All About China > Understanding Chinese Women

translation is frustrating

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Type: sweetheart into MDBG and you will get the following result:
情人 情人qíng​rén​lover  / sweetheart
Perfect, right?  Wrong.  I asked my current lady to explain:
Neil5:27:44 PM
Alice5:30:02 PM

According to her, airen is wife, qingren is a third party.

Be careful gentlemen.

Paul Todd:
Your right Neil it can be frustrating sometimes and double checking is not such a bad idea. I seem to remember the google translate sometimes mixed up the words love and hate which  can cause a little confusion to say the least!

Neil , I believe you want qin ai de :)

this is the fun and trying times to say the least when two entirely different cultures are making
a go of it. but it does add to the excitement of growing together

Yes google does switch between love and hate.  It is even a wonder that Peggy and I are still together with some of google's faux pas.  I overcame this by telling her to always assume I am saying something nice and google is doing it usual thing.  I we are concerned about what is being said then we say google not good tonight and I will ask here what I am saying to her.  If there are errors I clear them up and we move on.

I am sure many of you have experienced this but I have spent whole evenings trying to clear up a simple misunderstanding due to translation errors.  Flexibility is an absolute must in these kinds of relationships; even face to face.


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