Author Topic: Typhoon Megi approaching China  (Read 2660 times)

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Offline Sylvain D

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Typhoon Megi approaching China
« on: October 22, 2010, 07:36:39 am »
Typhoon Megi killer gets closer to China
Susan Stumm (AFP) - 5 hours ago
BEIJING - canceled flights, ferry services suspended, evacuation of tens of thousands of people, China is preparing for Friday's arrival Megi, the strongest typhoon in 20 years in this area of the Pacific Ocean.
The typhoon is expected to reach the Chinese coast, a priori, Fujian province (southeast) on Friday night or Saturday morning, meteorologists said.
Friday at 0600 GMT, Megi was 250 km from the border between the coastal provinces of Fujian and Guangdong, growing at a speed of 10 km / h, according to the national weather center. He was accompanied by winds of up to 173 km / h.
Megi has already killed at least 36 dead and 23 missing in Philippines Taiwan: 20 Taiwanese and three Chinese citizens.
Over 150,000 people were evacuated in Fujian and tens of thousands of fishing vessels were recalled to their home ports and at sea prohibited in this province and the neighboring Guangdong, reported the agency New China.
At least 10,000 people were evacuated, authorities in Guangdong, which could see breaking waves up to seven meters high.
The passage of Megi, accompanied by strong winds and torrential rain, increase the risk of mudslides, landslides and flooding, had said on Wednesday the Chinese National Centre of Meteorology.
The State Oceanic Administration has issued an alert indicating that rising water levels could exceed the alarm level.
"The storm could be so devastating as buildings, docks, villages and cities could be destroyed," warned Bai Yiping, chief forecaster of the Administration, quoted by Xinhua.
The airline China Southern Airlines has canceled flights from Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong, and Xiamen, Fujian's second largest city, to Manila, the Philippines' capital, and planned disruptions for services of other Asian cities Southeast.
Domestic flights from Guangzhou - megalopolis of 14 million people - were also disrupted, said the China Daily, quoting airport sources.
Officials of the Municipality of Guangzhou have asked the organizers of Asian Games to do everything to protect the infrastructure of the international event next month.
"The sports festival is to open in the capital of Guangdong Province on November 12 as planned," said the deputy governor of the province, Li Ronggen, quoted by China Daily.
Many coastal towns were also suspended ferry services, the paper added. Dikes have been reinforced in ports and fishing infrastructure protection.
The ferry routes between the mainland and Hainan Island have been suspended too.
In Hong Kong, several oil terminals were closed Thursday and tankers had to drop anchor at a distance, while the distribution of fuel to vessels was suspended.
Hong Kong was installing shelters around the city to accommodate residents who were evacuated from their homes, said David Leung, Deputy Director of Internal Affairs of the territory.
In Taiwan, the Central Weather Bureau issued an alert due to torrential rains that caused landslides and disrupted rail traffic.
Megi will be the 13th typhoon to hit China this year, a year that was marked by an accumulation of natural disasters.
The country experienced its worst floods in 10 years that killed more than 4,300 dead or missing and massive landslides here in Gansu (northwest), in which 1,500 people were killed in August.
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Re: Typhoon Megi approaching China
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2010, 09:58:43 am »
So which of you guys are going to be stuck in it?
Jimmy Henson

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Re: Typhoon Megi approaching China
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2010, 02:37:16 pm »
I'm surprised at the mention of Gaungzhou, Sunny said its a little windy but apart from that the weather isn't unusual there.
For those guys that have girlfriends/wives in the areas that are/will be affected my thoughts are with you.
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Re: Typhoon Megi approaching China
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2010, 04:20:18 pm »
It's not hitting mainland China until tonight (EST 11:00 PM) or tomorrow morn 11 AM HK time. They always make it worse then what it is. As most know hurricanes are watched here from June to Nov. They always come up with it's a CAT 3/4 and about to hit land, then it turns to it hit land as a CAT 1... big difference? There's one right now whirling around just south of me.

These south pacific islands that had shacks on them.. what do they expect when they get torn up? It will die down it's headed for colder waters.

Offline ttwjr32

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Re: Typhoon Megi approaching China
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2010, 08:43:33 pm »
It will land today or i should say tonight in Fujian,which is north of Guangzhou a little bit.
Could be a problem there even at cat1 with the stick houses they have. Doesnt take much
to create a big problem here or in the Philipines

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Re: Typhoon Megi approaching China
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2010, 12:55:28 am »
It seems to have missed us here. I am in Zhongshan a short ride from the Coastal city of Zhuhai.  There is no wind and aI have just had lunch of three Tiger Prawns in the sunshine.

It looks like it is going to hit the next Province about Guangdong. Lunchtime News has reduced it from a 3 Typhoon down to a 1.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: Typhoon Megi approaching China
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2010, 01:44:47 am »
All quiet in hong kong also

Offline Sylvain D

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Re: Typhoon Megi approaching China
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2010, 04:19:03 am »
Torrential rains and strong winds began to hit the south-eastern China on Saturday with the arrival of Typhoon Megi, considered the most powerful for 20 years in the Pacific area, according to television images State and national weather center.
The streets of the city of Zhangzhou, located on the typhoon, were under water, according to these images, while the National Meteorological Centre China confirmed that the typhoon had reached the coast of China and urged the population not out.
"If you're already out, do not protect from the rain by temporary structures, signs, metal poles or trees," warned the weather center said in a statement.
Flights were canceled, and ferry services suspended at least 160,000 people evacuated in anticipation of the typhoon that has killed 36 people in the Philippines and at least 11 killed in mudslides in Taiwan where the rescuers always busy to find more two dozen people missing.
The Chinese forecast indicated that the typhoon was heading towards the interior of the country and gradually lose its violence.

From what I just can read, it seems that typhoon is also not a little one.
I saw a video yesterday, talking about men rescued in a bus by a helicopter and that another bus was blocked but the contact was lost...

I just hope everything can go fine for all those who have family, there.
And if the level is just down by now, it is also a very good news.
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Offline davidaquincy

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Re: Typhoon Megi approaching China
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2010, 11:12:43 am »
Just got off webcam with Anny who lives in Xiamen. Lots of rain and wind.

I was there a month ago with her and another typhoon came through. The damage was pretty bad so I don't know what the rest of the place is going to look like.

She is safe which was my major concern.

BTW.....we sent in our Fiancee visa in when I got back. Received NOA1 2 days ago!!

Now the long wait! ::)

Offline Jason B

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Re: Typhoon Megi approaching China
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2010, 10:49:18 am »
Well it did not affect Shenzhen at all today.  Spoke with Xia and she had just gotten back from watching some power boat racing on Shenzhen Bay.  So the sea could not have been too rough to run races.
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