Author Topic: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?  (Read 11416 times)

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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #45 on: September 02, 2010, 10:52:34 pm »
 all around Guangzhou they have  2 rmb stores were everything is 2 rmb.
so i guess you could call them the 33 cent store. 

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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #46 on: September 04, 2010, 09:12:28 pm »
Then I guess that store does make Cents  ::)
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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #47 on: September 04, 2010, 11:57:23 pm »
 and it would be centless not to go there and look  ::)

Paul Todd

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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #48 on: September 06, 2010, 08:10:42 am »

More than a dozen female political advisors have urged the government to tighten up examination of marriage applications involving Chinese women and foreign nationals to better protect the rights and interests of those women who blunder into unhappy wedlocks.
"In recent years, Chinese embassies and consulates on foreign soils often receive complaints from Chinese women married to foreign nationals, who are subject to domestic violence, sex abuses and even illegal confinement by their husbands," said Ren Yuanzheng, a member of the 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), China's top advisory body in its annual full session here.
Ren said loopholes in China's existing laws and regulations regarding foreign marriages are one of the factors to blame for the lack of adequate protection of those women.
According to Ren, the current regulations on Chinese-foreigner marriages only require the foreign national involved to present documents of personal identification, but fail to check the income status of the foreign national or whether the couple can afford a stable marriage life.
"Due to the cultural and wealth gap between the Chinese women and their foreign husbands, their marriages are often prone to various misunderstandings and conflicts. As many of the Chinese wives lack the self-protection awareness and are too shy to tell their sad stories to others, they often face escalating violence and maltreatment from their foreign husbands," said Ren.
Ren, along with 16 other female CPPCC members, has submitted a proposal to the ongoing session, calling for stricter examination of foreign marriage applications by relevant government departments.
"We demand the foreign national involved in such a marriage application be required to present his taxation documents or assets evaluation papers, to prove that he has a normal income sufficient for supporting a normal marriage life," said Ren.
The foreign applicant should also deliver a letter of guarantee, pledging to pay the return airfare for the Chinese wife once the couple seek a divorce, and to cover basic living expenses of the wife before a court verdict on the divorce is passed upon, she added. :-\

Offline Jason B

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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #49 on: September 06, 2010, 08:36:06 am »

According to Ren, the current regulations on Chinese-foreigner marriages only require the foreign national involved to present documents of personal identification, but fail to check the income status of the foreign national or whether the couple can afford a stable marriage life.

"We demand the foreign national involved in such a marriage application be required to present his taxation documents or assets evaluation papers, to prove that he has a normal income sufficient for supporting a normal marriage life,"

Very interesting Paul, was going through the 47SP and 40SP (Australian migration applications) and I need to provide 2 years worth of group certificates for income tax or that I have atleast been employed for the past 2 years.  I will be taking copies over in September so if they require them when we get married in February they will be there anyway.  So for me this is not an issue, the only concern I have is what is a normal married life anyway?
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Offline Bee964

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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #50 on: September 06, 2010, 09:41:21 am »

"We demand the foreign national involved in such a marriage application be required to present his taxation documents or assets evaluation papers, to prove that he has a normal income sufficient for supporting a normal marriage life," said Ren.

So tell me, who is it that will be setting the "normal income" levels to live a "normal married life"? Will this be compared to a normal life in China or a normal life in the country the wife goes to.....? I could go on and on asking these type of questions but I think everybody will get the point.

I am sorry but I have always had trouble with this type of thinking. I understand that the government wants to protect their citizens but I don't think this is the way to do it.   

Dave C
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Offline David E

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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #51 on: September 06, 2010, 07:08:49 pm »
As always, it will be the few bad apples that get all of us a bad name. I am sure that some foreign brides get themselves married to men who think they are aquiring a slave and maybe also a worker bee who will get a job and support them...not to mention the physical and emotional violence thrown in for good measure.
It is right and proper that the Chinese Government do something to protect their citizens embarking on a foreign marriage.
Having said that, I dont know about the other countries, but in Aus, part of the Imigration procedure we must go through will be to produce evidence of assets, liabilities, income and job content. If we cant show that we are at least capable of maintaining some sort of life standard, then we wont get a visa for our wife/fiance.
In any event, any man who is serious and genuine would share financial details with his future partner...wouldn't he ??????? Then she can make her own judgement about what the future may hold...beyond the rose coloured glasses. !!!
But of course, most bros would do this.....again, it is the "bad apples" that attract all the official attention
Good guys have nothing to fear with this type of scrutiny by the Chinese Govt., in whatever form it takes...and they are right to care about the future welfare of Chinese Women who marry foreigners.

ps...Sorry Jason, I just read your post and you have already said the same things about Aus Visa process/Income proof.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2010, 07:13:48 pm by David E »

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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #52 on: September 06, 2010, 07:31:32 pm »
I'm going to have to agree with Bee on this.What the hell is somebodies tax returns going to prove?Spousal abuse has never.Ben attributed to how much money the people make.All these fems are doing is trying to get.Noticed So the leader of this little group can be appointed to a higher job.So that she and her cohorts can.Get bigger kickbacks down the line.

