Hi guys
My snippets of information I am typing here is just that, 'Information' on my journey, I am LOVING this place, yes, of course I have a couple of slight problems, but NOTHING that cannot get sorted...Maybe I am coming across like I want to get back to the UK, THIS IS NOT SO...This is the last thing I want to do...
Myself and Sophie communicate really well we speak about everything, and like I said, I am being treated like a King...

We have made plans to walk or jog, for about an hour after dinner every night, If nothing else, I will probably be the fittest Scotsman in China hahaha. I do think though that I AM the only Westerner in Zhucheng at the moment..
David thank you for the talk and info on the fish hehehe. Would have spoken to Willie, but the swine does not call me. (London Git) haahaha. Willy you know I'm only teasing

. Paul thanks too for the call last night, Sophie was over the moon to speak with someone who is my friend, she NOW knows for sure I HAVE SOME hahaha
There is only one thing that is on my mind just now, and it is in the process of getting sorted, and that is, getting work. I am out everyday looking about for schools etc, and Sophie has made a few contacts too for me...So like I say, it's getting worked on...
I mentioned about the market I visited the other day, well the morning I went back there myself, (I even bought something, now I know thats a strange concept, a Scotsman spending money), it is MUCH larger that I had mentioned, I have the blisters to prove it

On top of that it was raining cats and dogs... Which brings me nicely to my little piece about last night.
As you all know, the heat over here is so much more than in the UK, well, we went for our walk after dinner, and I decided to wear the 'Shorts' that she bought me, with a tea shirt..of course there was a little drizzle and thought it would not amount to much....After 90 minutes and nearly home, the heavens opened up full blast, so Sophie got my rendition of Gene Kelly's 'Singing in the rain'. She was in howls of laughter, and the looks I was getting from the locals, I am sure they have NEVER seen 'A Mad Scotman Before".
Ted can you Pm me your phone number please, cheers buddy
Because she works everyday, our adventure together (days away etc) can only be done at the weekends, but not too worry, I have plenty things to do to fill the hours. And of course being a nice gentleman that I am

I cook her dinner for coming in from work..

(Willy, hen pecked or what hahah). She has asked me to go to Peters school and talk to his class for a morning, she asked me before setting it up, this time

Don't know when this is happening, possibly sometime this week.
So like I said, I'm sorry if this read wrong about my feeling about here...I LOVE IT