Author Topic: Temporary Residency Permit  (Read 9002 times)

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Offline Lain

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Re: Temporary Residency Permit
« Reply #30 on: July 24, 2010, 01:37:32 pm »
before you can apply for a permanent residence visa you have to be here for at least 5 yrs.
then you can apply for that one which is really good for 10 years at a time.

this is what i was told bt the head man at the PSB building in Guangzhou were everyone from
all over comes to and applies for visa's

This is where there seems to be confusion.

There are 2 types of residence permits.

1) One is a "temporary" permit....initially granted for a length of 6 months, but no longer than 12 months.
2) A permanent residence permit, also sometimes called a D-Visa as well, that grants residence for 10 years.

You are correct, I cannot get the 2nd one. However I can with proper planning get the first one as my company "invitation letter"  describes my needs as long term research for business opportunities that will require me to be in the country for 6-12 months as I seek business partners and inspect the quality of products for export. I spoke with an international company that am a dealer for and I was told that several of their staff were able to obtain the TEMPORARY permits such as the one I seek.  Once issued I will be able to stay for a minimum of 6-months, which will give me some peace of mind and allow me to focus on both my relationship and my business without the hassles of re-entry every month.

One thing that they do weigh on for issuing a permit is my ability to support myself while I am living there. It was told by me that a good gesture that you will be doing business and can pay your bills while there is to have my company open a bank account. I have investigated this as it appears that indeed there is some merit to this, so I will setup an account and transfer $25,000 upon my arrival and before I apply for the residence permit in a good faith effort to prove that I am serious. Besides....I will need a bank account anyway so its not a big deal.


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Re: Temporary Residency Permit
« Reply #31 on: July 25, 2010, 08:22:00 pm »

the best bank in China for having an account is ICBC which is the largest bank here and they are everywere. i made the mistake
of using Bank of China and they are everywere but when you are in different cities you will see 7 or 8 ICBC banks before you see
your first Bank of China.  So at the end of November when my large note is matured at 1 year i will take all that to ICBC and open
an account there.

remember though opening an account in your city they do charge you if you take money out in another city.

for example you live in Guangzhou and go to Bejing. in Bejing you take 1000 rmb out of your account your bank
will charge you 5 rmb for that transaction.

hope this helps you a little


Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Temporary Residency Permit
« Reply #32 on: August 02, 2010, 09:02:38 am »
Just for info.  I had my application to renew my visa turned down today.

Cause of this was because  my wifes temporary permit to live in Zhongshan had expired.

My own visa expires tomorrow Tuesday so I have to leave China before midnight tomorrow or suffer the consequences.

I am leaving tomorrow morning and heading for Macau.   I never fancied hong Kong.  I understand from the woman at the PSB that Macau is easier to get a 90 day two entry visa from. And it may take only two days.

I have all the details and I now have to face two nights really roughing it in a nice hotel just a stone throw from the two biggest casino's. And a five minute walk from the CTS visa office. As they say it is an Ill Wind etc.  or is it every cloud has a silver lining.

Ted knowsthat I was angry as a bee stuck in Robbies ear this afternoon but No 24 hour rule when you are together!!!  Still I have apologised.

So renewing your visa makesure everyones paperwork is in order or do not let them go with you.

Also told that the two year visa is only for business men who have put a lot of money into a business here.
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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Re: Temporary Residency Permit
« Reply #33 on: August 03, 2010, 02:25:41 am »
went to the PSB building today and applied for my resident visa. here are my results. they are only issuing 6 month residence visa's if you dont have a health exam. the 1 year and 2 year visa's are the same price 800 rmb and after i get my exam i will get a two year visa. they told me the different procedures on this depends if your wife is a city citizen and she has to own a house to obtain the 2 year one.

so tommorrow off i go to the hospital and then i return the report to the PSB building with all my paperwork for the processing
and will get everything back in 5 days

just a food for thought for anyone coming here. if your not married with these stipulations then you will get a 6 month one that
you will have to renew every 6 months.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Temporary Residency Permit
« Reply #34 on: August 03, 2010, 08:17:37 am »
Perhaps we should have a new thread in line with the 'Gold Diggers' one.

This would involve protecting the women where men come to China and marry them to get hold of there Home registartion book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just kidding Ted.

Well I think I am.


In lively Macao where the night life is great.
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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Re: Temporary Residency Permit
« Reply #35 on: August 03, 2010, 08:37:47 am »
you know that could go both ways Bandit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


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Re: Temporary Residency Permit
« Reply #36 on: August 04, 2010, 04:35:54 am »
well i have found out that 1 year and 2 year resident visa's are being issued here in China. you can ONLY get a 6 month visa
with NO MEDICAL EXAM. if coming to China and wanting to apply for a resident visa then you MUST get your medical done at an
approved location in your country or all you will get is an l visa for 6 months.

today i went and had my medical and for that they did the following

fill papers out first and make payment 448rmb
go across the street to the hospital that does these
they draw blood first  room 1
they weigh and do blood pressure  room 2
they check your lymph nodes and probe you and check your back and spine   room3
they check your ears.nose throat      room 4
they check your eyes      room 5
all this on 3rd floor

go to 2nd floor for wxrays

back to 3rd floor
room 5 they do a sonagram
give you a reciept to pick up results in 3 days

if everything ok 2 year visa is issued since i already had a 1 year one

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Temporary Residency Permit
« Reply #37 on: August 04, 2010, 08:42:22 am »
Back in China today with an extension on my visa.

