Author Topic: Here I go again...  (Read 59103 times)

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #30 on: August 18, 2010, 04:16:06 am »

Good luck.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #31 on: August 18, 2010, 05:04:58 am »
It seems to me to have been a long time ago that I made that journey to China.  I can hardly remember those first few days at all. Other than it was a round of dinners, meeting all and sundry and finally deciding, very soon, that this was not the woman I had waited a lifetime for.

My one lasting memory is spending 13 hours on a plane sitting next to the longest legs and shortest shorts I had ever been that close to.

I spent he whole 13 hours sitting up straight, ensuring I did not doze off thereby not allowing my hands to fall accidently onto those rather nice legs. Can you imagine the mayhem that could have resulted in mid flight.  Mile high club membership would have been nothing compered to the title 'thirty five thousand foot pervert'!!!!!!!

Little did I realise at that time that a new and completely unplanned couple of months of pleasure were to follow.   Nice but it all came to a halt when I eventually met my wife and her love made me into the person I am today.   A quivering bumbling shell of my former self!!!!   No just kidding.   

Just wonder how I got through all those years without having a wife before.

I have now enough memories to last me all my days.

So Rob when you get there have a little fun - sorry a non politically correct word there. Have a lot of fun.  But start your job search right from the start. Leave it a week or so and I could be greeting you back in the UK before October is out.   And I do not want to do that.    (That is if I can get another spot of leave from her majesty.  Sorry my wife I mean.)
You make no efforts in that first week or so and Sophie will think you a lazy bugger.   Make the most of the days.  You have the evenings to get aquainted.
She knows in the UK you have time to talk to her all and every day, but in China she will want you to work and show you can support her and the child. 
 And do not make her pregant.  I just cannot imagine a Scottish_rob  with slanty eyes running around crying 'auch aye the noo'  and 'Stitch that Jimmy'
Watch that heart in your excitement.  Coronary treatment aint cheap in China.
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #32 on: August 18, 2010, 05:07:34 am »
Good luck, this time will be different.... ;D
If your accent interfers with job hunting, I will give you English lessons for free when I get to China on the 12th August...that should be fun !!!
"The rain in Spain falls mainly on the Plain" !!!!!!!  "How now brown cow"...see, its not so difficult is it ??

Haha...Och Aye the noo...See you Jimmy !!!!

It's a bricht brew moonlich nicht the nicht...For you normal English speakers, it means " The weather is lovely tonight"....haha... ;D ;D

 ;D ;D ;D

It does not mean that at all. And well you know it.  In simple terms it means Rob is pissed again.
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #33 on: August 27, 2010, 09:47:44 am »
Destination Zhucheng, Shandong Province... :D :D

Ok, today is the 27th,  I fly out from Manchester (uk) on the 30th, arrive in Amsterdam, then flight to Hangzhou, finally onto Qingdao, arriving on 31st. Where I will be met by Sophie and driven (about a 3 hour drive) to Zhucheng.  The journey will take - including the time from when I leave my house the night before - a total of 34 hours.

I read all the brotherhoods trip reports, and their meetings with their ladies at the airports.  Even though I had been before I still got pangs of jealousy, because I had not experienced their joy and excitment that must have been going through their bodies.  Well that is unil now, now I know what they felt, and boy, it is a great feeling... :D

I know it does not matter how long you speak to each other through other mediums, IT is the face to face meeting that will count.  It is the first glimspe of the person, the first words, the first touch.  Will she greet me with open arms, will we hug, kiss, shake hands.  We have spoken about what we will do when we first meet.  But things are said over the previous months, and sometimes may not happen.  Will she really like me or I her, the face to face will tell.  We will see in each others eyes, (well that is if she bends down for me to look into them lol) what we are truly feeling.

I have got to know this woman over the last few months, IF it does not work, I know we will still be good friends.  Do I worry that it may not work out, of course I do, but if it doesn't I know it will not be down to anything that Sophie or I did wrong... It will be though other ways (family) and ideals of the Chinese culture.  However, on saying that, I have a really GOOD feeling, so will approach this with my eyes wide open, and NO negative thoughts.

