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Offline David S

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Why I came to this site/forum
« on: June 10, 2010, 02:58:53 am »
I came here because I want to have a long, lasting, and fulfilling relationship with a Chinese lady.  I wrote before about why I want such a relationship, ( but what brought me to the forum was because I was impressed that the goal is for each brother to find the relationship they want in life, not just simple carnal fulfillment but to have a true, deep, meaningful relationship with the lady they choose to be their wife.  This is the strength of this group.  When the link was first shared to Crystal’s blog I read it with interest.  Some of the entries I thought were a little short, and would liked to have had her go into more detail about some of the aspects of a relationship she was talking about, but in the end I found her words to be sincere and encouraging.

I was reading some of the comments on her blog and was quite sad in reading the one that someone posted that said simply. “Tell us how to pick up Chinese girls.”  WOW I though, that is the exact opposite of what I came here to learn about.  As Crystal said herself in one of her postings here; “If informativeness of my blog equals to giving spicy tips on how to bed Chinese girls - then I prefer it to be lame.”  I applaud her for these words.  The internet is filled with many sites that give advice, sell materials or many other offers that claim to help a guy have more success in bedding as many girls as he can imagine, I don’t see why there needs to be any others.  As I was saying in the first paragraph the thing that drew me to this forum is because it is exactly NOT about such endeavors.  I was thinking about the comment the guy made about wanting advice to “pick-up women,” maybe I should go back and copy my thoughts in response to his comment, but what I was thinking is that; “If you want to sleep with Chinese women to fulfill your fetish for Asian girls, maybe you’d be better off finding a local brothel or an escort/prostitute/sex provider to fulfill your carnal urges.”  I’m sure his response would be something along the lines of; “I don’t pay for sex.”  To which I’d respond that he’s willing to admit that he’s so shallow that he is willing to bed any girl who’s easy enough to give it up after just a few hours of conversation in a bar, but to cheap or broke to pay for a quality lay.  After all, wouldn’t you rather be with a professional who knows how to fulfill your fantasy then some amateur that might only be out to have her own urges gratified and not care one bit about your needs?  I’m sure there is only room for one person with that attitude in your bed and you’ve already filled that space.”

Any way, I’ve gotten off course a bit maybe, but I wanted to share the thinking behind the post and also vent a little.  Bottom line is that the reason I came to this forum is because I want to find a lady who wants to build a real relationship and a loving family and this group is committed to those goals also.  We are here because we see the value in helping others avoid landmines that we have encountered on our journey.  We call ourselves a brotherhood, and like any family we have our disagreements, but one thing I think  that we can all agree and focus on is that we want success, not only for ourselves, but those who come here in search of the same thing.

Offline Axiom

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Re: Why I came to this site/forum
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2010, 01:47:09 pm »
Another great post.

Can't agree with this more :)


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Re: Why I came to this site/forum
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2010, 12:23:17 pm »
we try to help members here avoid landmines and also help when someone steps on one. but i will say that this
journey is not a short journey and takes a lot of time and commitment on your part to make it a successful one.
but once you do find that success it is really a wonderful experience unlike any other one you might have had

Paul Todd

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Re: Why I came to this site/forum
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2010, 12:19:10 am »
The reason I joined this site was...... well lets go back to the beginning.

I joined Chnlove and found my lady on the first page I looked at, never wrote to another, never needed too! I knew very little about the journey I had embarked on and so I read every thing on the main forum and I mean every thing.

Then the Facebook group was founded so I started splitting my time between the two just sucking up all the information I could find. As things got more serious between Ming Zhi and myself I valued the insights that the guy's who had done it before could give me. From letter writing to getting personal contact details and then on to webcams. I wrote some where else on here that it was like a bunch of guys holding up road signs all you had to do was follow them! I remember Irishman's first journey over to China. I would come home from work every night and read his updates. Knowing that one day I would be taking that trip myself. During all this time I never posted on either forum,I guess I felt like I had nothing to offer.
Then the Facebook group moved to the old site, I joined up immediately and received a welcoming message from Martin. So I wrote an introduction and hoped I would be accepted. It was strange, I had been reading ever ones posts for a good few months by this point and felt like I knew them as friends but of course they  knew nothing about me. It was Vince who told me to stop lurking in the shadows and start posting. So I did, and shared my hopes and fears with my fellow travelers, right up to the day of my marriage. Advice and comfort was never far away, along with a kick in the pants if needed too!

We are a group who are defiantly taking the road less travelled and the more information we can share between us the better the chances of those who follow are . I would like to add if you are a regular reader here please introduce yourselves and add to what we have. As Vince said stop lurking and start posting!

Offline Martin

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Re: Why I came to this site/forum
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2010, 12:23:36 am »
I can't remember why I joined this group.

Offline Bee964

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Re: Why I came to this site/forum
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2010, 12:36:45 am »
I joined this group to end up in a successful relationship with an asian woman. I need all the help I can get with this endevour.  ::)

Dave C
Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.


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Re: Why I came to this site/forum
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2010, 12:54:27 am »
Hahaha .. and I joined this Group .. after I got married already . So what am I doing her ???
Being with my Friends .. hope that is enough to stay on ?

Vince G

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Re: Why I came to this site/forum
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2010, 01:07:23 am »
Well at least one person listened to me?  Some people sit in the background thinking they won't fit in or afraid they will get rejected amongst other thoughts? I like giving people a chance to surface and give it a try.

Offline Okie_Rob

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Re: Why I came to this site/forum
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2010, 01:20:24 am »
David read my mind, but edited it, and said better than I ever could, but my thoughts were there !!
"USA, Wise Up!"  "美国,明智了! " "China has" " 中国有"

Offline maxx

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Re: Why I came to this site/forum
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2010, 01:32:53 am »
I joined like Arnold did I was already married and my wife was living with me.I had read the stuff that was posted on Chnlove.and could see half of the stuff that was getting posted.Wasn't even close to right.So I thought I would try to fix.Some of the wrong information.That was being posted.Then we all moved to face book.And then to the other sites.So I just followed along.

Why am I still here? Just to read the stories and to help you guys not make the same mistakes I did.When I started all of this.