2 nights ago, while we were on the running track, the neighbours came down and sat watching as I done my usual exercises and keep fit routine. 2 of the women started running behind, copying everything we were doing, so we slowed right down so they could catch up. They started talking to Sophie and laughing, (guess it must have been at my 'LONG' shorts I was wearing) hehe. Anyway, one of them grabs my arm and pretends to run off with me, everyone giggles. I grab at her arm and pull her along as I start to speed up, she is screaming her head off (in a good way), I guess it must have been 'slow down, slow down' so I let her go and we all laughed our head off.
One of the neighbours is a very old gentleman about 75 or 80 he was in stiches with laughter, so I gestured to him to follow me, after a little persuasion from the others, he did. We kept at a nice pace for him, til we were halfway around the track and he had to stop for air., we walked the rest of the way back to everyone. On the walk back, he was hugging me and talking fast chinese to me, but the jist of it was, he likes me I think !!! We get back to the group, and he starts pulling me around the track again, but this time we go to the obsticle (exercise) course at the other end. He precedes to give a demonstration and wants me to follow suit. Everything he done, I did. It was as if he felt he was in compaticion with me. Anyway the only thing I could not do, were the pull ups because of my shoulder. He took great delight in telling everyone, that he beat me on the exercise course

Later that night, Sophie has a torrid time with Peter, he got into a right strop because we would not let him use the computer or my translator - which has games on it apparently

..He was like a little spoiled brat, I tried to speak top him, but he just blanked me.. Last night, give the boy his due, he apologized profously to me, he said he felt ashamed of his behaviour towards me. It take a big guy, to acknowledge when he has done wrong, so I shook his hand to let him know all was cool. I don't like the way he talks to his mom, he has that arrogant typical rebelious teenager traits, and I have had enough of them to last me a lifetime...BUT, together, we will cope with him.
Yesterday Morning, Sophie and I got talking on yahoo while she was at work., and she was asking me about my feeling being in China etc. So I started to explain them to her, everything was ok. I went out to the shop, to see about the phone and computer, which I think is NOW fixed, I will look soon, as I am using hers just now. Anyway we strated texting each other and the subject again got onto 'My feelings'. I did not want to lie, so I told her the truth., that I was missing my kids, the whole Western way of life, the language barrier, the food and because of that and her family being against us, and not being able to get work, maybe we should break up. That's when the Shit really hit the fan!!!
Won 't gop into detail, would take too long, suffice to say after about 3 hours on the phone, we decided to meet up back at the house and talk things through. The thing that struck me was, that she was taking the blame for this. I explained that it wasn't her, that it was me, but, no she felt it was her fault. Basically it was NOBODIES fault, it was a combination of things and events. Anyway, once we start talking, we realised then and there, THAT we DO love each other, and that 'Breaking' up IS NOT the solution... We are going to work things through, with everything, and as far as her family go, I have not to care what they think, it is 'Her and I' that is the main priority.

And you know what, she is right

So there you go guy's did not want to 'spoil' Ronan's big day and rant on here