Author Topic: Taking Prescription Drugs, and or Vitamins/Supplements into China  (Read 9205 times)

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Offline Okie_Rob

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Wondering, how to take vitamins, herbs and supplements to China on your flight to China….then crossing border into China, for those traveling from Hong Kong. … Well this is what I have experienced … the 4 times that I have traveled to China:
1.  I always take brand new bottle of the supplements, with the plastic seal on the bottle, not opened.  I also have a fact print out sheet, on each supplement , I have with me, which I never had to produce for an inspection. I do it this way, for my own peace of mind, in case, there would be a problem…. I always fear, that they may think me as a drug dealer … ???
2.  I have brought with me as many as 10 + supplements.
3.  I have never been hassled or checked.
4.  I have my most important supplements in my carry on luggage.
5.  Then I have my least important supplements in my check in luggage.
6.  I have had my carry on luggage checked by the airport security, with many supplements, but never a problem…they did not even look at them ????… never had to produce a fact sheet on any supplement … and  never checked by customs arriving into  Hong Kong Airport or Mainland  China????
7.  I was and still am and will always be paranoid about this…. But never had a problem.

8. It is much more cost effective to bring your vitamins and supplements with you, than to purchase in China.  China has very limited on the shelf vitamins and supplements, and they are very expensive if purchased  in China.

Your prescription drugs, and or medications, suggest have your written prescription with you, that you received from pharmacy … but then again, this was never checked, and an open pill bottle, I had with me. 

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Offline maxx

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Re: Taking Prescription Drugs, and or Vitamins/Supplements into China
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2010, 01:24:49 am »
Rob I do it the same way you do.Without the written facts sheet.I have never had a problem.


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Re: Taking Prescription Drugs, and or Vitamins/Supplements into China
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2010, 05:50:39 pm »
i to have never had a problem and i take them in my carry bag incase my cases got lost.

and here in guangzhou you can buy most items here but the prices are way out of line and expensive


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Re: Taking Prescription Drugs, and or Vitamins/Supplements into China
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2010, 09:07:05 pm »
2 trips no problems.

Offline Irishman

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Re: Taking Prescription Drugs, and or Vitamins/Supplements into China
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2010, 09:26:48 pm »
4 trips no problems, but given the extreme nature of what is likely to happen to you if they think you are bringing drugs into China I always :-

1) Bring unopened containers (i use high potency vitamin D3 for my skin)
2) For prescription stuff like my hayfever tablets, I bring the doctors prescription too.
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Offline Bee964

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Re: Taking Prescription Drugs, and or Vitamins/Supplements into China
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2010, 07:13:58 pm »
For prescription stuff like my hayfever tablets, I bring the doctors prescription too.

Would it be advisable to have it translated to chinese too? I am only asking because I am thinking of a trip and I too have alergies.

Dave C
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