Author Topic: Liyan's coming in France  (Read 22256 times)

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Offline Rhonald

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #105 on: September 20, 2010, 10:33:22 pm »
Sly now please confess...... not only do you have two lovely ladies with you in the picture, but that is your home in the background is it not?

Anyways a big congrats to a gentleman who shared with us a rollercoaster of emotions with your journeys to the far east. After all the pounding your heart has taken, I am happy to see that you finally have yourself a beautiful bride. Who knew that you could win at tennis  with a score of LOVE game, set, & match  ;)
« Last Edit: September 20, 2010, 10:35:19 pm by Rhonald »
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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #106 on: September 20, 2010, 10:37:40 pm »
I would like to add Ming Zhi and my best wishes to you both. May you have many happy years ahead of you ;)

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #107 on: September 21, 2010, 06:12:48 am »
Sly and MRS Sly congratulations, may you both be blessed with all of life's riches in the coming years.
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.

Offline Sylvain D

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #108 on: September 23, 2010, 11:19:15 am »
Hi to all the brotherhood :)
sorry to not post as long as possible, I got my daughter for 2 days and we were quite often busy with many things and papers to do/look for (process) )
To answer to Rhonald, in fact, how did you guess it was my house on the photo? haha ^^'
I would thank once again all the brotherhood, because you also helped me to make my dream come true, and your comments are really helpful.

Actually, my wife (eh now, I can say Liyan is my wife ^^) is sleeping, she feels tired, maybe because of my daughter who wakes up early in the morning and can not stay in bed a little bit some more minutes ^^ (that's the way it is, living in a studio... so little, and so, no way to have a place where you can have some rest when wanted/needed ^^)

By the way.
I called the french consulate, and asked what Liyan needs to give (papers), to get another visa, and to stay in France for ever.
So, she needs the family book, another paper which says we are officially married, a paper which says I am french nationality, 2 photos, her passport, and also, she needs to fulfill 2 papers for a long stay visa.
The process can take about 2 weeks, so I think she could be back in France just before her birthday :)

About the registration in France.
when Liyan will come back, she will have a paper, regarding the Immigration process. She will need to write some information about her and me, our adress and some other things. She will then need to send that paper to a city, where she will have a checking later (body), to see if everything is right and if she can work or not. Then, when that will be over, she'll have another paper which says that she can work or not. (of course she can...)  ====> we will then have to go to the prefecture, and then, she will have to fulfill again some papers. As her visa can be up to one year, the prefecture will be able to make it longer (she needs to go there up to 3 months until her visa ends), and so, she'll be able to stay more in France. She will also be able to get some money (family allowance?), and also, be able to work if she wants.
It seems the process is not as difficult as I would had been thinking in fact.... ^^

the story of the wedding day will be posted, maybe tomorrow, sorry, I will do my best to talk about all that happened on that 18th September :)

Thanks again to all of the brotherhood for everything :)
Liyan and Sylvain
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Offline Chong

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #109 on: September 23, 2010, 06:51:50 pm »
I called the french consulate, and asked what Liyan needs to give (papers), to get another visa, and to stay in France for ever.
So, she needs the family book, another paper which says we are officially married, a paper which says I am french nationality, 2 photos, her passport, and also, she needs to fulfill 2 papers for a long stay visa.

... and some Croissants and a dozen Macarons from Laduree. Have Liyan tried these yet ?

Offline Bee964

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #110 on: September 23, 2010, 08:02:31 pm »
I called the french consulate, and asked what Liyan needs to give (papers), to get another visa, and to stay in France for ever.
So, she needs the family book, another paper which says we are officially married, a paper which says I am french nationality, 2 photos, her passport, and also, she needs to fulfill 2 papers for a long stay visa.

... and some Croissants and a dozen Macarons from Laduree. Have Liyan tried these yet ?

.....or the cheese wheel in Annecy!! mmmmmmmmm good!
Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.

Offline Sylvain D

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #111 on: October 01, 2010, 06:29:56 am »
Liyan also likes eating croissants, sometimes, and about some macarons, she likes it, but as she says "a little bit" :)

By the way, now, she's back and China and I feel also more than sad to not be with her everyday. But well, we did have no choice, just because she had to go back in China to get another visa. I will explain about that process later, and also, I did not have enough money to go there with her... :( (what a pity)...

I will tell now about our wedding day, sorry for those last days without news... always thinking too much and the "temper" is sometimes down because she's not here.. well.

