Author Topic: Liyan's coming in France  (Read 22258 times)

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #135 on: October 07, 2010, 07:16:15 pm »
brilliant news buddy

Offline Sylvain D

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #136 on: October 08, 2010, 01:52:15 pm »
Maybe too much joy so fast.
For any unknown reason, Liyan "forgot" to tell me about her flight.
She will not be here on Sunday but for next week, October 13th, in fact, in afternoon.
She just told it to me on QQ, when I told about Sunday, then she smiled and said "no no, no sunday...."
So, I was a bit surprised, and she then told me "wednesday, next week".

I guess she needs to spend more time with her family,so I can not be angry, that would somewhere be "stupid".
Just a few days to wait before she's back.

She also told me about a woman who can have the flight tickets, the woman's name seems to be "miss ma" /
Weblink :

More news later ;)
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Offline Irishman

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #137 on: October 10, 2010, 07:30:30 pm »
Sly, super congratulations to you and your wonderful wife Liyan.
I just got back from a month in China so please forgive my belated congratulations to you and her.
As to her telling you about the dates changing I can just laugh a little if you can forgive me - my new wife does the same all the time - i think these women like to keep us guessing a little all the time!! :D

Sly, my wife will arrive here in Ireland in February and I hope we could take a little French vacation in the Spring or Summer, It would be lovely to meet you and your wife then when that time comes if you would like that?

Wishing you and your lovely wife all the best Sly (except in the rugby 6 nations) :D

Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.

Offline Sylvain D

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #138 on: October 11, 2010, 06:26:55 am »
Many thanks :)
About the dates changing, well, I hope all will be fine. One "problem" is that, beginning tomorrow, there will be lot of problems with the bus, trains and some others public transports in France, and it can occur for many days...
Plus, my boss wants to know how to proceed for us at the company, who will be able to go working, who won't... and so, she can not say "yes, sure" about wednesday afternoon just because we are only 3 to work in my unit, and I am the only one who has a car (the 2 other ones usually use public transports and don't have any car).
but well...
I just need to find the better way to catch Liyan at the airport.
and about meeting in Spring or Summer, we would be very glad to meet you and your wife, Ronan, for sure ! May and June are good months most of time in France, as the weather is very good and also, little bit "warm" for us, westerners (haha)

Many thanks and also, all the best for you and Sunny, (btw, no need talking about 6 Nations, but well, maybe soccer could be better? ^^)
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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #139 on: October 13, 2010, 02:02:58 am »
 Its not that they like to keep us guessing its just the chinese way.
total chaos all the time and the inability to make any kind of decision
especially when it need to be made right away.

Offline Sylvain D

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #140 on: October 13, 2010, 04:59:34 am »
You're probably right, Ted ;)
Liyan sent me some sms from her french simcard since Doha (Qatar) to say that everything was good and that she knew how to do (she first was scared to go there and to be lost in the airport and said that her english is not good... ) but well I told her to not apologize because everybody can understand her, most of time, easily.
and that as I would guess, she would be in the plane with many chinese people, so.. why worry ? :)
She then guessed I was right about that.
She will arrive in a bit less than 4 hours in Paris Airport (Roissy Charles de Gaulle) and I will wait for her there. (as my boss said she finally agreed) (anyway I have no really choice to say to my wife "please wait for me 4 hours, I can not come before because my boss said "no"...  >:( )
Even if I'm tired because of the strikes actually in France ('been driving for more than 1h30 for only 20 kms this morning), I really enjoy to be that afternoon to be again with my wife.
If everything goes fine, maybe we will be able to see my daughter this afternoon too, as she will be with my parents. yesterday was her birthday, and I know Liyan wants to see her anytime :)

Some news will come, later :)
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Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #141 on: October 13, 2010, 06:32:06 am »
That is all terrific news Sylvain , now the family will be complete again , we are so happy for the 3 of you , regards Sujuan and Robert .
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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #142 on: October 13, 2010, 08:00:51 am »
Its not that they like to keep us guessing its just the chinese way.
total chaos all the time and the inability to make any kind of decision
especially when it need to be made right away.

