Author Topic: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?  (Read 11400 times)

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As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« on: July 20, 2010, 11:37:25 am »
Though I share this with you all . Life is so care-free .

No wonder more folks are dying from cancer than ever before.  We wonder where this stuff comes from but here is an example that explains a lot of the cancer causing incidents.  Hmmm.  Many people are in their cars first thing in the morning and the last thing at night, 7 days a week.   As I read this, it makes me feel guilty and ill.  Please pass this on to as many people as possible. Guess its not too late to make some changes

Car A/C (Air Conditioning) MUST READ!!!
Please do NOT turn on A/C as soon as you enter the car.

Open the  windows after you enter your car and turn ON the AC after a couple of minutes.

Here's why:

According to a research, the car dashboard, sofa, air freshener emit Benzene, a Cancer causing toxin (carcinogen - take time to observe the smell of heated plastic in your car).

In addition to causing cancer, Benzene poisons your bones, causes anemia and reduces white blood cells.

Prolonged exposure will cause Leukemia, increasing the risk of cancer.

Can also cause miscarriage.

Acceptable Benzene level indoors is 50 mg per sq. ft. A car parked indoors with windows closed will contain 400-800 mg of Benzene.

If parked outdoors under the sun at a temperature above 60 degrees F, the Benzene level goes up to 2000-4000 mg, 40 times the acceptable level.

People who get into the car, keeping windows closed will inevitably inhale, in quick succession, excessive amounts of the toxin.

Benzene is a toxin that affects your kidney and liver.. What's worse, it is extremely difficult for your body to expel this toxic stuff.

So friends, please open the windows and door of your car - give time for interior to air out -dispel the20deadly stuff - before you enter.


Vince G

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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2010, 12:01:12 pm »
Not to worry here I always open the windows first to let the heat out (get some air flowing) then turn the AC on and the windows stay open a couple of inches until it starts to cool. Just habit.


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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2010, 12:12:51 pm »
Where did this information come from?   It sounds terrible and there should be some kind of warning.


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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2010, 01:10:41 pm »
Shaun , the info came from Arnold .

haha , my German Aunt E-mailed it to me yesterday .

Offline Bee964

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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2010, 01:26:26 pm »

Benzene is a carcinogen. It has been well documented for a long time now as a cancer causing agent. It is a primary ingredient in the "new car small" that you can smell when you first get into the car. Where I worked in the automobile assembly plant I worked in we got the vehicles with the doors closed and the windows up. Our safety instructions from compensation and management was to open the door and wait a couple seconds for some fresh air to get into the vehicle before getting into it to drive it. They have known about it for a long time. Most people only have exposure to it for a couple minutes a couple times a day. We would have exposure to it for 8 or more hours 5 or 6 days a week. Thats why we were warned about it.  :o

You want to have as much information as possible to try to avoid any health risk you may be exposed to. Thanks for the warning Arnold. Every little bit helps.  ;)

Dave C
Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.


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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2010, 09:51:12 pm »
thats an interesting post. i always rolled the windows half way down and then turned the air on
but not on full and a few minutes later rolled the windows up as i was driving along. so i hope this
helped with this. but i didnt do it because i knew these things


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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2010, 09:48:03 pm »
OK. I am a firm believer that one should study the facts from a reliable source and one should check many sources of information.  I don't doubt what Arnold or Dave C said I just like to look at it for myself.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2010, 03:56:48 am »
I thought an air conditioner was what kept my locks a natural dark color and so soft and silky to the touch.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Buzz

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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2010, 03:42:52 pm »
OK. I am a firm believer that one should study the facts from a reliable source and one should check many sources of information.  I don't doubt what Arnold or Dave C said I just like to look at it for myself.