I went to teh PSB in Zhongshan  this aftrnoon and met by favourite officer.   I made a note of his name and it is He Wan Kerr.

He had no idea of the new regulations and he was amused when I told hin what Ted had achieved today.

I did ascertain that I could got to Guangzhou to fill in apply for the one or two year visa so I am off to GZ tomorrow for the paperwork and medical and to meet up with the Ambassador.  I am dying for those nubile young Chinese nurse to take a hand in things and say 'Cough Please'

So ther PSB in Zhongshan have little English and not much sense of humour. He said I could have a 3 month extension.  I told him he himself had given me 6 months previously!   But I did raise a slight smile when I said IO would make the journey back to his office if I got a one or two year one to gloat. 

Hence the apt name for him.

nyone have any problems with visa then get to Macau.  The process there is so easy and you only need to take copies of your ladies papers.    I applied 3 pm on Tuesday and collected my visa this morning (wednesday) at 9am and hot footed it back to China.
Cost of travel to and from Zhongshan to Zhuhai 40rmb.  Taxi to and from Bus styation to the Zhuhai departure gate for Macau 20 rmb.
Walk from Zhuhai gate to Macacu gate -Free.
Taxi from Macau gate to Beverly Plaza hotel 40 rmb each way.
Hotel is 200 yards from Visa office and 200 yards from Wyns casino.  The one shown in all the photos of Macau.
Total travel 140 rnb
Losses in casino last night - that would be telling.
Nice to be home again though
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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Re: Temporary Residency Permit
« Reply #38 on: August 04, 2010, 09:39:38 am »
damm the plan almost worked  8)

Offline Lain

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Re: Temporary Residency Permit
« Reply #39 on: August 05, 2010, 05:30:37 pm »
I was simply aiming at a "starting point" for a 6-month permit. I figure that after my first 6 months I will know for sure IF...

1) I can hack it and adjust to living there. Reality may be very different than perception.
2) IF the lady I am going for is the real deal. I could be wrong but my understanding is that by 6-months, we would most likely be married if its true.

The if the above 2 work as I would like, than I would look into purchasing an apartment and between that, and being married a longer term permit would almost be guaranteed? I am told property ownership weighs heavy on such requests. I was aware of the health screening but had planned to have it done there to save some money. I may re-consider that option as it appears to only be a basic physical with a chest X-ray. Not too sure how it will work to give them my medical records in English?...might have to have them translated for submission?........another question for my translator to research for me.


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Re: Temporary Residency Permit
« Reply #40 on: August 05, 2010, 05:47:23 pm »
having the medical done and then using that after 6 months would be futile and a waste of money on your part
everything needs to be up to and including photos not older than 30 days when you apply for the visa


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Re: Temporary Residency Permit
« Reply #41 on: August 05, 2010, 06:13:17 pm »

they also could help in the visa process before leaving if your not close to a chinese consulate

Offline Lain

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Re: Temporary Residency Permit
« Reply #42 on: August 05, 2010, 11:04:43 pm »
That was kind of my point....

1) I would get a 6-month permit. See if I can adapt to the new life, see if Jiong Li is as serious as I am.
2) Give it 6 months to see how it goes....see if the relationship will lead to marriage....and if so...

Than find an apartment, but it get married and then apply for the continuation of another 6 month permit and then try for a longer one in the meantime. As I have been stating all along I do have a long term just that its all premised on the initial 6-month permit. After that I am aware of several ways that I can extend my stay either by the purchase of property, or through commercial business investments. Sadly they do not consider the money that I have to be "substantial" for business....but I have been researching this as well and it can be investment in certain types of industries that can make all the difference....thankfully I am in one such business sector that qualifies for this exception.

I have read several times on other sites that you should have the health exam done there as...
A: Its less expensive (no brainer)
B: Usually they want to have the results in Chinese
C: I have no idea what all the tests let them tell me what, where and when....once I am there.

Also I will be living at a hotel for the first few weeks until I find an apartment, and that will be time enough to go through the process and get the permit (or not) BEFORE I choose to rent an apartment for 6-12 months. I am NOT going to sign a year long lease if I do not get a 6-month residence permit.


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Re: Temporary Residency Permit
« Reply #43 on: August 06, 2010, 04:03:09 am »

its pretty simple --- when you get here register with the local police and then go to the PSB and start the process

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Re: Temporary Residency Permit
« Reply #44 on: August 06, 2010, 05:41:01 am »
I don't know if anyone mentioned it already. Myself I got a 2 year multi entry visa. I can stay 6 mos per entry. It was pretty easy. Just check a few different boxes on the new application they put out a few months ago. If I need more my wife and I will take a quick trip down to Hong Kong for a few days I want to see it anyway. And now good for another 6 mos.
This works well for me. I do not plan to be a permanent resident. As soon as my wife gets her visa we are off the the USA.
And no matter what I need to do next. I have 6 mos to do it no rush.
Jimmy Henson