Author Topic: Every journey starts with the first step......  (Read 14906 times)

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #30 on: July 16, 2010, 12:36:31 am »
have a wonderful successful trip best wishes


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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #31 on: July 16, 2010, 12:18:33 pm »
Jason , have a super time and by the way .. hence you in Shenzhen , why not meet up with " Yan " our Female Member .. who lives close to the Train Station . If time permit's it .


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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #32 on: July 16, 2010, 12:19:50 pm »
have a blast.

Offline Jason B

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #33 on: July 16, 2010, 11:48:18 pm »
Hi all, have made it.  Wendy met me at the airport as arranged and we hit it off from the start.  Life is just one big blast and getting better by the minute, China you have to experience it to believe it and I have only been here for 5 minutes.  Have been talking about so many different things with regards to the future that at the moment my head is just starting to stop spinning from actually being here let alone making sense of anything.

We had an interpreter (Sunny) come with Wendy to the airport, but Wendy's English is very good and we can communicate well so no need for Sunny's assistance anymore.

Well there goes the doorbell, Wendy has arrived back from going to the shops.  Take care everyone, will post more when I am by myself and not having a ball.
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.


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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #34 on: July 17, 2010, 12:45:53 am »
been shopping already in 5 minutes  lol!!!!     have a great time hope it all works out

Offline Jason B

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #35 on: July 18, 2010, 06:59:57 am »
OK guys, time for a quick update whilst Wendy is asleep.  Now that my head has stopped spinning from actually being here I will try and fill you in on what has happened over the last couple of days.  Before that I have been reading lately about photo shopped pictures of the ladies.  Whilst I can understand that this does happen and the lady only wants to put her best forward, all of the photos I have of Wendy are her.  She is exactly the same just minus the makeup.  What a knockout.

As mentioned earlier was met at the airport by Wendy and Sunny.  After a hair raising taxi ride to the hotel (more about this later) and checking in we decided that it was time for something to eat.  So a 5 minute walk to the restaurant nearest to the hotel and order some food.  For me it was simple, that picture looks nice so I will have that.  I ordered some beef dish and all the time the girls were laughing at something and I got the idea that they were up to something.  It turns out I was right.  They ordered a dish of something that I thought resembled some pork just covered in spices.  In go my chopsticks and it was really good food.  After a minute Wendy asked did I like the frogs?  I had never had frogs before but it tasted good and just to show
her that I wasn't going to get suckered into their little game I made Wendy eat some, but I do not think that she likes frogs.  Teach her right.

After lunch we went back to the hotel and used the complimentary vouches that they gave me when checking in to have a couple of drinks and Wendy told Sunny that we will not need her anymore.  Wendy has very good English and she later admitted that the only reason that she asked Sunny to be there at all was because she wanted to make a good impression and not say the wrong thing when we met at the airport, bless her.  The rest of the day is none of your business.

The next day we went into central Shenzhen to have a look around and take some photos.  I was trying to post some but the computer kept on rejecting them and this post and this is the third time that I have typed this so you will have to wait until I get home to see some photos.  We got a taxi to down town and I am now convinced that you can get a license from out of a cereal packet here.  They seem to do that here anyway.  What an experience being in a car here is.  Is it an unwritten sport here that all pedestrians are feral pests and must be wiped from the face of the earth at the first opportunity?  People walk across a crossing and the cars do not even slow down!  I think I have mastered the subtle art of crossing a street, head down make a bee line for the other side and do not get distracted in case I forget what I am doing and become some road kill.  And then Wendy had the great idea of walking up the road into the oncoming traffic!  No thanks I will take my chances on the footpath.

That night we had the best Peking Duck that I have ever had.  It was great and I understand that it is even better in Beijing.  Maybe next trip we will go there and try some.  Wendy is so marvelous, she always makes sure that there is food on my plate and that my tea cup is full.  I sit there sometimes and just marvel at all the attention and it seems like she does not even realize that she is doing it.  After dinner it was a stroll back to have another white knuckle ride in another taxi back to the hotel.

Today we went shopping again.  Wendy does not seem like a big window shopper, she knows what she wants and where to get it so off we go not looking at anything much and straight into the shop where she wants to go and buys what she needs.
Now we are going out to dinner a bit later.  Some time in the next couple of days we are going to visit her mother in Huizhon and stay for a couple of days.  That's all for now, I will write again soon.
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #36 on: July 18, 2010, 07:43:34 am »
Jason , now you know exactly why we love our Chinese princesses , they are are equal in every way , but they sure look after us , glad you are enjoying yourself and the taxi rides ha ha , you do get used to the driving , it is just when they drive on the wrong side of the road I get nervous , regards Robert and Sujuan .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
My QQ is   1994376895
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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #37 on: July 18, 2010, 09:15:48 am »

Great report.  Just keep in mind when exiting a store that there are electric scooters that do not make a sound and they drive on the sidewalk.  I almost got nailed by one my first day in Shenzhen.

Enjoy the rest of your stay.

Offline Rhonald

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #38 on: July 18, 2010, 09:17:20 am »
Good to read your GREAT start Jason. And welcome to your first experience to CHINA's real national sport - JAY WALKING  8)

If you spend more time in SHenzhen, then ask to be taken to the restaurant that is located on the top of a skyscraper. It is about 50 floors up and the floor rotates to give you a panorama view of the city. Go for the breakfest buffet as the lunch and dinner menu is quite a bit more money - I am not trying to fleece you with my golden advice  ;D
Life....It's all about finding the Chicks and Balances

Offline Jason B

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #39 on: July 18, 2010, 05:07:39 pm »
Jason , now you know exactly why we love our Chinese princesses , they are are equal in every way , but they sure look after us

Robert never a truer word spoken, Wendy is more than my equal.