Sophie is a 'Traditional Woman' she tells me, she does not like the limelight, a simple, happy and harmonious life is all she is looking for, I will do my utmost to give her this.  Last night we spoke about the meaning of 'Traditional Women'.  I got to realise in my own way, that a traditional woman is someone who loves their family and loves life, someone who would not hurt another person.  Someone who will do almost anything for harmony and happiness, and I am NOT talking about sex here!!!  She will do all these things without being promted, and will give her pleasure to do so.  In other words, she will TRULY love you.  This is what we are looking for in our search, true love.

Our recent conversations has been about the negative aspects of China.  Were these carried out to stop me going, NO, they were (in my eyes) from a woman who wants me to know the real China.  Who wants me to know that I should be careful, who worries about me and my health  She will do everything in her power to make sure I am safe and well looked after.

Well, the case has been packed and unpacked then repacked.. ;D  just to check and double check I have everything I need.  Now I have another 2 day wait til I leave.  But these 2 days will be taking up with nerves and excitment.  Last year when I went I did not really knowwhat to expect, this time I do, and I intend making full use of my time.

I learned from Josh the MOST important sentence that I will probably have to learn, Nǐ yuànyì jià gěi wǒ ma?..Lets hope i get to use it... ;D ;D

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #34 on: August 27, 2010, 06:07:26 pm »
Have a good safe trip Scottish , no hanging around looking for a translator this time , Robert and Sujuan .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #35 on: August 29, 2010, 07:08:06 pm »
Well 1 hour to go before I leave for the airport... ;D ;D

God the excitement and nerves are geting to me, so much so, I'm up and down to the loo every 5 minutes..hahaha.  Lets be honest, the first trip was exciting for many reasons, but this time it's different, I have other reasons to be nervous.. :o..I know what you guy's - who have done this - feels.  I am usually pretty nervous guy anyway, even though I may not come across like that.  Not looking forward to the flights, or the travelling, but looking forward to the 'Prize' that's at the other end ;D ;D

I will try and get to see a couple of you guys who are there, even if it's only for a day, I never made the trips last time, but this time I am more determined...We have spoken about this and Sophie would like us to do it.  Would I make this trip, if I had not enjoyed the last one, possibly NOT.  However, one or two members have said that China gets in your blood, this I think is true.  I was captivated the last time, I was shell shocked at the country and poverty, but the people !!!  The people were so friendly and helpful that the poverty is outweighed by their attitude.

Will I show my nerves when I get off the plane in Qingdao and walk through customs, I will NOT not too, I would imagine that I will have the biggest grin you will ever see.  if I would have had the guts, I would wear a kilt, but I don't haha..Don't want the Chinese thinking they are being invaded by a madman.  Don't really want to bring attention to myself, - not that I would, - as I do anyway because of you know what  :D

This morning Sophie told me that her mom had promised to make dumplings for me, this is a big plus in my eyes, remember she does/did not agree at the start of our relationship ;D  But I will take it one step at a timem both with Sophie and of course her mom and family.  I also have a 'Home' there she said. ;D

Anyway guys gotta run.  Will try to keep you updated as much as possible. so for now, Adios Amigos or should that be 'Zaiijian'... ;D

Vince G

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #36 on: August 29, 2010, 07:12:36 pm »
Good luck Rob, Hope you have a calm restful trip.  ::) ;D

Offline mustfocus

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #37 on: August 29, 2010, 07:43:40 pm »
Good luck Rob....  3rd time's the charm.
梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen


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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #38 on: August 31, 2010, 10:10:51 am »
Arrived safely, was met at the airport, she had the biggest grin I have ever saw. Will fill in more later.  Just letting you know I'm here and we have met.... ;D ;D ;D

Oh and the dumplings mother made for us were exquisite.. :D

Offline Josh Markley

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #39 on: August 31, 2010, 01:42:58 pm »
thats great to hear Rob, cant wait to hear more!
QQ 859407630

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #40 on: August 31, 2010, 02:02:25 pm »
Lovely to hear Rob, hope you have a wonderful time there.
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.