I am the opposite of this so I wonder if it will cause a problem?

Offline Sylvain D

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #143 on: October 14, 2010, 06:27:45 am »
Back to France.

As you may know, Liyan came back yesterday, from China, afte 2 weeks there with her family.
The flight was quite good, even if it arrived a bit later (about 20 mins), but well.... I was so happy to know that she was coming back... So quickly !
I was looking most of time at the "central panel", just to see if everything was ok with her flight, and about the baguages delivery.
Stress? no... so much joy in fact...  it is also the first time I was at the airport, saying to myself "I'm waiting my wife"... ^^

Liyan sent me a sms from her french simcard at the airport, saying that she was waiting for her baguages, and a few minutes later, I could see her through a window.
She had more than a big smile, she wanted to come to me and I wanted the same, but well, because of security and the only exit for the passengers, I had to wait a bit some more minutes, before hugging her strongly in my arms.
It maybe seemed we didn't see each other since an eternity, and of course, many people, looking at us... haha
When I looked at her baguages, she explained me that she got about 23 Kgs but she didn't have pay some more money because > 20 kgs...
Wow... so many clothes ? ^^ it seems that yes... Eh ! nobody mentionned that when man marries a chinese woman, she takes all her house from China within her baguages... haha (I didn't think about all that before.. :o )
(no need to compare anyway those baguages with the first one during her first coming in France^^, and as winter is coming, slowly... i guess she took some warm clothes)
I smiled and we went back to the car, talking about her flight, family and so on ^^
She told me that the company "QATAR Airways" is very good, even if the food is not... the flight, the stewardesses, she really liked all that.
She also told me that her brother is MARRIED !!!! last friday, in fact, he married with his girlfriend, went to town hall, and now, he will have to fix a date... Liyan told me that she was very happy, and of course, I am also very happy because they are a very nice "duo?" together :)
Maybe will he fix a date on next year, for the celebration with the family and friends... who knows?
When going back home, Liyan told me that she was also tired because not slept well and long time in the plane, and that, because she was hungry, she couldn't sleep...
haha... too bad, I should had buy some food and bring it to her... but well, she said that it was ok.
finally, she slept a little bit, because of the strikes, 2 hours by car to go back home....  :o
So bad... Only one hour to go to the airport, 2 hours to come back, and at morning, more than 1h30 to go working.... I just think i've spent half the day in my car.... :o

Finally, after 2 hours, we arrived at home... As I said on Facebook yesterday : "home sweet home"... Liyan was so happy to be there. She called her parents to say that she was fine, and well arrived in Paris and then, she ate a little bit, before having a shower.
Then, I told her that we were invited to have dinner with my parents. She really enjoyed and showed me some gifts for my parents. Some green tea, a bottle with alcohol for my papa (52° :o), and also, a scarf for my mama.
So, we prepared to see them and we talked about the papers for her. That we didn't have to worry, it seems in fact (I think !!!) it is very easy to do... if you just "do" as you are told how to!

My parents were very happy to see her again, and asked about the flight, the weather in Gz, her family and if she felt ready to go back learning french in the following days ^^'
Well, she said that everything was very good, whatever it is her family (she told about her brother's wedding), that of course she wanted to learn again frenchie language and that she had some gifts for them :)
My parents really liked the gifts, even my papa, looking at the bottle. there was something inside, like a "glass dragon", so that, whatever the bottle is empty or not, it is still nice to be watched :)
We also talked about the papers. Tonight we will go and see them again, my papa will do some copies and we then will send a paper about her visa and long staying in France, to the OFII (a place that deals about Immigration).
Then, it will reply, fixing a date for Liyan to have a "health check", and also, will then say if Liyan can work or not.
The dinner was just a simple one, and Liyan really liked the food (beef, vegetables, cheese, yoghurt) and also, some water to drink :)
Anyway, the most important is that it was a family's dinner, again !  everybody enjoyed that Liyan was back so fast and enjoyed so much the life in France.

