Author Topic: Here I go again...  (Read 59160 times)

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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #150 on: September 26, 2010, 04:48:42 am »
You must be having a great weekend Robbie as you have not added to this thread since the 23rd.   But just had a thought, maybe your out chattting to some more Trees.

So in that case I will let you know if you get bored, we have a bloody great forest near here and no one has spoken to the occpants for yonks.  They spend all day crying, especially the Weeping Willows.


Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #151 on: September 27, 2010, 10:40:40 am »
Just a short note to mention that tomorrow morning Sophie and Myself are on our way to Jinan to get me my single certificate.  After much deliberation this weekend, I have really decided that I am ready to take the plunge...

And that these bloody Mosquitoes HATE me... :o :o :-\

Offline shaun

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #152 on: September 27, 2010, 06:55:53 pm »
Either that or the mosquito's like scotch.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #153 on: September 28, 2010, 03:26:10 am »
Just a short note to mention that tomorrow morning Sophie and Myself are on our way to Jinan to get me my single certificate.  After much deliberation this weekend, I have really decided that I am ready to take the plunge...

And that these bloody Mosquitoes HATE me... :o :o :-\

Why do you not listen and actually take in what people tell you Robbie??????

There is no UK consulate in Jinan.  There is an office in Guangzhou, Shanghai and Chingqing and the Embassy in Beijing, and you need to make an appointment for any of these offices. These are the places in China for UK Citizens to obtain the 'single certificate'.  So it is very, very unlikely that you will be getting the single certificate process up and running today.   You make appointment and go there with your passport and previous marriage certificates and copies of Decree Absolute for divorce.   They publish the application and then send you all the paperwork you need to get married with on the 22nd day later provided that no one makes any objection.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Paul Todd

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #154 on: September 28, 2010, 06:23:51 am »
When I got my paperwork from the UK embassy in Beijing you didn't need to have an appointment, just stroll in. Where you need to go is not in the main embassy building itself but an office block quite close by. It was very quiet and the staff were super helpfull. For more info check out the website

Offline David E

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #155 on: September 28, 2010, 06:35:37 am »
Now dont laugh Rob...give it a try and see !!!

If you want to avoid being bitten by mossies (BTW it is only female mossies that bite...typical !!) a banana with your breakfast.

Apparently there is some chemical in bananas that mossies dont like....and I tried this and it worked for me  ;D ;D ;D

Happy to hear all is well with you two...keep it up... :-\


Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #156 on: September 29, 2010, 05:25:48 am »
Just had a phone call from Robbie.  At last he has been to Beijing and his application is in for a 'single certificate' they will send it to him by courier in 22 days time.

Just one more hurdle crossed and its into the home straight for a two furlong gallop to the winning post.

So lets hope there is no interference noted and that a stewards enquiry will not be necessary.


Robbie asked me to post this as he will not be back on until tomorrow.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #157 on: October 01, 2010, 02:00:34 am »
Willie thanks for that.  And the reason I did not 'listen' to you and others WILL become clearer...I THINK !!!

Ok  on the evening of the 27th I was being pestered by Sopie about having to get to bed, because we ..."ARE going to JINAN early 'tomorrow'..."  So for about an hour and a half, she kept coming in and pestering me to go to bed, eventually I did.  :)  On the 28th I was woken up at 05.30 with the immortal words.."Baby, breakfast, we need to go soon, it takes 2 hours on the bus".  So we leave and go to the bus station where there is a mad dash to find out where the bus goes from.  We boarded and settled down for a nice "TRIP & MORNING" in Jinan. :o

The bus journey was nice enough, nice scenery etc, but the memories of Sophies last trip to Jinan made her break down and cry as we got closer to the place, this was because her father had died there...

On arrival there, we go hunting for this ADDRESS that she has., we finally make it, go into this building talk to the ushers and find what floor the office is on.  Once we get to the office, it is CLEAR to me that SHE had made an error.  She had taken me to the UK VISA CENTRE, but we went in and she spoke to them, but could'nt get them to UNDERSTAND why we were there.  So on BEING told to explain I did, and was promptly told 'THIS IS THE VISA CENTRE, WE ONLY DO VISAS', I thanked her and left the office and phoned the man from London!!!

Outside the offices in Jinan, I had about 2 hours trying to explain to her that if we go to Beijiing, the place will be closed because it was another 5 hour bus trip.  So she makes a phone call or 2 or 3, by this time I was NOT in any mood to listen to her.  She contacts her friend and they make arrangments for us to stay there for the night..
For 3 months before I came, I EXPLAINED all this to her, that we needed to go to Beijiing, but she WAS very insistant that it could all be done in Jinan...!!! ??? 