Wedding day, Saturday, September 18th.
The morning went so fast !!! I woke up at 7:00 (am, of course ^^) and then, shaved and had shower, as Liyan was still sleeping. When I finished, I said her that she could wake up, just because her brother and her papa wanted to talk with us on QQ at 8:00. They were very happy to see us, and Liyan's papa had a headset with microphone on his head.
We could not stay too long, as we had to prepare, and they wished us all the best for that wonderful day. We also thanked them, and then, went to the hairdresser for 09:00.
Once arrived there, we spent about 1h30 to check for Liyan's haircut and make it very good. The hairdresser (a woman) was very good and gave some advices for Liyan's hairs, because most of people know that chinese hairs are "strong" ^^
In fact, she could do some "loops" in her hairs, and the result was very good ! Liyan really liked it, so did I and another woman who was waiting her "turn", too :)
Then, we came back home and spent one hour just to "relax". Because we were invited for lunch time at my parent's home :)
Everything was ready, as our clothes, waiting for us ^^'
Because of the money which was very "little", we had to celebrate the wedding with 20 people, family and friends.
That is very few people, I know, but as I said when celebrating our wedding, man can have one hundred people and may can know only 15% of them, very good. And can also not know who are the other ones. But in our case, we have 20 people who are equal to "Quality". Meaning that quantity does not make quality.
(I'll talk about that later ^^)

When we arrived to my parent's home, my "godfather" was arrived with his 2 daughters, from South of France (a bit more than 5 hours by car). We didn't see them since our holidays in south of France, and his 2 daughters had fun with my daughter ^^
They were very happy to be here, on that special day, and to share that with us. So were Liyan and myself :)
My grandma offered us some flowers, so did some friends of my parents :) my parents also had bought some flowers, even the one to be put in the car, on the "back"?
My ex called my mother to say that she'd arrive late, because the hairdresser was late in fact... so my daughter didn't have anything to eat before arriving to my parent's home... anyway, my mother knew that my daughter could eat with us, even if she'd be late, and so, all was ok... even if some "little stress" could happen because I thought at first that my daughter would be at my parents home before me and Liyan... but not... my ex and my daughter arrived 30 mins later... my ex just said that she had another bus to go back to her home, so she could not stay too much... anyway I didn't have anything to say about that :)

Later, one of my friends arrived with his girlfriend to my parents home, and the lady helped Liyan for the dress and also, to make up :)
Some other friends arrived, as the family, too, and we all could see Liyan with her wedding dress.
How beautiful she was !!! I just felt like the wolf in Tex Avery's cartoons, with big eyes and the tongue rolling ^^'

We then prepared to go to the town hall. One of my best friends was waiting for us there, with the translator :)
About 10 mins later, everybody was with us, and we did some photos just before the wedding. As I was one of his witnesses for his own wedding many years before, I also wanted him to be my witness for my wedding with Liyan. We didn't see each other for almost 2 years, and when we met in front of the town hall, he and his wife were very happy to see me again, and to meet my wife :) they were with their 2 children who were very cute, even if one was just like "strange" sometimes (always wanted to touch/hug/ask a kiss (not on the face) to Liyan) :D (at 6 years old!)
The translator was very happy to meet us again, as she helped us before with the wedding contract :) she talked a bit with Liyan in chinese, and a woman came to us, saying that the previous wedding was late... but as we were ready for our wedding, so we could go... and the previous wedding would then wait... I just thought it was crazy to be late, the day for wedding... was it cancelled or did something happen? anyway, I didn't mind about it, just because I was ready to marry !

Before going into the town hall, some children were asked to help Liyan with her dress ^^ it was very beautiful to see, and some other photos were done, as the music for weddings was beginning :)
We then entered in a big room, but the mayor was not here, someone was just here, as substitute, with another woman, whom Liyan and me told before, about the wedding, and the papers needed.
We were 22, children included. Everybody was listening to the mayor, and also, to the translator.
I could guess it was a bit difficult for the translator to say to Liyan everything the mayor was saying in french, but well, she could do it, and Liyan could understand clearly :)
When the mayor asked Liyan at first, if she wanted to marry me, Liyan looked at the translator, and said something I did not understand (in chinese)... then, the translator and Liyan laughed, and the mayor said "I guess it is a "yes"? , and the translator said that "of course, Yes!"
Then, the mayor looked at me and asked if I wanted to marry Liyan. I was thinking about that one word which can make all change in so few seconds, making all your life change... then, everybody could hear a "Oui"! (yes) but little "shy", from what my father said to me later...
The mayor looked at Liyan and me, and invited us to fullfill the last papers, saying that now, we are officially married.
The "witnesses"? were also invited to fulfill, and me and Liyan were very happy to finally do it. To do all the process to getting married, and to be able to live together.
Of course, kisses were done, and applauses were also shared to celebrate our wedding.
We then thanked the man who was substituting the mayor and the other woman, and were invited to go outside, with the music for weddings, once again :)
Many people were waiting for the other wedding and also, looked at Liyan and myself, as my family and our friends did some photos.
I then was thinking to all the stories about the brotherhood, saying to myself that yes, the difficults steps were over, behind us, and that we could now begin our new life, together.
We did some other photos behind the town hall, with members of my family, and also with some friends and the witnesses. We asked the translator if she wanted to come for having a cup of Champagne, to celebrate our wedding, but as her daughter was back from Singapore, and stayed in Paris only one day, she could not stay with us. I also noticed I had forgotten my "checkbook" at home, because I had to give money for the help done by the translator. She looked at me that I didn't have to worry, that i could send the money later, it was ok. I was a bit disapointed because of my "lack" but well, she said that it was ok and that she wished to Liyan and me all the best and many happyness.

