I have a little theory which I wanted to share and verify with the members of "China Love".
In psychology of love there is a famous "Triangular theory of love" (you can read about it in Wikipedia). In short it states that love is a combination of 3 components: "intimacy" (sometimes referred "friendship"), "passion" & "commitment" (or "responsibility").
Now, what I often thought to myself - is that the element of "passion" is usually stronger in interracial couples than in standard ones. The pure fact that the man/woman besides you is a little bit different creates a stronger romantic tension, and makes the fading away of passion (when people just get used to each other) slower.
Even, when spouses already get used to each other, they are often reminded about the special nature of their relationship by the curious looks of strangers when they go out (or during different social intercourses). And it helps to lit the sparkle again.
I myself am not in relationship for a time long enough to judge about it with certainty - so I wanted to know the opinion of more "seasoned" members

- "do you think that the passion in your relationship is stronger than if it would be with the partner of same race"?