Thiere is documented cases of  Chinese woman marring a foreigner..And the marraige goes to hell.So the woman does get hurt or Killed.I'm willing to bet.That if you took 1,000 foreign marriages.Against a 1,000 Chinese marriages.That the abuse in a Chinese marraige is much higher.Then it would be when a foreigner married a Chinese woman.

If these fems are really worried about the health and welfare.Of the Chinese woman.Maybe they should rethink thiere priorities.And start by setting up abused women shelters in China.Or make it a crime in China.To beat the hell out of your wife or girlfriend.Give the battered woman some legal rights in China.And make the local police force enforce the laws.instead of taking a kick back from the accused

Do that then you can talk to me about better ways to improve the screening process.For the foreign husband or fiance.Paul I know this is just a article that you seen somewhere.So you posted it here.and it was a good idea to post it here.The members do need to know if something like this may be a requirement down the road..

What bothers me Is that even in China.Thiere are groups like this.That sacrifice the good of the many.For thiere own personell gain.They could give a shit less.about the health and welfare of any woman who married a foreigner.All they want is to see thiere fearless leaders name in the spotlight.SO they can reap the benefits latter.


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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #53 on: September 06, 2010, 08:09:05 pm »

an interesting artice to say the least. should there be a concern on their part that a lady gets involved in a good marriage, SURE, but i think its a smoke screen for the purpose of furthuring their own agenda. China should look at the internal problems here in the country
with regard to the following:

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE-- there are no consequences for your actions unless you kill someone.
WORKPLACE------------- safety, hours, abuse by employers,not getting paid
WELFARE----------------- according to the stats here in China there is a staggering amount of poor people here and the numbers
                                     are a staggering 800,000 by their own accounting. these people have nothing to rely on but to try and get
                                     whatever they can to eat and live and yes some do work and just make enough to eat noodles or rice
                                     each day. some resort to begging to get by.
marrying a westerner should be looked at but not put up as a number one priority to further your own agenda. lets start to do
something for the people here who are not leaving the country. i see it all the time and if you go to the countryside towns and
villages then it is even more prevelant. lately here in guangzhou i have been seeing many many old people resorting to digging in the trash and begging for money. these people probably worked harder than we would ever do and now have to do this to survive??

You know everyone gets amazed about how their lady argues over 1 or 2 rmb when buying fruits and vegetables or the haggling when buying larger items. well this is caused by the welfare situation that is in place here. if you dont save for the future then you have nothing. and on the flip side you have the vendor selling the items trying to do the same. make money for the future so they can live with some dignity in their later years.

this is what someone should come along and try to change because it is the root cause of the problems here and if you want to make it better then tackle these issues to make life better here for quite a large protion of the population. not come out and think that a major issue here is marriage to a westerner.

or with the imbalance here in men to women ratio and one that will get worse before it gets better is this just a way for them to try and discourage people from considering this route of marrying a westerner?? i dont know because you cant know what is in their mind but it would be interesting to be a fly on the wall when these people meet behind close doors to discuss their strategy.

Offline Bee964

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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #54 on: September 06, 2010, 10:11:45 pm »
I would like to state that I do not have a problem providing a financial statement or employment proof to show ability to support a wife.

Dave C
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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #55 on: September 09, 2010, 08:54:21 am »
3 years ago or something there were alarming bells and whistles . For it had been discovered. We could actually contract cancer from eating gingerbread.

Evidence much later has proven that we can, if we eat a kilo per day.

These new discoveries adding fuel to all doomsday prophecies will never cease. Wether they are true or not

None that has felt the slightest worry about SCO however? And the real motives?

Just to add hehe.
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Paul Todd

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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #56 on: October 03, 2010, 07:01:18 am »
This should really be called "haven't they got something to worry about!" But oh well, here goes..........

Why are American men more successful in relationships than American women? Are they????? I here you ask......Well here's a fun fact, American men who marry foreign women have a much lower divorce rate than American men who marry American women.

In fact the divorce rate between American men and American women is around 60%. There's a better chance of having a disastrous marriage with an  American women than a successful one, by a long shot. At the same time marriages with American men and foreign women are overwhelmingly more likely to be successful. According to the senators who sponsored the  International Marriage Broker Regulation Act designed to protect foreign women from stealthy male American predators, some 8,000 to 12,000 U.S. men marry foreign wives each year (2009). The divorce rate of such couples is up to three times lower than the national average. Which is good because way more American men marry foreign women compared to American women and foreign men. So we'll see more healthy marriages with American men in the future.

