Author Topic: Here I go again...  (Read 59143 times)

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #90 on: September 09, 2010, 07:37:07 pm »
Will look today to see if I can get these pictures downloaded.., it's bloody annoying for me too, because I want to show them off too...

A few months ago, Mike O posted some pictures of a thing they do ever here called 'Cupping'..My shoulder was not quite healed and still a large bump on it which was tender to the touch.  last night after a shower, Sophie took me into the room, massaged it with her hands, then used another implement called a 'Scraper' and used for another 5 minutes, then put these little 'Cupping' implements onto it.  I thought they would be painful but theyr'e not !!!.  This morning when I got up, I was checking my shoulder, the 'Lump' has almost disappeared, and only on a little bit of the shoulder is still tender.  I can now move my arm like I could before the fall...  ;D

The son stayed last night, God he is a nightmare, luckily enough I have had my fair share of growing teenagers, so I sort of know how to handle him, she lets him away with everything, her mother is like me very strict.  So I found out he likes me.. ;D  After last night :o I don't think he likes me very much now.  BUT, sometimes they havce to be put in their place.  So far Sophie is given me free rein in telling him off, especioally if he won't do what she asked him to do....She was worried that he may turn against me because i'm strict, but I told her straight, I am NOT here opr in a popularity contest, he is our son and should behave like a dedcent young man...

Again language misunderstanding, she thought it was just a case of us going to weifang and registering, but I mentioned that I need to go to the Embassy first, she told me that the embassy was in 'Jinan', so after about 2 hours on her translator and computer translators she NOW knows the procedure :o  I had already explained this to her weeks ago...

Offline ron

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #91 on: September 10, 2010, 03:31:21 pm »
Rob congratulations on the engagement I kind of agree with Samuel this is a little new for the boy you may want to ease into this.At least maybe see how this is affecting him.Just looking at it from the outside.My children didnt exactly take to their new stepfathers.Just an observation best wishes for you and Sophie


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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #92 on: September 10, 2010, 07:53:57 pm »
Scott thanks for the input here, I am going to be ('sort' of) giving a hand to Sophie with Peter, but it will not be my usual Father's control...If he does something I think is way out, then I say something, - just enough to let him know I am not pleased about it.  He understands :D  So far I only had to say something a couple of times, he does not hold it against me, everytime he comes to the house, as soon as the door is open he is shouting for me, and starts a conversation straight all is cool :D

God we must have been really tired out last night, we lay down at about 7ish, for supposedly a 30 minutes nap and we woke up about 1am.  The weather here has been dreadful the last couple of days, this morning it looks really nice, so 'We', as a family are going out this afternoon, nce Sophie comes home from work...

Yesterday at about 4ish my youngest daughter called me to tell me she found out she is expecting her first baby ;D  That will be all my children now with children. ;D  I already have 5 grandsons and 2 grand daughters..  She is not sure what she wants to do yet, whether to keep it or abort (she is 25, and not working at the moment.)  So I told her, No Matter what you decide, I will stand 100 % behind your decision, so she was glad to hear that.  Personally, I don't agree with abortions, except in extreme cases, but blood is thicker than water, and she knows what she wants out of life and possibly how difficult it is to be a 1 parent family...

Sophie is going to help me with some pictures today, help me download should be able to see them later..;-)  We had a bit of  a spate (Misunderstanding) yesterday, I was all set for going back to the UK, but went for a long walk to think and clear my head.  I realised that misunderstandings will be a daily part of our life because of our cultural differences and language.  And if you want something hard enough, you will 'fight' through the demons to achieve your goals.  Now it's all good again.  Maxx is right (again) in what he say's, 24 hour rule, and people DO over think and over complicate things, which makes it difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel...My tip when this happens, go for a long walk and clear your head.