We take a little tour in Jinan while we are waiting to go for the bus to Bejiing, there was some sort of 'EXPO' on there so we strolled around for an hour or 2, all the time me with my mood worsening >:(  We finally ghet to the bus station AGAIAN for the 'NEW' trip.. settle on the bus and it leaves.  % and a half hours later we arrive.  Now it is pitch black here for 8.30 in the evening, but the lights from the shops and street make it look like a nice place., as we are leaving the station, HER 'Sister/Friend' pumps the car horn and we get in the car.  At least we have a place to stay for the night at no cost I thought, so that a burden sorted...

The sister lives about 15 minutes journey in the car away, so we have a'pleasant' drive, if you can call nearly being hit about 6 times 'PLEASANT', we get to the friends house, have something to eat and settle down for tomorrows events...

In the morning I am again woken up about 5ish, given breakfast, had a coffee and then we left.  The friend 'drove' us to the place, having made sure she stopped off at a bank for me..  in the phone call to the office in Bejiing, I was told I could just TURN UP, NO NEED FOR APPOINTMENT.  I met an English guy there, the first westerner I had seen since being in China...We find this office, WELL, I say found it, that's NOT strictly true..After getting informnation from a doorman at this building we are told to go through because we can get out the outher side..  Now 'WE' have been'TOLD' were to go, BUT...Sophies sense of direction IS NOT THE BEST HAHAHAHA, we get lost and have to get more direcdtions,eventually find the place, go upstairs, fill in the forms and POST THE BANNS...22 from the 29th september we are tieing the knot...WELL THAT IS IF SOPHIE DOESN'T GET LOST HAHAHA... ::)

the total cost was 1452 yuan approx 121.00 UK pounds...We come from there and the friend drives us to Tiannemen suare, drives us back to the house, and then leave the car and taken there by bus.  The place is amazing, I have loads of pictures, I will post as soon as I can...We go from there over to Mao Se Dong's place, and go into the forbidden city. 

Man we spent about 4 hours there and still never saw everything, the tourists were thronged everywhere.  Once we finally comeoutta there, Sophies sister left us there alone, so we told her we would make our own way back!!!!  Anyway, in the forbidden city, it is building after building, after building...I am not sure how long this place is, but I tellyou, I must have walked about 6 inches off my height, but if ANYONE GETS THE CHANCE TO GO, THIS IS A 'MUST NOT MISS' OPPERTUNITY....

We have agreat day, sitting in the gardens of the city eating a romantic lunch, after posting our vows to get married, it was one of the best days I ever had..It is something I will never forget...The thing I found about Beijing was that people DON'T stare at me as much, probably because they are used to seeing western peole...Now we leave there to make our way home...She asked umteen people for directions, BUT me, all I know is RETRACE YOUR STEPS WILL GET YOU BACK 8), We walk for what seems like hours getting to the point where we first started, look for the right number bus...EVENTUALLY finding it, we get on the bus, pay the fare, and 5 minutes later, we are outside the forbidden city gates, all we had to do was to cross the road to get the bus...hehehe ;D...You would think the story is finished here, wouldn't you !!!THINK AGAIN.

4 bus stops from where we are supposed to be, the engine on the bus catches fire and are told to GET OFF THE BUS...I decide look, it only a few more stops up the road (I am good when it comes to remebering my way to places), lets just walk it...So she agrees, we get to the point where we have to turn RIGHT and then a sharp LEFT..NOP, sophie KNOWS BEST !!!!, she continues to lead me for another mile down the wrong way, all the time I am in fits of laughter, because4 I KNOW, we are heading the wrong way...So she asks someone, and of course they point us back in the direction we came from.

Now, 'everyone knows' that a short person cannot walk as fast as a taller one !!! RIGHT...WRONG :( she is walking so fast that she ends up way in front of m, so I just take my time...We are NOW at thepoint where we turn right, SHE starts to carry on towards the bus...GGGRrr...BY now I am fuming, so I shout her, and tell her "I AM GOING THIS WAY", she comes running up telling me "NO....WRONG WAY"!!!!  I ignored her and kept walking, after all the place WAS just around the next bend...  Once we got back into the house/flat, she was telling the sister and they had a great laugh about it..I had some dinner, and went for a shower and relaxed for the rest of the night...