At the same time American women who marry foreign men have an even higher divorce rate around 75% than American women have with American men. So While American men seem to be able to have a long healthy relationship with a woman. American women can't seem to have any sort of long healthy relationship with anyone in the world.  ???

Now that's  frightening .
In my scant research for the above post I came across the:- 
I did not include any figures from there for obvious reasons...................and I quote:-

"1. There are ENORMOUS desire/demand for American men from foreign women.
2. There is NO desire or demand for American women from foreign men (shame on you, ladies!).
3. It is likely that foreign people perceive American men to be BETTER than American women.
To the feminist, the American woman is highly sought after while the American man is only wanted for his money. Or he is just a walking green card. This line of thinking is so played out and false that it's not even worth talking about anymore. Have fun living in your little world where all the men on this planet desire you, and us men are seen as nothing but a way to a better life. Whatever gets you through the day ladies. Of course most of the women I have met in Asia had no desire to leave their families and come take up your way of life. So yeah, you are wrong, but then most American women have no concept of family, marriage, or anything other than what the ladies on the View have to say about evil men and their foreign brides. There is no demand for American women outside of this country. Lot's of demand for American men though. I think all those drugs you have taken for your various STDs are starting to have an affect on the brains of the idiotic American women."

If your feeling bitter and twisted read what this guy has to say and you'll feel much better. I think ::)

« Last Edit: October 04, 2010, 10:08:43 pm by Paul Todd »


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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #57 on: October 03, 2010, 04:51:54 pm »
This does not surprise me at all . To add , I think the American Woman has put that on themselves . They are so proud to become equalto the Male counterpart .. that is maybe why they are concidered too much " MALE " for the average American Male . That leaves them just good for one-nighter's ( sad to say ) but their still welcomed by many Men , but Marriage  .. NO WAY ! They shot themselves in the Foot and blame it on the Men here . Just like a Women .. american that is .

Offline David E

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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #58 on: October 03, 2010, 05:57:09 pm »

Fascinating information !!

I think if you substitute "Australian, or European etc" for the "American" Man, you would have exactly the same set of circumstances.
A parallel situation exists in Aus, and I am sure it also exists virtually everywhere in the Western World.

As usual, reality has been hijacked and twisted by the vocal minority of rabid feminists who are now seen to represent the majority view !!
These idiots have fought tirelessly for so-called equal rights, which is another way of saying dominance !!

Sadly, and call me sexist if you wish, a female is not biologically or mentally equipped to do many of the mental and physical stuff that has been a male characteristic for many, many thousands of years. But feminists dont care about that and they have trapped most women into a new stereotype that is leading ever onwards to disaster for the average woman.

The article you mention has a critical and key point.......if the new "feminism" is right for Women in general, then why all over the world has the "emancipated" woman become the total loser in the partnership stakes, why are western women now considered a poor risk for a long term relationship ??

Answer is not difficult.......because they have been brainwashed into abandoning the very characteristics that nature intended them to use to be the perfect partner...and I dont mean "slave" here.

Men, in general, have not been subject to such grotesque character modification and we still consider ourselves as responsible for looking after our families...shelter, protection, food etc.

So the western world is crashing deep into a basic character mismatch between men and we men, want to look further afield for a partner who upholds the traditional values of man/ woman/family and such.

Sure, there are ass888les who are out for a good time and nothing else, but the quest for a foreign wife is so costly, difficult and frustrating that they mostly fall by the wayside.

You have only got to read abnout many experiences here where men are frustrated at every turn by the various government agencies to realise that many different forces are at work to prevent us men marrying our desired partner from outside the bastard system we are forced to live in !!!...just ask Jimmy and Rhonald about name 2 cases that spring to mind.

Thank goodness that we have a bunch of guys here who are all going through the same meat grinder process. Imagine how it would be without such knowlege and support.........individually we would all be in far more stress because we would believe that this beaurocratic crap is directed at us personally !!!

Dont let the bastards grind you down !!!!


Paul Todd

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Re: As we didn't have enough to worry about ?
« Reply #59 on: October 03, 2010, 09:47:53 pm »
I just checked out the % divorce rate in the UK and the office for national statistics says it's running around 50% with an expected rise this year of 2% due to the economy being not that great. So the UK is right up there with the US. I think the thing that surprised me most was that the divorce rate is up to three times lower with a foreign bride. Given all the stress and cultural differences we have all experienced not to mention the bureaucratic nightmare some have had to live through, we still have a much better chance of a lasting relationship with these lady's than one of our own! ;D
David, "Thank goodness that we have a bunch of guys here who are all going through the same meat grinder process. Imagine how it would be without such knowledge and support.........individually we would all be in far more stress because we would believe that this bureaucratic crap is directed at us personally !!!"
Absolutely spot on, well said! :)