As mentioned, I received the visa WHILE myself and Sophie were talking on webcam this morning...I showed her the visa and I saw something that I have not saw in a long time (now now guys...

) the BIGGEST SMILE swept across her face...She was SO thrilled...It was a pleasure for me - seing this grin...

She does smile of course she does, but this was different, it was as if it finally dawned on her that I could be know

Knowing the visa was SECURED, I went on to sending many, many emails to different schools etc throughout the Shandong province.. I intend taking one week to acclamitise ansd spend the week with her before starting work..So I will be hoping that the offers of work come flooding in...
I am NOT counting how long I have before I go (26 days...

I know this time it will be different compared to my first trip, the one I intend marrying WILL be meeting me at the airport. when I restarted this journey, I vowed to myself that I would look at EVERY little detail concerning culture differences and take them and the language difficulties (we will encounter) into consideration, when I finally chose the lady I wanted. So far it has worked out

. There has been times when we both wanted to give up, but because we are very good COMMUNICATORS we have worked through the problems..
As a sidenote (For the newbies) COMMUNICATION IS THE KEY
This continued journey will NOT be as easy as I 'expected' the first one to be. I got a culture shock the last time, this time however, I feel better prepared...