Then, after dinner, we watched some news on TV, listening to the "minors"? who began to be extracted. What a very good news !
We also heard about people who were "scared" about the strikes, because some refineries are closed in south of france, and many drivers can not get oil... so, many people in North of france and even in Paris, ran to the gas stations to get some before it could be "too late"...
Well.. i had enough oil for the week but I said that we could buy yi dian dian, because I am using the car everyday, and so, before the price begins to be very expensive, it would be a good idea to buy it right now...

We then said goodbye to my parents and went to the gas station to put some oil again in the car. A few people were doing the same, and Liyan began to be very tired. So we did quickly and went back home...
I watched at my watch, is was about 09:00 pm.
We talked a little bit about things to do, later, this week, next week, friends to visit, birthdays to celebrate... and went sleeping...
How to say? I just think it was not 10:00 pm, but Liyan and myself slept very quickly... I also think that is Liyan was tired with the flight, I was a bit the same, because of hours in the car.

This morning, I woke up and had a big smile on my face "oh... My wife is close to me" :)
I realize everyday how lucky I am to be with such a so beautiful and wonderful woman.
I can feel her love, I can feel her feelings... In any way, there is no way to try to compare it to western women...

She looked at me, she woke up to hug me before I had to working, and I had to go, but with a big smile on my face. What else to ask, when beginning a new day? :)

I am thinking about her birthday, to come in a few days. I know what to do and where, I just think to myself that it is a very wonderful idea....
I wil let you know about that later, I promise ;)

By now, Liyan is at home, and I am at work. But well.. i know that when I will finish my dayjob, I'll go home, smile on my face, thinking to myself "oh.... someone is waiting for me... someone, someone?? no... my wife !!!!! " ^^'

« Last Edit: October 14, 2010, 06:56:40 am by Sylvain D »
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Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #144 on: October 14, 2010, 07:12:56 am »
Sylvain , beautifully written , now you will have a smile on your dial  ;D everyday , regards Sujuan and Robert .
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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #145 on: October 14, 2010, 08:18:45 am »
 :) I got all happy at my work as well, reading your post. How great things are for you!


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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #146 on: October 14, 2010, 04:42:01 pm »
 :) :) :) :) no need to say anything .. Sly  :) :) :) :)

here comes my .............. "Wife"


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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #147 on: October 17, 2010, 12:35:23 am »
Beautifully written...CONGRATS mate... ;D

Offline Sylvain D

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #148 on: October 25, 2010, 06:56:26 am »
Happy Birthday

