Crystal, let me explain the difference between golf and american football.
In golf, the players wear these specially made shoes with steel spikes in them so they can stab the grass and try to kill the roots,
next that failing, they take clubs of steel and beat the grass silly taking huge tufts of grass and sending it screaming in pain to the
next hole. That failing to work, they beat it to death with these clubs as if the grass had somthing to do with them missing this
tiny white ball that was sitting on the grass or in some cases they run a wooden spike into the grass to set this tiny ball on. This is
called tee'ing off (and when they miss the little white ball they are really tee'ed off). Then they ususally have several people with
them which try to squish the grass and spike it also. Then if that's not enough, they drive a 1000 lb cart over it to finish the job.
Later the grounds keeper (you remember him from football above) starts looking for them with a rope in his hand (he is not very
happy) meanwhile, these guys jump in there english sports cars and beat it out of the park to the bar to brag about how much
damage they have done, and keep it written on these little score cards. laughing as they drive away, drunk from too much to
drink, in what they call the "club house". The club house is the place where they keep all the files to "sharpen" all those clubs for
the next day of beating the grass.
Now in football, its not so bad. They just bury the head of the opposing player in the grass and leave it. If he lives through this
ordeal they get to do it agian.

Now for more information on this contact scotish rob. The scotistish are pros at doing
this...LOL LOL