, i will say it!! I don't go out of my way to upset others, but sometimes circumstances make it unavoidable, and i'm not one to apologise for which i feel, or know is correct. When i'm wrong, ...fine you will always get an apology from Me!!!!
So do i feel verbally spanked, ....''Do I Hell As Like''  ...Hurt feelings and sarcasm, doesn't amount to being verbally spanked, ...far far from it!!!, ...hahaha!!!!
Enough said for the time being!!!


Offline Crystal Tao

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Re: Chinese Girl Writing About Chinese Girls
« Reply #37 on: June 09, 2010, 04:11:47 pm »
Yup. Neil did a good job - I am in Israel currently  ;)


If you are looking for some sites to link with I can advise you to go to Jocelyn's site Speaking of China and check attentively the right sidebar; scroll down until you notice the title "Foreign Women + Chinese Men" and you will see there the list of 18 blogs. This is 20 sites (if you count also Jocelyn's and mine - since I already put your link on my blog; was someone here talking about exchanges? hahaha  ;) ).

By the way, Jocelyn is the nicest person I have encountered on internet. You will understand it yourself after reading her blog.
LoveLoveChina is my blog about Chinese girls.

Offline Rhonald

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Re: Chinese Girl Writing About Chinese Girls
« Reply #38 on: June 09, 2010, 05:39:17 pm »
Hello Crystal,

I have also visited your site and I guess I fall between David5o's opinion and the majority. I did enjoy testing my ability to identify Asian girls from China - only got 12 out of 20, and rather had wished for a follow up to better identify Chinese ladies. I did notice the pictures were all of pretty young girls so trying to decide nationality was fun while admiring their graces.

Maybe some other experienced members can enlighten me but when I see all those advertisement banners on the site, does this mean that the website generates income when people click through to the banners?

Now everyone is entitled to make a means of living, and if this is Crystals means, then all the power for her. I agree the quality of her English and the presentation of her site is at a high level. This also leads me to believe that the blog site could be a business. I find reading the site akin to reading a teen gossip/fashion magazine here. After all many women magazines have surveys and quick hints and advice columns.

But then maybe this is her target audience. Even if it is a hobby for her, she is developing solid skills that will help in dealing with the future. After all, dealing with customer complaints is a necessity of all businesses.

Good Luck with you site 我认为您俏丽

Now if I can keep this thing balanced upon my nose while I drink a draft....I mean draft another reply
« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 05:45:56 pm by Rhonald »
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Chinese Girl Writing About Chinese Girls
« Reply #39 on: June 10, 2010, 08:28:00 am »

 also as far as one member here who asked you who invited you well
just so you know if you didnt already know this this site is open to anyone who would like to join


The way I read it was not a demand from David5o as to 'who invited you.' I read it as a question!

I am not voting for or against the decision that was made in council.
 I have read the postings on this particular thread backwards and forwards and cannot find that there is anything here to 'convict' someone. 
Having been involved with the law for a good deal of my working life then I can only imagine that there are other factors involved that we are not fully aware of. 
As I see it most of his postings on this particular thread were as a sort of encouragement to her albeit in a roundabout way.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2010, 08:41:43 am by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline David E

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Re: Chinese Girl Writing About Chinese Girls
« Reply #40 on: June 14, 2010, 01:06:51 am »

We are all encouraged here to make a definitive contribution to somebody's Blog, on the assumption that this blog is likely an income source for the founder ?? well as an affiliation ?? if not an actual participation ?? by some alternate Chinese "Dating Sites" that we have spent countless thousands of words condeming in the past !!

I can recall the outrage over other Chinese ?? persons who attempted to use our Brotherhood for money making schemes.

I am apalled by the way we all seem to have collapsed into adulation of this me it is frivolous and of nowhere near the standard and intellectual content of much of our Forum.

I guess it proves that I am totally out of touch with the reality of what we were trying to achieve...and to read of the consequences of what this thread has caused fills me with hurt and anger.

