Author Topic: Liyan's coming in France  (Read 22226 times)

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Offline Josh Markley

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2010, 03:07:22 pm »

  So happy for you man, wish you all the best of luck in life and your relationship with Liyan!
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Offline daghoi

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #16 on: June 26, 2010, 03:18:42 am »


God luck with what left of the process and the "red tape".

Offline Sylvain D

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #17 on: June 26, 2010, 05:02:00 pm »
Irish', I'll have to see if Liyan can go in other countries "easily" :)
Anyway, when she'll be here, we'll ask more information about her visa and how to do for her to get one again, in "fast mode" if possible.
She told me that she paid about 4500 RMB's for all the papers needed to come in france, french translated and so on... :/
Her flight costs 9400 RMB's, she couldn't have one cheaper... :( and well... I'd be impolite, saying that it s...s, but well.. that's too bad...
Anyway, she booked her flight, and next sunday, she'll be here, with me ^^
Today, my papa told me that, after August, they would help Liyan and me.
As most of you know, I live in a studio (only 32m²) so that is very small.
My parents would help for Liyan and me to have about 60m², so, with 2 rooms, and that would be very nice, not only for Liyan because I think that 32m² is very very little, but also, for my daughter, so that, she could come sleeping with no problems :)
I also thanked my parents for that, because they are very helpful.
I know that in end of September, Liyan and me will go again in Gz, to see her family, at first, then, maybe going at Shanghai Expo, because I wish to visit it. Liyan also knows that and asked if we could go there.
But well, we will have to see because of money for wedding, going in China...
Anyway,I am very happy ^^
and Liyan says most of the time, now : "crazy" ^^ because she realizes she will come to see me and to live with me :)
Some updates wil come soon, I promise :)
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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #18 on: June 26, 2010, 07:10:11 pm »
well your going to have to post some pics of the arrival and goings on when she gets there for us


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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #19 on: June 27, 2010, 02:03:34 pm »
Sly , ole buddy , you have done it . The easy work is done and the hard work begins now .
or was that the other way around ? Haha .. that is up to you Sly .

Liyan's coming on the Fourth of July to France . Super .. we will celebrate that event with many .. many Fireworks here in the U.S. for you .

Qing and I wish you and Liyan a Happy Life together . May your Daugther have a wonderful Stepmom she deserves .

Offline Sylvain D

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2010, 02:12:34 pm »
Hi there ;D
It seems that those next hours gonna be really long for me.
Liyan is in the flight for Paris, in 8 hours she should be here :)
Well, I am more than happy, and more than dreaming, too.
A surprize is waiting for her in my home (or should I say my "studio" because it is very small.. )
and also I'll be waiting for her at the airport with ...
A red rose.
Romantic, for sure, but... isn't that meant that France is well known to be a romantic place? ^^'

Tomorrow, if everything is ok, she should meet my daughter :)
and for sure, she will meet my parents and my grandma, because they invited us for lunch time.

I'll post some pics here, I promise ;)

Arnold, as you say, I did it :)
We have some more steps to go, but I think the most difficult is done (getter her parents aprovement, remembering they are traditional ones :) ), and having her visa quickly to come in France.
But some usefuls papers and the contract marriage need to be done in the following days.

I wish someday, we could meet all the brotherhood to thank all of you, first, then, celebrating many things together, too :)
- Let's Rock -

Offline Jason B

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #21 on: July 03, 2010, 06:31:34 pm »
Congratulations Sly, look forward to the updates in a couple of days time.  Take your time the brotherhood can all wait and do it at your and Liyan's pace.
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.


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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #22 on: July 04, 2010, 09:07:50 pm »
absolutely terrific news for the two of you  congrats and take your time posting here enjoy the first days together

Offline Sylvain D

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #23 on: July 05, 2010, 10:21:50 am »
Hi there :)
So, here we are.
Liyan is now in France, and her flight arrived before 06:10 am. Plus, the terminal was transferred.
Dan shi... everything was ok, because I was just in time at the airport to wait for her ^^'

When I arrived to the panel "Arrivals", I tried to see if i could see through some windows, for Liyan. I could see she was talking to another woman, a chinese one, through a window where we can see passengers waiting for their baguages :)
Then, I called on her phone, and she looked everywhere, then she saw me behind the window :)
She was very happy, and.. 2 mins later, we were together again :)
Sorry we did no photos on the moment :$
We then went back to my studio, about 40 mins by car, it was very good. She told me that she could not sleep in the flight, the food was very poor, and it was very very long to come in France...
We talked about my daughter, if she could see her, that we were invited to eat with my papa and my grandma, then, going to see my mama at hospital. She was very happy and a little bit "scared" but that's understandable :)