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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #41 on: August 31, 2010, 05:46:39 pm »
well sounds like a good start. now what are you doing on here after just arriving???
you should be busy getting to know everyone face to face  lol!!!!!

we will waqit for the updates


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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #42 on: September 01, 2010, 03:42:40 am »
Hello guys  ;D
Ok lets start at the beginning.  I arrived at Manchester airport in plenty of time for my flight at 09.25, on the 30th.  The flight ityself was relatively uneventful to Amsterdam, there I had a 3 hour wait for the connection. So I looked about Schipol airport for a bit then found where I was to board for the next leg of the journey.  This part was really horrible, in the lounge I kept getting banged into by these obnoxious kids, no hint of an apology or nothing ggrrr.  So I gets on the plane and guess what they are sitting directly behind me, and there is a couple with a screaming child in from of me.  Beside me are a man and women, who constantly shout at each other in Chinese, God what a nightmare of a flight.  The saving grace was knowing that I was being picked up at Qingdao when I finally got there.  However, I was looking out the plane window and noticed the wing seemed not to sit properly, so this put a little bit of a strain onto me..I watch all these disaster movies haha.  When we landed in Amsterdam, the plane, because of the wind, did not land perfect.  In hangzhou, after a 5 hour wait,  we left an hour after we should have, because of the rain and weather.  Anyway, we finally take off and I get to Qingdao... ;D

Your right Mike, it is and was so much eaisier the second time.  I go into collect my baggage, and as I stand there waiting I hear my name being shouted, so I look about and see Sophie, she waves to me and has a grin as wide as the grand canyon (or for the english, the mersey tunnel hehe), so I am elated, I wave back, and you would probably have to take me to surgery to get the Grin thats on my face now...haha.

I collect my case and walk out, Sophie and I shake hands and give a little kiss to each others cheek.  I found out that she had come there herself, (she does not travel much), she has brought me some food and OJ incase I needed it., we sit for a while and talk, then we go for a taxi to the bus station.  Sophies Cousin was going to drive her to get me, but at the last minute he had to go to work...  We sit in the stataion and while waitng for the bus, and start having loads of fun with our translation machines.  Here English is not the best, but not too bad.. then we have to get on board, haha the looks from the people on board was hilerious. all I could do was walk by smiling and saying "Ni Hao".  We sat at the back and we both feel asleep after a little bit (journey). She put her head on my shoulder and dozed off.  It was a 2 hour drive on the bus.  Once we got there. I realised I had passed through here on my way to Rizhao last  year.  I recognised a couple of places.

We  get to her house and I am shown around it, later her son Peter comes So I say hello, and we talk a little.  Sophie had to go to her mom's and she brought back dumplings, fish and chicken.

Today, while she went to work I walked about the place and went to the market for fruit and vegetables.  Later on I come home and prepare some food for tonights dinner, rice, carrots, leek, with dumplings, and also a salad.  After I do this, I remember that I have to register with the police.  I get a taxi to the police station, I am there for about 2 hours, they had not got a clue what I was doing there, or what I was telling them.  They called Sophie and told me to wait.  They thought I was lost!!! ???  ::)   Sophie arrives to pick me up and we head home, quite a walk, but this is good because I am spending more time with her, and it is helping me and her talking on the translator, her work gave her a bit of time off to collect me, so we walk home, have a little lunch, and now she has went back to work... :( >:(

Hehe she was telling me NOT to go far incase I get lost, she was thrilled to bits, when it was ME who showed her the way back to the house.  Scotsmans intution haha (Nah, not drunk haha).  So while I wait patiently for her to finish work I decided that I would write this up for you to read.  Oh God those bloody toilets are a nightmare, haha nearly fell over once or twice hehe ;D ;D  And  yesterday, the taxi, the bus and food she has paid everything herself, she would not allow me to pay...
« Last Edit: September 01, 2010, 03:53:49 am by Scottish_Rob »

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #43 on: September 01, 2010, 04:33:55 am »
Good on you Rob , a terrific read , regards Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline Jason B

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #44 on: September 01, 2010, 04:37:55 am »
A good read Rob, keep the updates coming as you can.  Screaming kids, I bet you wanted to give them a good old back hander and then their parents for letting them be little tossers, I would have felt like that anyhow.  I also know what you mean about waiting at home and getting bored and going for a walk whilst the boss is at work.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2010, 04:39:31 am by Jason B »
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.