The next morning, we rose at 6am, a late start ::)  we take a walk in this park which is situated at the back of the buildings where the friend lives...IT is 7am and we are strolling through this park...There are loads of people already there, singing, dancing, playing games, rowing, it is Phenomonal to see this..By western standards they put us to shame...  This park is HUGE and takes us another good couple of hours to see it al, even then, I'm not sure we did.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2010, 03:07:20 am by Scottish_Rob »


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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #158 on: October 01, 2010, 03:55:45 am »
Once we are through the park, we head towards the undersground,we arebeing taken to 'The Olympic Village and stadiums..I though the 'Forbidden City' was good, WOW, this place is also a MUST NOT MISS TOUR...  We do the touring stuff and another afternoon is spent with the time we are ready to go back to the flat, we again take the subway and RETRACE our steps... ;D  Once after a nice brew in the flat, I decide to let the girls catch up themselves, so I go a walk back to the park and spend an hour or so just enjoying the sights and sounds of China and it's people.  What did I see, well, KITE Flying, games of all sorts, dancing all types, Tai Chi, sailing.  In this park was also  a MARKET, so I had a nosey about the placve.....

The thing that will live in my memory is this..I walked to this 'openair' pavilion where people were all sitting and singing, individually and as aa group, it was amazing...  Later I head back to the flat, then we go out for a meal...The sister wants us to go to some fancy place, BUT Sophie was having none of it, we went into this small place and had dumpling, many types, some where nice, others not so...BUT the sister had never  been in here before, so she boughta take home dinner for her son and husband, who was due home from Weifang in the evening.  We head back home, the husband comes in just as we are having a brew, I get troduced etc, the first thing he does, is take a out acarton of Cigarettes and hands them to me, he knows I am from Scotland, so he shows me the bollte of 40 year old Dewers Whiskey that he we hada good chat.  Once it was timwe to leave, the whole family walked us down to the car, however, it had a flat tyre, so we went for the bus instead..  The tears flowed between them all, God I had such a good time I nearly welled up myself...hahah  Once we were on the bus and making our way to the train station for the train home, Sophie calmed down with a few hugs :D

I never mentioned, but last night, we had went to the train station to get our tickets back to Zhucheng, however, we could only go Via Weifang.  I would advise those witha heart problem NOT too read any further...IF your EVER going to bejiing, NEVER get the train......Let me explain..we got to the train station a good 50 minutes before our journey...Little did I know that you have to queue to get INTO the station :o and it seems like everyone and the dog was there.  By the time we pushed, prodded, nipped, pulled we were finally at the door into the station this 'little' excurion lasted for 20 minutes...I kid you NOT...we had only traveled 35 yards... >:(  I have been to football matches whre there are BIG crowds so LUCKILY I was used to being in crowds like this...Once inside the station, SOPHIE finds the platform where we are to get the train...END OF STORY...NO we had to make a MAD DASH to another platform with only minutes to spare..the train was alread crowded so I thought, ok we will get the next one...OH BOY was I wrong :(

We get onboard..SOMEHOW, and are pushed halfway down the aisle,...NOW, for those who have NEVER done this train journey before, there is one thing you have to be made aware of..YOU will fight for ANY little bit of space you can find.  The guard who was the fatteste chinaman I have ever saw, was squeezing past the poeple, he got to me and started pushing me further along.. >:(  This would jhave been ok, BUT for one little problem  THERE WAS NO ROOM UP FRONT or behind, but still he kept pushing, so I lost my rag and started swearing at him, calling him evrything you could think, did it make a difference...NO CHANCE...I kid you not, the aisle is designed for one person walking at a time...there were 3 abreast, it took you all your stregnth to move your arms..And still they came, cases on their heads jostling, pushing, pulling to get by..AND yes, somehow they managed it..  This was for me the most frightening and disturbing journey I had ever taken.. :-\

Maybe not the Americans or Canadians will remember this, but Heysel Disaster and Ibrox Disaster springs readily to mind...IT was that frightening... ???  We had to endure 7 hours of this 'packaging', it was like being in a sardine can with all your little mates...  once we reached Weifeng, Sophie asked me if 'I wanted to see Weifeng" by now I was ready to do anything but sight see, so I said "No, just go home"...What she didn't realise was thatwhen I said home I meant the UK.. :o haha only joking...  So we go and get the bus ticket for another 2 hour journey, we finally get on the bus with a little deley, caused by my good self ;D ;D  The conducter counted the heads of the occupants, and was missing a ticket...Now if someone tears a portion off YOUR ticket, you would assume thats it accounted for...RIGHT?  WRONG...well I go into my pocket after 15 minutes of deley and find this stub, sophie grabs it and yells at the guy, something like "Here it is Mr Man" :D  He starts yelling at her..ME, I got outta my seat and started shouting at him, saying, you got a problem about this...It was me, not HER shout at me you F....r...BOY was I mad... >:( >:(
Anyway we get to Zhucheng andI'm now in our flat, had a coffee and ready for a new future