Shaun, relax a bit, they were not talking about WD 40 or duct tape.         buzz 


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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2010, 04:52:33 pm »
Buzz you crack me up.  I am choosy what drugs I intentionally allow to go into my body.  :D

Offline David E

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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2010, 05:45:37 pm »
As recognised Carcinogens, Benzene, Xylene and Toluene have been banned in Manufacturing processes for 15 years.
It is unlikely that there are any traces of these chemicals in the "new car smell", or in fact the normal smell of car upholstery, dashboard and other plastic components.

The smell is due to the Glycol based plasticisers used in the manufacturing process to stop the seats and dash from going brittle too quickly.

Additionally, there will be a very slight trace of unreacted Vinyl Monomer in the PVC used in the seating materials. (unless you have leather seats of course) !!

This is an old furphy from way back...has no basis in reality.

If we want to get serious about carcinogens...better start looking hard at the radiation from mobile phones/phone towers, of which we are getting more and more exposed to every day...and its getting worse !! There is little doubt that the level of low grade microwaves from these devices is playing hell with our DNA...never put a mobile phone to your ear..use hands-free.


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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2010, 06:55:44 pm »
I am not trying to say anything untowards here guy's   BUT....God I wish I was as intelligent as a lot of the people on this site... :)

This is what I love about it, you learn so much about so many things...WOW   KEEP it up gents, as the lady said to the vicar...hehe
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 06:57:21 pm by Scottish_Rob »

Offline Bee964

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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2010, 08:59:32 pm »
David E,

Toluene is still used in the clear coat paint on your vehicle at the factory, although it is greatly reduced from the old days. The Material Safety Data Sheet we were given still lists toluene in the clear coat paint. (1998 or 1999 was the last year I saw the sheet) The water bourne paint, glycol based, is only the colour.

As a side note, they use propane to make the seat foam. Every time you would get into the vehicle, for the first several times, you could smell propane. It took a while before we found out propane was used to make the foam. You are not supposed to breath that stuff either.

Dave C

I could not remember that they called the clear coat paint a solvent bourne paint until this morning so I am adding that now.

Dave C
« Last Edit: July 24, 2010, 09:02:03 pm by Bee964 »
Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.

Paul Todd

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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2010, 07:42:39 am »
It could be worse, you could have been staying at the Swan hotel in the early eighties like this guy was............

The Swan Hotel in Harbin, China is a true Chinese owned (by the government), Chinese operated and Chinese controlled hotel. They have many rules and none of them are to be ignored or bent in the slightest way. After my room assignment, I lugged my own bags to the elevator, surprised to find an elevator operator sitting inside the doors on a stool. This was my first example of the Chinese theory that everybody had to have a job. She pointed up with a question on her face. I looked at the array of buttons and realized we were on the bottom floor.

"We can only go up," I said. "Fourth floor, please." She replied something in Mandarin and pointed up a second time. This time I nodded and held up four fingers. She smiled and pushed the button. We were met by a scary looking Chinese lady dressed in a sweat suit with a picture of Mickey Mouse on it, only on her shirt it was  "Miky Muse". Something must have gotten lost in the translation. Our interpreter appeared at her side.

"This girl is in charge of the floor. She will take you to your room. You are in 409. I am in 412," Charles, my government guide informed me."Just give me the key. I'm sure I can find the room," I answered. "You don't get a key here. She'll unlock the door for you. It locks automatically when the door shuts."
"So, every time I come back to my room, she has to open it?"........."Yes."

I found the inside of the room like no other hotel room I had ever experienced. The ceiling was at least twelve feet tall and the once white lace curtains over the window were a dark gray, torn and barely still hanging on the bent curtain rods. The carpet was wrinkled and covered with cigarette burns, some of them still sporting the remains of the cigarette butts. There were missing plates over the electrical plug and bare wires exposed. One wire was twisted around another and made its way to the TV sitting on the floor under a picture of a fruit bowl. Don't touch that baby, she's loaded with 220 volts, I reminded my self.

