Author Topic: Every journey starts with the first step......  (Read 14929 times)

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Offline Jason B

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #45 on: July 19, 2010, 12:51:19 am »
Whilst waiting for Wendy to return I have been creative and have made a photo album in the media section called Shenzhen July 2010.  Enjoy the pictures will add more as the trip continues.

Do you plan on living in Shenzhen?

Yes we do and then her mother is only one hour away by bus.  She lives with her brother at the moment I asked about when we buy our apartment if her mother will come and live with us and Wendy said that she likes living with her brother.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2010, 12:53:20 am by Jason B »
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #46 on: July 19, 2010, 01:45:51 am »
I hope you have a gift for brother as well. You are not only marrying Wendy, but also the entire family. You want brother impressed and happy. A carton of cigarettes If he smokes will do the trick.

Offline Jason B

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #47 on: July 19, 2010, 09:31:39 am »
OK time for another update whilst the Dragon is having a shower.

Not much happened today......yeah right......the one thing that I never thought would happen again has.  I am now officially a kept man.  It never stops to amaze me how much Wendy reminds me that she would never do what my ex did.  Chinese girls do not do this she says, I stay with you forever.  I believe her as I do not have any reason not to and her actions the last couple of days have not given any other indication than she is going to be my girl for ever.

I now have until Friday to think of how I am going to win the Dragon's mum over as that is when we are going to visit.  I spoke to Wendy over dinner tonight (strange to come all the way to China to Italian, but that is what she wanted to have for dinner as she has never had it before and who am I to argue?) what else to get her mum, I have a hand painted plate done by an aboriginal artist that I know in Sydney but I wanted to get something else too based on suggestions on here.  Anyway Wendy says we will just give her 200 CNY and she can buy what she wants.  Seems like a good deal to me $34 AUD for her daughter.  But gee I hate getting ripped off.  I have inquired about the dowry and all of that (just felt wrong and really awkward to approach the subject and  to discuss this, but I had to know) and Wendy said nothing more is required.  Just don't know what to get the brother yet, would have been easy if he smoked.  But he doesn't and neither do I, I would not have know how to buy some smokes anyway.

Anyway after dinner off to buy some fruit to munch on whilst in the hotel room and just about to go back when out of the corner of my eye I spy a little ice cream shop that I can not remember the name of.  In we go and had some Chinese ice cream.  It is different for sure, but I know that I will be back, really loved the stuff.  And when I move here I might just happen to buy shares in the place, I have to get something for the amount of money that I will probably spend in the place.

Tomorrow is a free day with not much planned but will see what unfolds, might be a good time to buy some souvenirs for the family back home.  Still loving every second here and today will live with me forever.
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #48 on: July 19, 2010, 09:51:57 am »
Jason , just a thought , take Mother some nice fresh fruit , she can share with others , and you will be nibbling them to during your time there , my Sujuan always says flowers are good , but you cannot eat them ha ha , also we loved your photo's , regards Robert and Sujuan .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline mustfocus

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #49 on: July 19, 2010, 03:51:30 pm »
Semi-side track, but since Jason's been calling his lady the dragon...thought I would bring up this oldie...  It's called 龙的传人 (Long De Chuan Ren ... Descendants of the Dragon)

Now back to your regularly scheduled thread...

Really happy for you Jason!  I hope you enjoy the week and the leadup to the big meeting.  Robert is right... Fresh fruit is always a good choice.

As for a gift for the brother (or potential uncle in law  :D ) check to see if he likes wines/spirits... Just an idea.
梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen


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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #50 on: July 19, 2010, 04:18:58 pm »
A Tip on the Fruit to bring . They love Leeche's/Banana's/Watermelon and if you can find them " Our BIG red Grapes , which are quite expensive in Shanghai that is . Make sure their Fresh !


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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #51 on: July 19, 2010, 08:49:57 pm »
not sure what they are called but there is a fruit from Guangzhou that is red in colour and has a hard exterior
that looks like a bunch of large grapes. you peel the hard cover off and there is a really sweet grape like item
in the middle. only can be gotten this time of year. about 12 rmb a kg in Guangzhou but they do sell them outside
Guangzhou for about 18 rmb

she would like that   get them cold before you eat them as they are much better that way on a hot day

Offline mustfocus

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #52 on: July 19, 2010, 08:59:57 pm »
Sounds like lychee...  be careful of those... too much and you could easily get a sore throat....
梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen


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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #53 on: July 19, 2010, 09:07:56 pm »
i will have to ask my wife when she gets back from work today. i dont remember the name
but they are good. just sitting in the hotel in beijing till the early noon time then will go out.

for those of you coming to beijing very soon it is really hot and humid here since we came
back from Bautou

Offline mustfocus

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #54 on: July 19, 2010, 09:33:53 pm »
If it's brown or yellowish, it's most likely longan.    I've attached a picture of what Lychee looks like...
梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen


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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #55 on: July 19, 2010, 09:39:54 pm »
mustfocus  yes thats the one

Offline Jason B

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #56 on: July 20, 2010, 04:34:42 am »
Well I am now officially a wimp.  I did not have the intestinal fortitude of someone like Shaun.  Wendy did not like my goatee and rather than have the wrath of the Dragon to deal with I reluctantly shaved it off.  She likes it but I feel so naked.

Not much happened today, very slow, Wendy is feeling ill (girl probs) so we spent most of the day in the hotel room, her sleeping and me watching TV.  We did venture out for some noodles for lunch and will go out for some dinner later.  I am trying to convince her to come and watch a movie.

Not much of an update I know but I guess I just have to look after her and make sure that she is OK.  She is number one so anything that I may want to do has to wait for now.
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.


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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #57 on: July 20, 2010, 08:27:16 am »

I should have read your post before I shaved mine off this morning. Haha.  Kidding, I still have it.  I do think its days are numbered.  Peggy will ask me every now and then to shave it off.  I can "keep the mustache but the beard hair has got to go'" she says.  My last trip every time she said it I would hand her either the razor or the scissors to take it off and she would not do it.  But eventually I will give in, I think.

Offline Jason B

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #58 on: July 20, 2010, 08:38:19 am »
I do think its days are numbered.  Peggy will ask me every now and then to shave it off.

Shaun, don't give in someone has to make a stand for all of us folicaly (sp) challenged men in this world.  I did not and now there is more nakedness in the world.

But to see her smile a smile that would light up the world when I emerged from the bathroom clean shaven for the first time in about 3 years was enough to convince me that I had done the right thing.
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.

Offline Bee964

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #59 on: July 20, 2010, 08:44:53 am »
Jason, Shaun,

I thought that these chinese girls liked facial hair. The girl I have been chatting with says she likes the beard I have. I hope that she doesn't change her mind.

Hope that Wendy feels better soon Jason.

Dave C
Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.