A good read Rob, keep the updates coming as you can. Screaming kids, I bet you wanted to give them a good old back hander and then their parents for letting them be little tossers, I would have felt like that anyhow. I also know what you mean about waiting at home and getting bored and going for a walk whilst the boss is at work.
Jason YOU are so right, you dont think any kid could be a so obnoxious, but these little brats were... truly...Grr. Yes The waiting is boring so I go out and about, I must have walked for about 10 miles yesterday, and then again this morning....
Yeah Ted I know what you mean, silly accent of his...

Last night after dinner we took a leisurely stroll...

, We went to a park, where the buildings are old fashioned, we are going back there on Sunday so will get some pictures...Once we had been around the park, we were off again on our travels, (another 5 miles

). We get to this street where there is a band playing, and some sort of show. I could not understand a thing but lots of things made me laugh about it. there was a parade of wedding gear, dresses and suits etc, and of course we choose one of each..

It is amazing to think that these shows do not happen very much in England, but here they seem like they happen all the time...The lights on the buyildings and scenary is breathtaking...
There was this sketch of a family., the mother, naughty son and father. Well guys it was hilerious, the son was getting shouted at by the mother. He in turn started shouting at the father. The father kicked him up the jacksy, then the mother turned on the father. I could not stop laughing, as I said even though I could not understand a word... Once this was over we headed home. (when I started here I was 4.9, I think I may have shrunk!!!)
We got into the house pretty late, but still Sophie done a washing BY HAND !!!. I know now that the western way of life is so EASY compared to these people. They strive for every last yuan, and will try their best to make you as happy as possible. What a humbling experience

The place we are living is on School grounds, at 6am I hear the kids start to come into school, once it starts, all they ever seem to do is MARCH. I think this is either EXERCISE, or more than likely ARMY. But I think the Chinese believe that a healthy body makes a healthy mind... I have made a few friends, everyone wants to talk, I think I am the only westerner in Zhucheng, so EVERYONE stares..hahah.
Ok guys will update later. need to go and do something for luch for my baby..