Many thanks again to all of you for all your messages :$
Irishman', as you say, I'm over the moon, feeling more than very happy. All should be ok in less than 10 days, then, she'll be here

If you wish to come and visit Paris, we should be there anyway in end of August till the end of September. Then, we will fly again to Gz to see her family, (one week if possible), then, coming back in France.
In December, we still will be in Paris.
But a meeting somewhere could be a nice idea

and I think that we could go with Liyan somewhere, close to Switzerland (Geneva)

Even for a week-end

Ted, Liyan's health seems to be very good.
She met a doctor, and he told her everything was fine, she didn't have to worry if she would have one day to expect a baby ^^'
thanks to care

Chong, as you say, I hope too that Liyan can like many things in France, not only my family ^^ As it will be her first trip outside China, anyway, it must be a very beautiful experience to live, for her