Author Topic: agency  (Read 1757 times)

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Offline jeff

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« on: June 28, 2010, 01:06:27 am »
Hey guys,

Just wanted to give you guys a heads up on "Shenzhen Oriental Love Consulting Agency" I've
been using "Skype" and web cam to communicate with a former lady of mine. I'd say i was using
this system for about 2 months. One day i was having a hard time getting a point across so i used
EMF. I get a response a couple days letter through and the letter
started out by saying"where have you been I've really missed you".I had just spoken to her a couple of days ago. My question wasn't even answered. What does this tell you? It tells me my
girl at the time didn't write it. My girl also confirmed my doubts. Just thought I'd give you a heads up.


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Re: agency
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2010, 02:15:47 am »
sounds like a typical agency mod of operation and should tell a lot about ethics

Paul Todd

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Re: agency
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2010, 07:14:52 am »
That's kind of sad really.

I read a lot of bad stories about Chnlove here and I understand why there posted. Thing is, I found my wife through Chnlove and did not experience anything like the amount of underhand activities that others have.

In the beginning the letters where fluffed up a bit, but we soon put a stop to that by befriending our translator. We told her we wanted honest and forthright communications between ourselves and that's what we got. No messing about withholding personal e-mail addresses or phone numbers. When we were moving on to web cams after about 2 or 3 months writing there was a little bit of resistance, obviously because they were looking at losing income but we told them we would carry on with the EMF's for important stuff. Fact is we stopped using their service altogether once the web cams started. Our translator is now a good personal friend and came to our wedding.

I am not criticising anyone here and I hope no one takes this personally, and yes I do understand that not all the agencies are reputable. Sometimes I just think it's easier to cry wolf than own up to our own short comings. Problem is Chnlove are doing themselves no favor's at all by pulling stunts like the one Jeff "discovered " they are just playing into the hands of there detractors.  Like I said I find in kind of sad to read this stuff because Chnlove where the best thing that ever happened to me!


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Re: agency
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2010, 08:30:34 am »
your right Paul there are probably more ethical agencies than unethical but the issue at hand is that the
mother ship needs to really screen the ethics of some of these agencies that they sign up to represent
chnlove. but thats the problem i think they really dont care about how they run their business as long as they
get their cut.  and i think a few guys do cry wolf early when things dont go their way. the one thing that gets me
is that some start crying golddigger and they dont even know the meaning of the word. most of it isnt golddigging
just not getting the facts or asking the right questions in the interim before going there and then when a problem
exists they do cry wolf.

when you think of it this is your life why soft step it and not look for answers to pertinent questions to many things
involved in these relationships in the very beginning. and there is a right way to ask these questions but it seems a
few dont want to till it is further along and then if the answers arent right they cry wolf. so i fully agree with you and
my comments here are for the benefit of the newbies starting out  ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS in the beginning dont be
so damm infactuated to let it go on so long and then get hit with the whammy.

but people like you Paul and Arnold and Maxx and Willy,Martin,Buzz and quite a few others did do this and had  great
success with the quest here on chnlove. thats what it takes

remember newbies your paying the fee each month for the communication  why should you not be in the drivers seat at all times
and not allow them under any circumstance to tell you how it is going to happen. just move on because that is not the only agency
nor lady on the site


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Re: agency
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2010, 08:49:32 pm »
i too wish much success to all members but just sometimes these agancies really
take it to the extreme

look forward to a new one soon as we will announce here in 2 or 3 weeks