A little update over here.
Everything is booked, the restaurant, the date for wedding, and we will be about 24 (including 4 children, (with my daughter ^^) )
The translator will be the woman who came before for the wedding contract. She said she was very happy to help us once again and the money she asks for the wedding day is 130 € (it is very good in fact, some others asked 200 € !!!!)
I have asked my ex (because of my daughter) if she would come for the wedding day, and she said no.
Things seem to be very good, because in fact, I don't really want her to come. and Liyan is also very happy, in fact ^^
Anyway, my daughter will be there and that is very important to me.
Some very good friends will be there, and some of the family, too.
But "because" I pay everything, I could not ask many many people to come

But well...
I think that sometimes, the quantity is not the quality. Even if, for a wedding day, we'd like to share that day with many people.
Liyan was a bit sad before yesterday. she knows that in one month, she'll get back in China, and as she told me "I know you really love me and I really love you, so I want to come back quickly". I guessed it will be difficult at the airport to not be sad but ... I'll try (as usual) to make her smile and to let her go with a smile on our face.
Yesterday, we talked to one of my neighbours and he said he was back from holidays in... China

So, for the first time, we were invited to have a drink in his apartment and talked about my lovestory with Liyan, and also, about holidays and his holidays in China, too. He spent 3 weeks there with his girlfriend (not a chinese woman), and they were in Beijing, Shanghai, and also, some other places very beautiful.
It was very nice for Liyan to "discover" again some photos from China and to talk about many things, such as famous places, the food and some other things

Actually, I'm at work and Liyan is at home, most of time, she's talking on QQ to her family and can go out in a "little park", walking and having some rest

She's learning french everyday, now some words are very good, some others need to be used more and more, but anyway, I can understand her

in 3 weeks, we will be married. It seems the time is "going" very fast, now....^^