Later, we arrived at home, and she discovered (for real) how was my studio. She told me it was ok, because the weather is not as hot as in Gz, and so, she could live here with no problem :) and that the place is not "so little", too, that I didn't have to worry about that.
Outside, the weater was about 19° only but it was ok for me :) Liyan said "a little bit cold" and i smiled, because I know that in Gz, the weather is warmer.
But in my studio, it was about 26° because my studio is facing the Sun, at day.
She called her parents, to say everything was ok and that she would call them again on the afternoon.

We then slept a little bit, before going to see my parents :)
She was very happy, so was I :)
My papa enjoyed to meet Liyan and tried to talk with her, a little bit, in english ^^' when talking in french, I translated to Liyan, who replied in english.
Did she have a good flight? was it very long? what doe she think about the studio and some other questions :)
It wasn't any "test" at all, and I could see my papa seems to be happy by Liyan's answers :)
My grandma was very glad to meet Liyan, too, and Liyan could learn some more words in french.
One of the most used was "merci" :)
She enjoyed the french food, and I was very happy that everything could be very good, between my father, my grandma and Liyan
Later, we went to hospital, because my mother's there, a problem in one ear, as a "virus"... so, she got treatment, but man can't say if it can be cured or not....
My mama was also a bit happy to meet Liyan, but I think she would had better enjoyed to meet her outside the hospital.
Anyway, she asked Liyan some questions, just like my father did a few hours before... but as I said to my mama Liyan's answers (again), she seemed more happy :)
And as my parents said, tonight (Monday, in the afternoon) we will visit an apartment, for later. It is really nice inside, more space than my studio (X2, easily) so ...
Liyan is very happy because she sees my parents want to do something for her and me, and there is no problem with her :)

The other good news is that, even my daughter likes Liyan, she gave her some sweet kisses on the face and even played with her :)
On wednesday, my daughter will be with Liyan and me, after I will finish working, so, I'll do some photos again.
Liyan also met my ex (my daughter's mother) because she wanted to see my mama at hospital.
No problem to notice, once again :)

At night, we went to Paris, in a chinese restaurant I really like :)
Liyan let me chose the food, and also talked in chinese with the boss of the restaurant (a nice woman who knows me, because I often eated there when I was working close to her restaurant, before)
The woman said to Liyan "I knew Sylvain could go in China, but I didnt know why... and now, I guess why !"
Liyan was smiling, so was I ^^' 

We also went to the Eiffel Tower, and Liyan could see it blinking for a few minutes :)
She was very happy because it was like "magical" for her.
In the whole day, she could see many things, and it seemed to her that THAT day was a very long one :) (and for sure it is, just because she has 6 hours decale with China) :)
I promised Liyan to visit some other well known places later, and, as she said, we have 3 months to visit many places, so it is ok :)
She also told me she didn't scare, because I am beside her and really take care about her. even at home, in the studio.

When we went back home, it was very late, so we went sleeping, because I had to wake up today, to go working.

I will post some photos, I promise, tomorrow ;)

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #24 on: July 05, 2010, 10:46:07 am »
sounds very wonderful all the events that took place  have a wonderful time together after she gets some rest
those plane trips are draining on everyone

Offline Bee964

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #25 on: July 05, 2010, 04:02:09 pm »

Glad you two are together now. Enjoy your time together. I hope that everything goes great for you two.

Dave C
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Offline maxx

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #26 on: July 05, 2010, 06:48:27 pm »
Sly congratulations.I wish you and your lady the best of luck.On your Journey.

Offline Martin

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #27 on: July 05, 2010, 09:07:44 pm »
Congratulations Sly, take your time, and enjoy  it......
don't feel pressure to post pictures .... but we will remind you because we want to see how happy the two of you are together!
well done Sly !!!

Mike O.

Exactly what Mike pictures?

Offline Jason B

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #28 on: July 05, 2010, 09:21:47 pm »
Well done mate, enjoy and take your time.....I really do feel envious of all of you that have gone before me and are now living their lives with their loves.
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.

Offline Sylvain D

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #29 on: July 06, 2010, 04:42:09 am »
here are 2 pics from ... hmm... I let you guess ^^

Some others will follow soon ;)
« Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 05:05:10 am by Sylvain D »
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