I spoke with an English teacher yesterday, he told me that I should put an advertisement into the daily papers here, to let people know I'm in town...He is Chinese and his salary is only 2000 Rmb a month.  God that works out at 166.86 Brittish pound or 309.89 American Dollars.  The quivalent to 41 Brittish pounds a week!!!  Although the cost of living here is relitive to the wage structure I think...

Oh yes, I meant to say, I am getting on great with all the neighbours, each one ask me (especially in the morning) if I have eaten... :D  Many stop just to say hi to me, so all is good.  I have noticed that even though they know I don't speak the language, they use hand gestures to convey what they mean, there atrre a couple here whose English is quite good, so it's not as if I have no one to speak with, this helps... ;D
« Last Edit: September 10, 2010, 07:58:22 pm by Scottish_Rob »

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #93 on: September 10, 2010, 08:15:10 pm »
Rob.  I was told that "Ni chi fan le ma?"  which basically means "have you eaten yet?" is a polite way of asking if you have time to visit/chat or if they should let you go eat first.  Of course it's a good sign that they are taking an interest in you. 

Congratulations on everything so far.  It's so nice to read that things are going better than last time.  Good luck with everything. irresistible as chocolate


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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #94 on: September 12, 2010, 05:49:00 am »
Ok guys, been trying all day with this bloody phone to download the pics, no joy...TOMORROW I will search this town for an internet cafe, see if there is someone in there who can help me do it....

Saturday lunchtime, Sophie comes in from work, so now we have the full weekend together.  WE have some dinner, she gets called back into work, just before she leaves to go, they call back, NOW she is NOT needed to go in...AAAgggghhhhh

Wer head out (after her changing and changing, and changing again) she has mentioned a park that she wants to take me too.  It is 30 minutes away on the bus.  While waiting on ours 2 buses pull up, and won't leave the stop until every passanger has taken a good look at me...What can I do but stand there and smile and wave etc...But it does get annoying heheh.  Anyway the bus comes we get on and pay the heavy fare 1 yuan, for any distance...

we get to this park, it's called Weihai Water park, now the name will become evident later on in this story.  It is beautiful, and very, very large.  While walking we spot many different things, like for example a fun fare is permentantly situated inside it, we take our shoes off, and walk barefoot on the grass.  Imbedded into logs at given points there are speakers where the music is played all over the park, delightful.  The park itself is situated on the banks of some river, cannot remember the name, and inside the park there is a lake...

We take lots of pictures of the statues and each other of course, and I get someone to take some pictures of me and her together..  Anyway, in the park there is a massive area that holds many people, they stand there to watch the 'Water' being sprayed up into all different shapes.  At night when the lights are on the water are all different colours apparently. 

Anyway, when Sophie or I are talking and need the bathroom, we have a code word, this is 'Flood', it makes us both laugh, well we are simple people.  We make our way around the park buy ice-cream and water etc, she has a craving for 'Pea Ice Cream' ..yuk  When I say craving I mean everytime we buy ice cream thats the flavour she wants...As we are heading towards the boats to take out, she noticed that the 'Showers' had started, so grabbed me by the arm and started pulling me towards them.

I was astonished at this, this was magnificent to see.  Sophie positioned herself directly behind me as we got closer, and as soon as they started again, I got pushed right into it. ;D ;D  I laughed my head off, and run back out grabbed her and lifted her in as well, we were both like drowned rats.  The locals were laughing there heads off at this, She kept putting me in, and me trying to get her in too...We had so much fun.  As we were leaving all she could do was laugh at me, point at my trousers and say 'Flood' she thought this was hilerious.

Of course I too thought it funny, I forgot that the clothes she was wearing were so thin, and when the water covered her, they became transparent hahah nice one !!! hahah..I think I may have a picture to show you, nah I won't hahaha.  We get back onto the bus to go home I looked at the time on my phone, and discovered we had been there for 6 hours, and I am sure we did not see everything.  When we got home, she was still laughing her head off, when telling everyone about our day.