Shaun, I know what you mean about the creeping bikes, one day one will come too close and cop a bit of Aussie abuse.

Rhonald, I asked Wendy about the restaurant and she does know it.  We may go there if time permits.

OK the boss is asleep so I thought I would ask people about some things/observations that have been on my mind.  I will write another update later.

Do Chinese women consider saying OK as their bond?  The first day Wendy asked if I wanted her to stay over the first night?  And I said I want you to stay forever to which she replied OK.  Now she reminds me of this every night.  Do not get me wrong I love it, just struck me as a bit strange to consider an OK as a type of bond.

Strange as it may seem it had never occurred to me that Wendy spoke Chinese, every letter or email that I have received from her has been in English.  When she talks to me she has the voice of an Angel but when she talks to others in Chinese she has the voice of all the Angels.  I am so in awe of this woman.

Going to see her mother has been playing on my mind for a while now.  I was going to ask Wendy to marry me before meeting her mother but now will postpone until after I meet her.  Am I doing the right thing?  Some advice from those that have been before me would be appreciated.

Oops the sleeping Dragon stirs, will write again soon.
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #40 on: July 18, 2010, 07:14:24 pm »
Jason , others will write , but here is my 2 pennith worth , you had already connected with Wendy prior to your visit , her asking you that Question about staying ,was her way of saying she was more than comfortable with meeting you face to face and your answer only confirmed it more , yes okay to her is an English word and as such has more meaning than we attach to it .
Their thousands of figures in their alphabet makes our 26 letters pale , but then we have words with the same spelling meaning different things whereas they do not .
If you are sure about Wendy and as she is now regarding you as a couple , might be a smart move to ask Wendy for her permission through her Chinese as Mum probably will not speak English for you to ask the Mother for permission to marry her daughter , just a thought , regards Robert and Sujuan .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
My QQ is   1994376895
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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #41 on: July 18, 2010, 07:55:36 pm »
Hi Jason
Aussie, Aussie..Oi, Oi, Oi !!!!

Glad to see another Aussie with his feet firmly on the path to paradise  ;D
With a bit of luck we will soon outnumber these Canuks here !!!

If you step out onto the road in Aus, as you know, you WILL get hit by a car or a motorbike. If you step out into the road in wont. I know it sounds strange but it takes a great leap of faith to do it, and while you are there, you wont see many accidents...dont ask me how the streets arent littered with is a complete mystery to me, but it works. Just close your eyes and go !!!

Always keep spare Jocks close...especially when riding in taxis !

Regarding "OK".....your words to Wendy that you would like her to stay with you forever.....Man, you just proposed !!! I would be pretty sure that this is how she would regard your words. Remember, however good her English is, she wont have the understanding of the subtleties and your words will be taken literally. DONT ever break a promise to a Chinese Lady....they always hold you to your word.............

Its a very good idea to do the right thing with Mum and Dad, even though the language thing is a bit tricky...but dive in, meet them and let them see that you have "honourable intentions" for their daughter. Once they understand this, you will be amazed how they will take you completely into their lives and treat you with absolute freindship, respect and attention. It is a very profound experience to be welcomed into a Chinese family.

Grett start you have made...keep it up and enjoy

Offline Irishman

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #42 on: July 18, 2010, 08:32:13 pm »
Jason , if you meet the folks...the question is already asked in Wendy's mind! She'll probably think it strange you asking it after you meet her mum.
Meeting the parents in China is a BIG DEAL, if you are meeting her mother, its to discuss marriage, don't doubt that for a second.

Her mother will be judging you for suitability, if she doesn't approve..forget about it....
You should bring gifts to her parents even if Wendy says its not are supposed to protest and insist...(let Wendy help you choose something guess is smokes for father and something to do with the kitchen for mother...)

Smile a lot and remember to compliment mothers cooking if she cooks for you !
« Last Edit: July 18, 2010, 08:35:23 pm by Irishman »
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.

Offline Jason B

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #43 on: July 18, 2010, 11:22:09 pm »
Well I have bitten the bullet and asked Wendy to marry me and she said yes of course I will.  I think that what David and Robert said about her having made up her mind was true.  She did not even think it strange that I had asked her.  Sort of a feeling of  about time you got around to asking me as I already had made up my mind.

I asked her about meeting her mum and the reply was:
"My mum is always asking when will I get married? (does this sound familiar to anyone)  She would rather she married a man who loved her than have to be forced into marrying an older Chinese man just because he has money."  Poor girl is only 35 she is not old but as we know for a Chinese girl to unmarried at that age is considered old or "past it".

Meeting the parents in China is a BIG DEAL, if you are meeting her mother, its to discuss marriage, don't doubt that for a second.  Her mother will be judging you for suitability, if she doesn't approve..forget about it....

Thanks Irishman now you have got me wondering and I asked Wendy about this, she said she does not really care too much what her mum thinks and we will get married anyway.  Her father passed away 15 years ago so only one person to win over.  I did bring a gift from Australia for her and we will find something local as well.

I have been discussing the future with Wendy and we have our cunning plan about 70 percent worked out.  Looks like there will be another contact in China permanently to look out for lost tourists.  So after this trip I will be going home sorting out all of my affairs and getting the paperwork together to get married and back here to so she can make an honest man out of me.

Now she has gone to tell her friends at work and left me alone in the hotel.  Happy but alone.  Later today we will go and have a look at some engagement rings and try to find something that suits her and makes her eyes sparkle even more.
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.


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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #44 on: July 18, 2010, 11:28:03 pm »
Congratz Jason.  I know you will be happy.  It looks like she already is.  Do you plan on living in Shenzhen?