About 20 mins later, we went back to my parents home, and celebrated the wedding with some Champagne and sweeties, and some other "cakes appetizers" :)
My daughter had some fun to play with the other children and to do some photos with me and Liyan :)
One of our friends really liked my daughter, and also did some photos with her.
Everything was just PERFECT to me, and I could begin to "distress" a little bit...

As the afternoon was ending slowly, we went to the restaurant, in a beautiful place in fact. The hotel is a 3*, and has also a very good restaurant.
Once there, we waited for some of the friends (one of them was lost, he couldn't follow us, so he had to use his gps... ) even if he lived before not far away from the restaurant and also knew before how to go there.. haha)
All the family and friends who came, took many photos and were very happy to celebrate our wedding :) some of my friends kidding me, saying "finally, you did it! you are now married ! congratssssssss!!" or "haha, who could think that one day, you would be married? ^^" or also "wow... so far to find your love. But it is a very beautiful lovestory !! Congrats" !!!
Liyan and me were just more than happy.. as if we would be flying...
I know I encountered many difficulties, and once again, I would again thank all of the brotherhood for your PRECISOUS ADVICES and COMMENTS because it is really helpful !
Man can not "permit" to go in China, hands in the pockets, without any knowledge about china or chinese customs (and habits), nor than talking a little bit chinese...
I also was thinking about all of you, who have lived that wedding with your chinese love before, or who also dream to marry, later.
I remembered about my first meeting with Arnold and Qing, saying to myself "one day, I hope to live the same with Liyan".
And so, here we are... Now married ^^

The dinner at the restaurant was very good :) (seafood, meats, steack for children and some potatoes, vegetables, orange juice and coke, and for us, wine (rosé, red and white wine).  Some music was played, because a dj works for the restaurant since 30 years. My parents know him just a little bit and we were introduced to him one week before our wedding. He was very happy to meet Liyan and said that I was very lucky (should I really believe him? :D) We talked a little bit that we were coming back on next week, because of our wedding. And so, he asked if we liked some songs.. and Liyan said "Babylon"... so I told the DJ about that famous song from Boney M "by the rivers of Babylon", and then, less than 30 secs later, he put the music on, and Liyan was very happy :)

We were 2 tables, because we did not have choice. The restaurant said at first that we had "time" to book for the wedding day, that we could wait 2 weeks easily before booking. But when I was back from my holidays in south of france, the restaurant said "we are full, sorry :( "... it is my fault, I should had given some money to book.. But well, a man who had to call there later to confirm his booking, didn't call, and so... we had luck to celebrate our wedding there.
Everybody liked the place, the food, the drinkings, and also, could dance :)
What else so ask, for a wedding day? Seeing everybody happy, sharing the most important day of my life with them, gave me more than happyness.
Later, we were asked, for the dessert, to say something. I then woke up and said that we wanted at first thanking everyone to be here, with us, celebrating our wedding. That, in fact, we were maybe few people. But there was quality. Everybody was happy, so we were, too. That yes, we finally did it, and I lost some words because I became a bit shy... (the tears could had come but I hided it by showing a big smile instead)
Liyan then woke up and we shared our drink together :)
Champagne !!!!
(wow, the champagne was very good !!!!) ^^

Family and friends applaused, as the cake for the wedding day was being "cut" for all of us.
A bit later, we heard a famous song... from Boney M, so we went on the dancefloor, to dance ^^

Liyan was so happy for all of that, and that is was I really wanted. To do everything I could/can, to make her happy, even if her family could not be with us. Plus, her family was to another wedding, in China.
No webcam with them, so.

