All About China > Understanding Chinese Women

translation is frustrating

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figure it out and sell it to Microsoft or Google for BILLIONS

but give us all a pirate copy

This is what I do and some of you probably do too.
I open a separate browser window with three separate tabs.
Then I open MDGB in one tab and yahoo Babel fish in the other two tabs. I set one Babel fish to translate English->Chinese and the other one to do the reverse.

I start with MDGB and type in my English and get the Chinese translation. Then I copy the Chinese and paste it back and translate back to English. If it makes sense then I use it. If not I try to reword it and repeat the process until I am happy with the result. If that fails I resort to babble fish and do the same. It's a lot of extra work but it saves her frustration trying to decipher what I wrote. I have done it so many times I am getting pretty fast at it. 


--- Quote from: Pineau on July 14, 2010, 05:20:52 pm ---This is what I do and some of you probably do too.
I open a separate browser window with three separate tabs.
Then I open MDGB in one tab and yahoo Babel fish in the other two tabs. I set one Babel fish to translate English->Chinese and the other one to do the reverse.

I start with MDGB and type in my English and get the Chinese translation. Then I copy the Chinese and paste it back and translate back to English. If it makes sense then I use it. If not I try to reword it and repeat the process until I am happy with the result. If that fails I resort to babble fish and do the same. It's a lot of extra work but it saves her frustration trying to decipher what I wrote. I have done it so many times I am getting pretty fast at it.

--- End quote ---

Thats funny....exactly what I do, except I just use two tabs with MDGB so I can write and translate her words at the same time. I will honestly say that using QQ has almost ruined my relationship due to bad translations and massive misunderstandings. To further complicate matters my lady would occasionally drop in Cantonese words that do not translate with ANY website into its correct meanings. Once I copied and sent to my translator a phrase that she posted asking him to translate it for me....he said it was Cantonese, he did not know either.....after that discovery we have better communications, but now we only use QQ for very basic conversations with the understanding that there is going to be issues.

I really wish there was a way to link my Besta-7000 into QQ, as it has proven to be the most accurate translation tool I can find...other than a human translator.

the translation issue is probably the single must frustrating thing in these relationships. i can feel for you
members who have this issue.

when i talk to Willy the translator really has a hard time translating his english into proper english lol!!!!!!

but seriously i can imagine the misunderstandings that happen with that

When I want to translate something I always doublecheck it if I have never used the word before. It's very easy to get it completely wrong. One  of the first handwritten letters in Chinese I sent to my lady I wrote on my laptop first to get all the strokes right. It turned out I missed on the character for "letter", 信,and wrote "chemical" instead. So I thinkaed her for her chemical... Glad I found out before I sent it.

We use both 亲爱的 and 宝贝。  :) Baobei means treasure, darling, baby. I like the sound of it too.


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