Last saturday was Liyan's birthday. Well... maybe it was 01:25 at saturday morning when I wanted to wake up (little bit ill, nothing important), and Liyan looked at me, asking if everything was allright.
I then looked at her, singing softly "happy birthdayyyyyy, to youuuuuuu :) "
She then smiled and was happy I wished her her birthday, even if the date is not the chinese one.
Then, I told her that I was fine, because I am with her, and that we would go outside, on saturday night.
A few hours later, when we woke up, I told Liyan that we could be with my daughter for her birthday. So, Liyan was very happy to spend some time with her.
As I asked Liyan where we could go eating outside (except a big restaurant, because at night we would go somewhere to eat), she then told me to ask my daughter. But I knew the answer of my daughter.... "Mc Donald's"... :D
My ex just replied "mei guan xi".
Of course, it is not food and well, we could have had something better for my wife's birthday.. but well.. that was only the beginning.
Liyan stayed at home while I went to my ex's home, to bring my daughter back to my home for lunch.
About 30 mins later, I was back home with my daughter, who jumped in my wife's arms, because she was very happy to see her :) so was my wife!
Then, I asked my daughter what she wanted to eat for lunch, and she then said "mc do"...
I felt a bit "sorry" for Liyan, but as I knew that the restaurant by night would be really better, I said that it could be ok for Mc Do if Liyan confirmed that, for her, it was ok. And as she said "it's ok", we just had to go there and bring back some food back home.
I explained my wife that my daughter was only with us for lunch time, because i caught a cold, and as she just began to feel better (she caught a cold for 3 weeks... :s), I didn't really want her to catch it once again... :s
My wife said it was ok, and that, even if we could spend some time with my daughter, she really enjoyed to see her, so that was the most important thing to remember.
After lunch, we brought back my daughter to my ex', and my ex was (I think) with a new boyfriend (who seems, by the way, to be a good man). My daughter was happy to see him, and my ex asked if everything was fine. She even talked a bit with my wife, and we went back home for a few hours.
My wife said to me that my ex seemed to be happy.. (maybe because new boyfriend....?)
i then told her that we were going to a restaurant, just her and me, but that she could not know the restaurant (and if she would had known about it, maybe would had it been via Internet (friends, or on chinese forums about travellings in Paris) )
Just next, the phone rang but I didn't hear it. In fact, it was the restaurant, who wanted me to confirm for saturday night, the booking for 2 persons. I said "of course, yes :)". Then I looked at my wife. Everything was just fine. No problem in that special day, so, what else to ask, on the moment? nothing. Just feeling more than happy to be able to share my wife's birthday with her, beside her, not as last year, when she was in Zhongshan, and me... In Paris.
When the time came to go to the restaurant, we were going to the car and noticed it was more than raining... a real heavy rain was waiting for us...
I said to Liyan to wait for me, as I was going to the car and then, I could take her under a "gantry".
We spent about 45 mins to go to Paris. I called the restaurant to say that we were just a bit late.
The restaurant said that there was no problem anyway.
We could find a parking, (not so expensive) and a few minutes later, went facing the building where was the restaurant.
Liyan looked at the building... which is very famous in fact... :)
The Montparnasse Tower :)
56 floors, and on the last one, man can see all Paris, on a panoramic view.
By night, nothing else to say, the quality of the restaurant is just very good, so is the view.
Oh, maybe you want to know about the menu? :)
A cup of champagne,
Then,  about the food :

Lobster and salpicon with sea urchin,
Roasted fillet of sea bream with fricassee of vegetables
and ice cream (Liyan wanted an ice cream)

foie gras (sorry I don't know how to translate it), with mango chutney
"quasi" veal roast with mustard
"creme brûlée" with rhubard and vanilla bean.

The dinner was very good, even if it is a bit expensive...
But well... for a special birthday, I guess that man will not bring his wife to have dinner into a fastfood... ;D
Even if I did with my wife and my daughter...  ::)

No photo because the quality is so bad... :(
but well, the waiter took 2 photos, I will see if I can upload it. The problem is, because of the lights, man can not see behind Liyan and me :( and if man can, then he can not see Liyan and me very good, on the photo.

Here is anyway a photo from the restaurant.

When we left the restaurant, Liyan said me that we could go back home, even if at first, I would have thought that she maybe would have liked to go and visiting Paris by night.
But maybe because it was very cold, she better suggested to go back home.
I noticed she was very happy for that dinner and that she really liked most of the food (except urchin because it seems she doesn't really like it (but she didn't say it to me before :-s ), even if she really likes seafood.
When we came back home, Liyan saw that most of our friends sent her some messages on her facebook profile, to wish her a happy birthday :) she was very happy.
she also saw your messages here, on Chinalove and was, once again, very happy :)

Oh, by the way :
Yesterday, we had lunch with my grandma. She cooked for us 3, and the lunch was very good (I also told to Liyan that most of time, little children (or "grand children", in fact?) really liked their grandparents, first, because they can play many times with them, and plus, because of the food which is very very good when grandma is cooking. :)
Liyan smiled about that.
After lunch, we came back home and Liyan asked me :
"about the bread, (wand?), you need to ask your grandma how she can keep it long time and how it still can be good ot eat".
I then replied to her :
"Maybe I don't know how to proceed with the bread, but I know how to do to keep your love long long time :)"

And so, Liyan had a big smile, looking at me :
"Oh, I need to remember about that  ;D", saying also that I was "a little bit romantic".....  ;D ;D

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Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Liyan's coming in France
« Reply #149 on: October 25, 2010, 09:36:27 am »
Great update Sylvain , we are happy that Liyan had such a terrific birthday and that photo is very good showing the lights of Paris , regards Sujuan and Robert .
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