Author Topic: Every journey starts with the first step......  (Read 14913 times)

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #75 on: July 25, 2010, 10:43:16 pm »
Good Luck with meeting mom Jason im sure evrything will be fine. dont get the change of underwear comment though??
Dont worry they dont check that lol!!!!

and you have to excuse the hair challenged people as they have sensitive feelings about that lol!!!! but not as bad as
the vertical challenged.

keep us updated on how it goes and when mom is just looking you up and down with a serious look on her face just smile
at her. keep smiling at her as this will go far if she sees you smiling all the time.

sounds like you have nothing to worry as it sounds like Wendy has filled her in with everything

best wishes


Offline Jadams79

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #76 on: July 26, 2010, 12:14:28 am »
Change of underwear, old saying... regionally different meaning, 1. in case you have an accidental release of biomass 2. when you die your body expels all waste. 3. if you are in an accident it is common for your body to expel itself.

So barring all strange circumstances, carry a set of clean underwear cause ya never know when ya might need them LOL!
Can't fix stupid.


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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #77 on: July 26, 2010, 12:31:05 pm »
i knew that lol!!! i was just wondering why he needed that  maybe from nerves lol!!!

Offline Jason B

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #78 on: July 27, 2010, 06:21:54 pm »
OK guys time for an update on what has happened the last couple of days....I have also updated my photo album so this post sort of accompanies the pictures or vise versa.

The day that Xia (Wendy) and I were going to see her mum her best friend (Annie) from school rang and said that she wanted to meet up first.  Must be some Chinese thing as Xia said that her friends opinion really counts as well.  Oh well whatever lets meet and have lunch I am hungry.  A great lunch hit it off with her friend and then I have to meet the husband (Gary) as well and then we go to some place where they are building some new apartments where they are thinking of buying a new unit.  Of course this is China so no way was the day going to end there.  There is a mountain the humidity is about 1000% so they have the great idea lets go and climb up it.  The street up was so steep that I ended up piggy backing Xia most of the way and by the time I get to the top I am a shot bird and Xia is as fresh as a daisy and wondering what I am complaining about.  Then back down the mountain and home for a shower and the earliest night I have had here.

Next day we met up with Sunny and her boyfriend (forget his name) at karaoke.  If you have never been to karaoke in China it is unlike anything we have in the west.  Well Australia at least.  The building is set out into many little not too soundproof booths and you hire a booth for whatever time period you like.  Get some beer and snacks pick the songs you like from the menu and then sing at the top of your lungs.  It was fun but really started to hurt my ears after a while.  Is this a sign that I am getting old?  After singing like idiots for a while we go and have hot pot.  Not my favorite meal as I have mentioned previously but just good to be in the company of some great friends and to enjoy some time together.

Finally the day has arrived to go and meet mama.   A short taxi ride to the bus depot in Shenzhen (near where the trains leave for other provinces and the border crossing to Hong Kong) and board the bus and a one hour ride to Huizhou, the ugliest city I have seen in China.  Not much of a tourist destination, hot as hell and smelly.  Xia does not like to come here either although she accepts that this is where her mother lives but wouldn't like to live here herself.  Cannot blame her.  A short walk through town and we arrive at mama's apartment that she shares with Xia's brother Chun.  What a wonderful lady.   She is so warm and welcoming that I start to wonder why did I bring that extra change of underwear.  We go shopping and I buy mama a blatant rip off from some famous designer handbag, Xia says we buy her some clothes and that is it I am now number one and mama is like a little kid in a candy store.   Then we go back home and give mama cooks lunch and my taste buds are not believing what they are tasting.  This is the best Chinese food I have ever had and if Xia is anywhere near half as good as her mum then I will be one happy man for ever.  Not that I am not already.  Her brother Chun then comes home from work and we have a beer together and he asks me a couple of brotherly questions like you protect my sister and love her I come and beat you up.  You know the typical brother looking after sister thing.  Xia's aunt comes over next and she is very shy and just looks at me and smiles like a shy kid but that's OK and we all sit down to dinner and another great meal.  After dinner mama asks me do I hit women?  It took some explaining that as far as I am concerned to hit a woman ranks just above being a pedophile once she understood this she was happy and explained that so many Chinese men think that they have the right to beat their wives as they see fit.  Disgusting is the only word that came to mind.  So now mama likes me and we end up staying overnight and come back to Shenzhen the next day.

So to sum up a great couple of days meeting some old friends and meeting new family.  I think that I have struck a great relationship with Xia's brother.  Her mother likes me and I can notice a greater loving attitude from Xia as if some great burden has been lifted.  Maybe this was great "if mama does not like you than that is the end of our relationship" thing although she had told me that it was not an issue.  They time since that meeting has been incredible to say the least.  I have also extended my trip by 10 days as I do not want to go home.  But I will return before the end of the year and we are then going to travel around China on a whirl wind tour together for about 10 days.  We have decided that we are going to get married in February next year to coincide with Chinese New Year celebrations so Vince you can change my status to E. 

