Thanks Ted may take you up on the offer..
I remember reading in a thread about Chinses woman telling you, you have somewhere to go, without forewarning you

Well last night this happened to me and it was quite important that I had known some information about it. Let me explain...We sit down to dinner, I am feeling a bit shattered with all the walking about I have been doing, so I'm sort of looking forward to an hours Tai Chi and then relax for the rest of the night.
We finish dinner and as soon as the last mouthful is inserted into the mouth, she tells me, "We go now !!" So I go in and change into jeans and an oldish top, hey it's dark no one will notice. We start out along the road, and get to the place where the Tai Chi is supposed top be taking place...No one is there,I stop and she tugs at my arm and tells me "Come" so I follow her, so now I'm thinking we are just going for a walk!!!
We are walking for ages and I keep asking where are we going but this seems to fall on deaf ears.

Anyway as we are walking she keeps looking up at the signs on the buildings, so I make a joke about it, "Haha ni lost haha" so we get to this place and she calls someone. Now I'm thinking it's her sister or mom, a few doors from where we are standing this young woman comes out HOLDING a volleyball!!!! So they two start to talk, the woman comes up to me and introduces herself, I say 'Hi' and duly take the ball from her hands (WHY!! I have no idea) so this woman starts asking me if I have taught before, and what is it that I teach!!!
Sophie had been given this womans information and tried to secure me an interview...WITHOUT telling me. I was absolutely embaressed and angry that she did not tell me....

:oHad I known about it, I would have been smarter dressed and NOT grabbed the ball from her hands, what I'm saying is I would have made a better impression, because in my eyes, the first impression counts so much, well it does with me. But on saying that, It was a lovely gesture on her part. So I will have to explain to her that I really hate surprises like that
I have no idea how it was viewed by this woman, although I can guess...Ahh well there will be other opportunities

Were on the way home, when she gets another call, from her mom this time. Peter is Tiao pi (naughty) so we have to go and collect him. Sophie wants us to walk home then she will get her bike to go and collect him!!! I just flag down a taxi and tell her to give mothers address to the driver, and we go and collect him.
Now I have not 'Officially' met the mother yet, and if truth be known, being dressed the way I was I did not want too. As it turns out I sat in the taxi while she went indoors to get him.
The drive to her moms house was interesting to say the least, not conversation-wise it must be stated, but in where she lives. The place looked really horrible (area) and dirty, so this has got me thinking, is this one of the reasons she is against Sophie and I, 'Is she embarressed!!!' How do I get around this? I will need to put my thinking cap on, because if it is, then it does not matter to me, not in the slightest

Anyway enough of my rant for this morning, I have decided that I am going out to find a KFC for some western food