The wedding day finished with the family and friends after 02:00 am, and we thanked again all of them to have been here, with us.
Later, we went back home.
How wonderful it is, to bring your wife back home. Saying that now, man is married, has a wife, and can also see the love is really powerful.
Liyan looked at me, seeing me with a big smile, and we talked a bit about all the things we went through, and that before, she would never thought that one day, she would marry with a french man. But that she was really happy with me and to have found the righteous one for her.

I don't have to say what happened next, except that we went sleeping (haha)
« Last Edit: October 01, 2010, 07:19:21 am by Sylvain D »
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Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #112 on: October 01, 2010, 08:15:51 am »
What a wonderful read , Sylvain and Liyan in a fairytale wedding , thank you for sharing , regards Sujuan and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline Michael

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #113 on: October 01, 2010, 09:01:26 am »
Mr. Sylvain D., I wish the best of luck to you and your Liyan, I can only hope to find someone as beautiful as her, you lucky dog  ;D
If this was easy, everyone would do it

Offline Sylvain D

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #114 on: October 01, 2010, 09:12:02 am »
Robert, I hope all's fine for you and Sujuan :)

Michael, haha... lucky dog, me? Well, I gonna say that all the brotherhood is maybe lucky dog, because the chinese women just are so beautiful..

(God should had done something before for China to be closer to USA, Ireland, England and France, that would had maybe more easy for some of us, who knows? :) )
Same for Australia, also... ^^'
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Vince G

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #115 on: October 01, 2010, 09:30:55 am »
The photos make it all real. Being with this forum for so long and knowing the roller coaster ride most of the guys have and to see the end result as this... I am so happy for you. I am glad and somewhat proud to be apart of all this.

Offline Sylvain D

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #116 on: October 01, 2010, 09:43:23 am »
Vince, as you say :)
I am still saying to me that the first time I saw an advertise about Chinalove, on my mailbox (HOTMAIL), I said first "why not?"... and later, I discovered Chinalove, that forum in an "older" version, with men who went in China before and could give their own advices, and also comment for the next ones. As some other members who wished to go there.
A few months later, I was in a rollercoaster, but well... I didn't miss the "ride lesson" and there began a new story with Liyan.
And now, today...
I am married with her.
Of course, I can not not think about the brotherhood when I am thinking about my loveship and my wedding with Liyan.
Thanks again for everything !

I hope one day we could all meet somewhere... (maybe with some Dumplings? haha)
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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #117 on: October 01, 2010, 10:54:00 am »
what beautiful pictures my friend...GOD what a journey you have been on!!! and the 'END RESULT is just what we all hoped for... ;D


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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #118 on: October 01, 2010, 11:04:08 am »
Sly , your wedding gives me chills .. as it reminds me of my own . I see from the Photo's that you are enjoying now the same wonderous Life .. I enjoy and many other here with us . This goes to show , hard work and getting back up when knock'd down ( sometimes more than ones ) .. it pays off at the end of an Journey that is for most unknown and heartbreaking for some .

Qing and I do wish you a blessed Marriage with all the happiness that comes with it .

Offline Sylvain D

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #119 on: October 01, 2010, 03:13:57 pm »
Many thanks, Scottish & Arnold :)

A few updates since the wedding day.
Liyan and me looked for the process about her visa, to come back in France. Because at first, she needed a visa, in aim to marry a french citizen. So, that visa was only for 3 months. And had to be validated by the french consulate, with town hall of my city in France. After the visa ends, Liyan could not stay longer in France. Even the chinese consulate in Paris said that she had to go back in China once again, and then, later, she would not need to do that again.
We also were to a prefecture close to my city, to have some news, how Liyan could have some money from french government when not working at first, how about her french nationality and the french id card.
In fact, they said that Liyan must apply for an other visa (I saw later how to get it, it is "long stay application form", to be with a french citizen (husband), and that can be applied to the french consulate in Gz. The papers to give are easy to get), and then, she would have a paper to send once arrived in France, to have a check of her (to see if yes or no she is able to work and so on).  Later, she will have to renew her visa, but in France, no need to go back in China.... so that just sounds good ^^'

Before Liyan had to go back in China, so, we visited "le chateau de Versailles", or should I better say "Versaille's Castle" :)
Famous and also, very beautiful :) we spent about half a day there, and, because it is big, we will have to go back there next time, to visit the garden. (at first, we visited inside the castle (house), not the garden)

« Last Edit: October 01, 2010, 03:16:45 pm by Sylvain D »
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