Last night back at the hotel we were looking at the requirements for visa's to move to Australia etc. and I noticed that the application place in Sydney is near to where I work so I told Xia that once we get the ball rolling in that direction that if there is any problems or clarification on any point required I can just go and see them during a break at work.

That's about all the news for now.  Will update again in a couple of days when I have some more adventures to speak of.  Take care and for all of those contemplating a trip to China regardless of the outcome with the ladies I can guarantee you you will love the place.
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.

Offline Rhonald

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #79 on: July 27, 2010, 07:55:33 pm »
What a remarkable time you had Jason. You meet a new Love and exercised your heart as well as your legs being a beast of burden as witnessed by your pictures. Maybe she was just testing out your fitness level as she aspires for more physical contact  ;D

Thanks for the journey and the pictures....Oh Yea....and a BIG congrats on your engagement.
Life....It's all about finding the Chicks and Balances


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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #80 on: July 27, 2010, 08:16:01 pm »
Jason, great report.  The real test was carrying her up the hill.  Good thing you passed.

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #81 on: July 27, 2010, 08:40:52 pm »
This was some good reading.
You tell a great story. Glad to hear all went well.
Jimmy Henson

Vince G

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #82 on: July 27, 2010, 10:45:07 pm »
I was glad to move you to the E position. My monitor isn't doing well and I'm waiting on a new one so even though I saw the photos, I'll have to take a look again later. I'm glad all is going well for you, keep it up? Ah, well you know what I mean.  :o

Offline Jason B

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #83 on: July 27, 2010, 11:08:52 pm »
I'm glad all is going well for you, keep it up? Ah, well you know what I mean.

You bet Vince unlike some of our older brothers I do not need THOSE pills! ;)
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.


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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #84 on: July 28, 2010, 02:12:23 am »

i am one of the older brothers here and i DONT use the pills. but i am concerned having to buy Willy,s and Shaun,s shipments
all the time the ladies at the drug store must wonder were i am getting it all  lol!!!!!1

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #85 on: July 28, 2010, 02:46:24 am »
Jason , terrific update and photo's , not to many Aussies left that are not connected up , congrats on moving to E on the list , regards Sujuan and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #86 on: July 28, 2010, 05:05:26 am »
and i forgot to say congrats to the two of you.  many happy years to come.

on a side note are you needing the info for all the bookings for each member to come to the big day ;)

Offline Jason B

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #87 on: July 28, 2010, 07:51:09 pm »
are you needing the info for all the bookings for each member to come to the big day ;)

I will let all know but this is a general invite to all brothers and wives that live in China or will be visiting China in February to come and celebrate with us.  It would be great to catch up with some of the members here and to be able to talk with someone instead of it all being in Chinese and just Xia's family.
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.


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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #88 on: July 28, 2010, 11:36:59 pm »
well febuary is just around the corner and will be here fast. good luck!   you will find that there will be lots of
extra planning involved and will change frequently but its all good

Offline Jason B

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #89 on: August 02, 2010, 03:57:21 am »
OK brothers time for an update....I can not believe that it has been about a week since I last posted something.  Boy the time goes so fast here and seemed to drag on for ever waiting to come here.  As mentioned previously I have extended my trip but I still think that it is still not enough.  I love the place and to be here with such a wonderful, beautiful girl is just a bonus.  I have posted some more pictures to accompany this update.

Xia and I have spent a couple of days looking for an engagement ring.  How different she is to a girl in the Western world.  I do not want to spend so much money she says on just a ring when we can put it towards building our house.  But a girl in Australia would look at it like if you do not spend the entire GDP on a ring you do not love me.  Yesterday she finally decided on the one she liked the best so we went and bought it.  The smile that it brought to her face is something that will live with me forever.  Then I explained that when we get married in February she will get another ring which did confuse her, but after some explaining she know understands.  That is all the private information I am going to share with you, but lets say if Xia is smiling my smile is bigger.

On the tourist front we have not done a great deal.  If you are thinking of coming to Shenzhen then think only of shopping and a few sight seeing things.  We did go to China Folk Culture Villages (think of the Polynesian Cultural Village in Hawaii for those that have been there) and spent about six hours walking around and watching the various displays from the different ethnic groups that make up China.  I thought that the mock horse battle was the highlight of the day.  The entry ticket also enables you to visit Splendid China which is full of miniature displays of all of the famous buildings and landmarks.

On the social front I have met every member of Xia's family that lives in or near Shenzhen.  I have been treated to some of the best Chinese food I have ever tasted and from all reports all of Xia's family speak highly of me and are all supportive of our relationship and upcoming wedding.  We spent a delightful couple of days with her cousin and then met her uncle and aunty before taking them all out for dinner.  We are going back to visit her mum before I return to Australia in about two weeks time.

The dragon says hello to everyone and to know that she is happy that I have some people to talk to about this whole adventure and who understand about a long distance relationship (this did open my eyes to how the other half copes with no one to really support them) and more importantly for both of us people who have been there before us and are willing to help others with their experiences in bringing our wives to other countries.

Take care, that's all for now another update soon.
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.