See you guys.

It was fun for a while


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Re: Chinese Girl Writing About Chinese Girls
« Reply #41 on: June 14, 2010, 03:34:21 am »
some people, when they have crossed over that threshold into happiness, feel they don't need this forum anymore. They run off into the sunset and don't post anymore. Fair enough.
But most people feel that this was a very valuable resource when they were being scammed, when they knew less, when they hadn't found the love of their lives yet. I would venture to say that you were one of those people who benefitted from the collective wisdom, I seem to remember you saying as much. So was it only 'fun for a while' Is that all it was? Slightly disingenuous, I feel.
It seems a slight red herring to talk about collapsing into adulation about the blog. People have expressed different views - some like it, some don't, some half-like it. Ooh look - different views? On a forum? Shock horror!
Perhaps instead of thinking about the royal 'we', as if we were some collective, you might like to think that we are a group of individuals with very different views and opinions, with some mutual interests.
I would say that I am totally in touch with the reality of what I would like to achieve. God knows what the collective reality is of what 'we' were trying to achieve. We are evolving, yes, changing, yes. For the better? Well, you obviously don't think so. But, you know, horses for courses. You can't please all of the people all of the time.

Offline Chong

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Re: Chinese Girl Writing About Chinese Girls
« Reply #42 on: June 14, 2010, 03:52:15 am »
So long DavidE,

You fail to realize that the consequences of this thread has little to do with said particular's banning. It was coming a long time ago. Nobody on this Forum wrote anything about being affiliated with Crystal's blog or to help with any income making source . She mentioned it herself. She offers a viewpoint from a Chinese woman's perspective. What's wrong with that ? You saying it's not an added feature for our Forum ? If you read the postings, not everybody found her blog useful. We didn't ban those 'everybody'.

You're out of touch with the reality of this Forum. It's an INFORMATION source ... nothing more. You wrote ... "you're hurt and anger" ... You make it sound like somebody stabbed you in the back. I'm sure that there are other Forums out there that can meet your standard & intellect. Just remember that you yourself offered reckless abandon type postings in the past without thinking about what consequences it might cause the thread's original poster.


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Re: Chinese Girl Writing About Chinese Girls
« Reply #43 on: June 14, 2010, 04:08:00 am »
 i guess i will say the same as Chong  goodbye and may there be a greener pasture for you elsewere. what happened should have happened months ago and it just ended on this note with a particular thread removed that was posted by that individual. but of course this doesnt surprise me and i think it wont many others

Offline seagull

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Re: Chinese Girl Writing About Chinese Girls
« Reply #44 on: June 14, 2010, 04:55:32 am »

We are all encouraged here to make a definitive contribution to somebody's Blog, on the assumption that this blog is likely an income source for the founder ?? well as an affiliation ?? if not an actual participation ?? by some alternate Chinese "Dating Sites" that we have spent countless thousands of words condeming in the past !!

I can recall the outrage over other Chinese ?? persons who attempted to use our Brotherhood for money making schemes.

I am apalled by the way we all seem to have collapsed into adulation of this me it is frivolous and of nowhere near the standard and intellectual content of much of our Forum.

I guess it proves that I am totally out of touch with the reality of what we were trying to achieve...and to read of the consequences of what this thread has caused fills me with hurt and anger.

See you guys.

It was fun for a while


David E, you're one of the best posters on this forum. Your posts are always intelligent and informative.

Once again I find myself agreeing with you, you seem to be in the minority but are always sensible. As soon as a pretty face shows up on this site, the majority of posters here will fall over themselves to please her. It has happened before and has happened again. You can bet if Crystal wasn't a pretty female, we wouldn't be seeing "welcome threads" or posters rushing to her defence at the slightest critique of her blog, or giving her reputation points just because she is a woman. I am not sure why, and it is quite sad behaviour. But it is their choice. So if posters like you are going to leave over something like this, it will be a big loss to the forum.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2010, 05:00:16 am by seagull »