Sitting beside the TV was a large thermos bottle filled with boiling hot water. "Use it for tea and brushing your teeth," ordered Charles, and then he was gone. The door was shut by the Floor Lady and I found my self alone. Walking to the window, I scrapped off some ice and dirt in order to see what was outside. I wish I hadn't done that. It appeared the hotel had been built in the middle of a garbage dump.

I tried the bed, discovering the five inch thick cover. Did I mention the hotel had no heat and it was below freezing inside as well as outside? After some exertion, I was able to turn back the cover to find a bean filled pillow. I was hoping it was beans, anyway. Next, I went into the bathroom and attempted to turn on the light. Nothing happened. Great... the bulb had burned out.

Blocking the door open to avoid having to face Miky, I headed for room 412."Charles, go see the floor lady and get me a light bulb for the bathroom, please," I said, returning to my room to wait. A few minutes later, Charles was back, Miky in tow. "She says the hotel is out of light bulbs. They have been on order for three months," Charles informed me. "You're kidding me, right? They can't go to the store a buy a light bulb?"......."Guess not."

"Well, have her take a bulb from another room and replace mine." Charles let go with a barrage of Mandarin. Miky responded in kind. "She can't do that. That would make the room un-functional."  "Yeah... well, my room is un-functional," I nearly yelled. He translated. "Yes, but she didn't cause it. She says it is okay to take the bulb back and forth from room to room, but don't drop it. Remember, they are out of bulbs."I was having a hard time believing this conversation. "Okay, then move me to another room. The bathroom is so dark I can't find the toilet." He translated. "Sorry... once a room is assigned, they can't change it. You will have to see the manager. He'll be in tomorrow."

I sat on the bed, put my face in my hands and pretended to cry. Actually, I almost didn't have to pretend. Miky left. Charles smiled. "Dinner is in an hour. We are having a welcome banquet at the Mayor's favorite restaurant. I'll knock you up." Obviously, he learned his English from a true Brit. So, for the next four days, the light bulb was moved back and forth as needed. I was very careful not to drop it.

This incident was typical of the frustrations one faced when trying to deal with the Chinese people. They were given a set of rules by their superiors, and they didn't deviate from them... no matter how illogical the situation was.

We don't know how lucky we are now!

Offline David E

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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2010, 07:18:40 pm »
Dave C

Without wishing to get "nit-picky" on such a complex Technical and Chemical subject, the use of toluene in top-coat laquers...particulary clear coats, has been banned internationally since 1986. Although I think some of the Indian car manufacturers are still using these "Benzene ring" compounds as solvent carriers for the U/V stabilised top-coats.
Since it was discovered that the "Benzene Ring" or "organic aromatics" were carcinogens, due much to the revelations about DDT and Dieldrin et al, their use has been banned under many National and Global Statutes.
All of the Benzene, Toluene and Xylene based solvents are primarily derivatives of the Benzene ring structure, which is the one that does the damage (we have no phisiological or genetic capability within our human systems to dispose of these ring structures...they are man-made and thus alien to our immune system) they just go round and round inside us, doing damage !!! and ultimately get "parked" in fatty tissues and liver.

As for blowing, or foaming agents within uphostery foams, the use of hydrocarbons (propane etc) has ben phased out over the past 10 years because they are severe "greenhouse" emitters and Ozone destroyers.
Of greater concern is the level of Isocyanates that are used as substitute blowing agents...these buggers are a WHOLE lot more toxic to humans then the Hydrocarbons they replaced...but they are more friendly to the environment...go figure !!!!
The motor industry (particularly in the developed countries has been extrordinary responsible in the use of toxic chemicals in manufacturing their product. So I am not convinced that Cars are where the danger is.
Sooner or later, Industry will need to have a serious look at the curing agents for Particle, Chip and MDF fibreboards we use in our homes that give out a steady and constant dribble of formaldehyde...and you know what that is used for !!!!...embalming bodies and "pickling" bio-specimens