Because her mother and family do not agree with us, she will not hold my hand duing the day, she will when it's dark, this is the only low point for me, she is afraid people will talk, me, I don't give a damb, but I gotta think of her and her feelings on this.  However, on the bus coming back from the park and again today, coming home from town she did hold my hand, heck she even gave me a smacker on the bus...

I will get the pics as soon as I can guy's I promise...
« Last Edit: September 12, 2010, 09:04:12 am by Scottish_Rob »

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #95 on: September 12, 2010, 07:26:43 am »
Rob.  Good story.  I enjoyed it.  Keep adding to it and well you know.  Pictures when your figure it out.

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #96 on: September 12, 2010, 10:44:03 am »
Well Rob.... after your day in the park I can see that you are still wet behind the ears but still have great experience to share with us. Thanks for the update even though you only drew a picture in words instead of showing us a soggy pictures for us to drool over her dripping situation.
Life....It's all about finding the Chicks and Balances


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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #97 on: September 13, 2010, 01:19:09 am »
Ok for you 'Experienced' guys, please help....

How the hell, do you get the lady to STOP feeding you... :o

Offline JamesM.Roberts

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #98 on: September 13, 2010, 01:52:50 am »

You mean:..."Its a braw, bricht moonlit nicht the nicht "?? ( If I may quote Rabbie )!!!

Also, if you want to know when your wife/fiance/girlfriend/partner has mastered English ask her to say:

"Round and round the rugged rocks, the ragged rascal ran"...or
"The Leith Police dismisseth us" (a lot of us native English speakers have a problem with this one !!!)

Ming has me convulsed with laughter when she attempts it, but she is determined to speak it (as she says) "like an English lady !!!!

Please tell Ming even after six years of high school -I would still have problems with this one!!! Good luck and God bless you Rob with the visa -job and your future!
Anyone can pick up an apple off the ground, but the sweeter ones take a little work to get to!!

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #99 on: September 13, 2010, 04:41:18 am »
I guess there is only one way i can think of....die !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(said with humour of course)  ;D ;D ;D

She most probably wants to see your waistline equal to your height !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = prosperity.

Keep on troughing buddy....



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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #100 on: September 13, 2010, 05:07:27 am »
i guess that depends on what she is feeding you. i dont know about you other guys but my wife and
i have a great breakfast, a great lunch, and a small late in the evening dinner  7 or 8 pm   but in between
she will always cut an apple or peices of watermelon or other various types of fruits and vegetables to have
a little snack. my favorite is the grapes  so its not really fattening to eat these small portions in between.

Offline shaun

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #101 on: September 13, 2010, 05:07:53 am »
If I go foraging in between meals or if I am caught doing if Peggy will try to get me to eat more at the next few meals.  She doesn't like me foraging.

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #102 on: September 13, 2010, 07:58:53 am »
Ok for you 'Experienced' guys, please help....

How the hell, do you get the lady to STOP feeding you... :o

You have to feed her BACK .... fight fire with fire   ::)
Yes Mike has the Correct answer. I had tried everything and then she will stop eating and I start putting my food on her plate. She says no more no more I am full.
I say me too. Been trying this a couple weeks now it is working well. I have tried to tell her give me a break. When we get Home to the US there are 2 little girls there waiting for us. I promise they are always hungry. she seems to like that idea.
Jimmy Henson


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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #103 on: September 13, 2010, 09:18:36 am »
And another thought on feeding DO NOT teach your wife how to bake things  we bought a lot of stuff in the
western supermarket for that after i bought the stove here. now Sara will bake these delicious different deserts
and places all the blame on me for the weight gain. now go figure that one out    ::) ::) ::)


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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #104 on: September 13, 2010, 11:49:05 am »
I just told my Wife , I can only eat what you can . Also reminded her , I'm a size 32 (waist ) and now my Pants they are all too tight .. this leaves even less room when eating . That was it .. honestly ! But , when there are Dumplings .. I seem to forget all this myself . