Author Topic: Every journey starts with the first step......  (Read 14926 times)

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Offline Jason B

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #60 on: July 20, 2010, 09:02:45 am »
Dave, don't know about your girl but Wendy certainly did not, she would sit there and run her fingers through the goatee and just sigh and give this look.  You need to shave it says I.....yes says Dragon.....Dragon 1 gutless wonder 0.

Now the pressure is on to shave my head.....what does she want a Shoalin Monk?  But that will never happen......maybe if she shaved her head too.

Hope that Wendy feels better soon Jason.

Thank you very much Dave most appreciated.  I miss her smile and energy
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.


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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #61 on: July 20, 2010, 10:15:57 am »
lots of chinese ladies like the moustaches and goatees as they arent to prevelant and are different
here.  i even have at times wanting to touch the hairy arms  now go figure that one out.

as far as the head i wouldnt do that one unless i had a considerable amount already missing lol!!!

Offline chen yan

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #62 on: July 21, 2010, 12:05:45 am »
Haha, Nauty Mike,
 This beard thing remind me some funning thing when I was a kid. My dad's friend who has a beard  like to tickle my cheek by his beard, everytime I saw him, I just stay
away from him. Now I grow up, when I met him ,we just nod head and smile,still cann't
forget the beard thing.
Love ,Joy ,Peace~


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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #63 on: July 21, 2010, 12:59:48 am »
Talking about Beard's , Qing has seen Photo's of the time I had a full Beard ( for about a year ) and is soooo glad she does not have to see me this way now . She keeps telling me .. you get much handsome as you get older . I wont argue with that ! :)


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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #64 on: July 21, 2010, 02:29:00 am »
and we wont comment on that Arnold  hahaha

Offline Jason B

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #65 on: July 21, 2010, 04:20:54 am »
Today Wendy and I had a very long discussion over lunch about what the future is going to hold for us.  As many may have read I was prepared to drop everything and move to China to be with her.  I had never told her but I was prepared to do it even though to be honest I would not have been the happiest, but sometimes you just do what you believe is right.  I think that the biggest thing that I did not like about her moving to Australia was the amount of time it takes to get visa's etc.  It is going to kill me to be so far away from her, but others have done this and survived.

Well Wendy could see straight through my plan and had a feeling that I was doing this for her and not for us.  She said that she did not believe that moving to China was the best move for either of us.  I would have to work to provide some sort of future for us and after a lengthy discussion on this the final outcome is "just how stable is a teaching job in China?"  Sure I may get employment for a one year contract and then have to go through resigning contracts etc. and there is no such thing as a stable work environment when you are relying on a contract to keep working.

So to cut to the chase (and after reviewing what I have written so far....gee it sounds negative and bad) yes we are still together and are getting married as soon as possible (ie. correct paperwork etc) but now she is going to come to Australia and live.  We can build the type of future that I had always envisioned for us there, I will still sell my apartment and then we plan on building a house together for us both to live in.

I am a lot happier now and it seems that a big weight has been lifted.  It just felt so wrong to keep this from her, sort of like I have a lie that I am keeping from her.  Now that this is in the open all is good and now it is full speed ahead.

The only thing that I did not win on was growing my goatee back, still plotting my revenge for this,  but at least she will not make me shave my head now.
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.

Offline Chong

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #66 on: July 21, 2010, 05:52:07 am »
I think that the biggest thing that I did not like about her moving to Australia was the amount of time it takes to get visa's etc.  It is going to kill me to be so far away from her, but others have done this and survived.

My friend's wife [ living in Sydney ] said it took them 4 months through the Beijing office. They conducted two telephone interviews concurrently. She met her husband and married after an one week whirlwind. They were match-made through the husband's family. He's a Fiji-Chinese born living in Australia and his ancestral family village is in Guangdong.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2010, 05:55:08 am by Chong »

Offline Martin

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #67 on: July 21, 2010, 06:23:03 am »
Now the pressure is on to shave my head.....what does she want a Shoalin Monk?  But that will never happen......maybe if she shaved her head too.

And WTF is wrong with having a bald head???  hahaha


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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #68 on: July 21, 2010, 06:46:34 am »
What is wrong with a bald head?  Well some people already have too much face is it is.  When you shave the rest the face looks even bigger.   But then again your have Martin's issue.   ;D

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #69 on: July 21, 2010, 06:50:31 am »
What is wrong with a bald head?  Well some people already have too much face is it is.  When you shave the rest the face looks even bigger.   But then again your have Martin's issue.   ;D

I don't know if I should laugh, or be mad.  heehee


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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #70 on: July 21, 2010, 02:05:58 pm »
Laugh Martin, Laugh.  You don't have to worry about too much face.  When I was talking about that I was thinking of me.  I shave my head once about 5 years ago.  I won't say I'll never do that again because Peggy has mentioned it a couple of times.

Funny thing is she likes the way I look with the mustache and goatee but it tickles her.  She is slowly coming around I think.

Offline Martin

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #71 on: July 21, 2010, 05:03:59 pm »
It's all in fun Shaun.  I asked my wife if I was allowed to grow a beard, and the answer was pretty definitive....NO!

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #72 on: July 21, 2010, 11:01:42 pm »
I have a full head of hair and chest hair to match.  I wanted to shave my chest but my wife tells me NO.  She likes to run her fingers through it. 

She wanted me to gow a beard but I was adamant against that.  One simple reason - you cannot control the color of facial hair as easy as head hair!!!!!!

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Jason B

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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #73 on: July 22, 2010, 10:46:53 pm »
OK this thread has gotten off topic a little bit.....that's enough about hair or lack of.

A quick update on what has been happening.

The last couple of days Wendy has been feeling unwell and I have been looking after her.  Sure seems strange to have someone to care for again.  But I am managing and to be honest I am enjoying doing it.

Yesterday she felt the best in a couple of days and we went out to the movies and watched "After Shock" a really great movie about the Chinese earthquake in 1976 and the aftermath for one family.  It was a tear jerker to be sure, but I left the cinema with a really good feeling inside.  I can definitely recommend this movie to anyone who gets the chance to see it.  That night we went and had Hot Pot and although it was really good food I have to agree with what Martin said in a previous post somewhere.  It is OK but some how I feel cheated to go to a restaurant and have to cook my own food.

Today we are going to go and see her mother, must remember to take a change of underwear.  Will post the aftermath when I can.  I know everything should be alright, Wendy has told me there is nothing to worry about I have told my mum all about you and this is really just a formality to see you and to meet.

Until next time stay happy.
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.


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Re: Every journey starts with the first step......
« Reply #74 on: July 23, 2010, 08:48:42 pm »
Good luck Jason.