Oh one more thing I forgot to mention...MAKE SURE yuou have 2 different cards with you...I only had the one, and my card was decllined after my fiost visit to the bank in Beijing.  I am NOW hoping it has been sorted by tomorrow, or I am really up the creek without a paddle...


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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #159 on: October 01, 2010, 03:48:48 pm »
All the things we do for " LOVE " ?

Rob , you better measure yourself .. being squeezed like that .. you might have gained a few inches in Height ?  :o :o


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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #160 on: October 01, 2010, 04:00:58 pm »
sounds like typical traveling on the holiday. Remember its the national holiday here so everything is really
packed to the hilt. The Bejing Train station is quite the interesting place especially outside the building.


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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #161 on: October 02, 2010, 12:20:31 pm »
rereading the post Rob "you lost your rag" what exactly does that mean??


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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #162 on: October 04, 2010, 06:48:44 am »
 I thought he lost his headpiece  hahaha
but i didnt want to say but then again i just did ::)

Offline Martin

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #163 on: October 04, 2010, 06:30:12 pm »
I thought he lost his headpiece  hahaha
but i didnt want to say but then again i just did ::)

I know this might be politically incorrect, but...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #164 on: October 04, 2010, 11:46:09 pm »
Hahahahaha yes Ted it is too lose ones temper...hahahaha

On this trip I have experienced all forms of transport, including riding pillion on a motorbike.  The most frightened I have been was last night, Sophie decided to take me shopping :o, Hoeever, what she did NOT mention was, that we would be going on her scooter. ???  I never even knew she had one.!!!

Well we set off and a leisurely pace and get to this shopping mall.  We go around it, getting this and that, then she decides to get the vegetables!!!  I got so fed up traipsing (walking) after her, that I decided to wait at one of the weighing machines, she went off got some carrots and brought them to me, then off she went for onions, this went on for about 30 minutes untill she had got all manner of vegetables.  Every time she came back with something, she would say to me " You like?"  While she was gone, a queue formed behind me, and someone asked why 'they' were not being served, I was NOT at the front of the queue, I was just waiting hahahaha...It was funny to see their expressions when they found this out... :D :D

Anyway, we finish there and go for meat etc.  As you propbably know, when animals are skinned, there is usually  'blue' type writing on the carcass.. Well She ordered a piece of meat from the butcher and complained about this writing, trying to explain that it was ok, and would be cut off when we get home was something else.  Wouls she buy it, would she hell as like.  We walked away with her talking in Chinese to me, I can only imagine what she was saying!!!  Anyway, we get to the paying counter and I tell her to wiait there.  I head back and get the meat she had argued about.  We paid for everything and left, carring 6 (SIX) bags of shopping.  NOW, I am NO EXPERT, but 6 bags and 2 people on a small scooter, does not seem to sit right with me. ???

We get to this scooter, me on the back, and somehow all the bags and set off home.  We made it, something I noticed was, that NOT ONCE did she look around to see what was coming (if anything :o).  We drop the bags off and head to Momma's house, she is not in, so we head to the sisters.  Once we are settled the sister goes into the kitchen prepares some food for me.  Sophie shows me around the place, she takes me into the kitchen and shows me what her sister is making.  I look closely at the bowl of food...AND IT'S MOVING ???

NOW, I am a fussy eater at the best of times, but I DO LIKE MY FOOD TO BE DEAD, before eating it :-X  Anyway, we go back into the lounge and I tell Momma, the food is moving, she laughs her head off, once it's cooked the sister brings it in, it is COCKROACHES :-\  tHE MOM GESTURES FOR ME TO EAT chance I say to myself.  I politly refuse the mother.  Being as I was facing the mother, Sophie turned my head and put one in my mouth.  NOW, I could do one of two things, eat or spit it out...So I quickly chewed it and swallowed, well everyone in the room was in an uproar at the expressions I was making after chewing it...

As we were leaving, Sophie was given a container filled with these cooked things.  Dare I say, I WILL BE WATCHING WHAT SOPHIE PUTS IN MUY MOUTH FROM NOW ON...HAHAHAHAHA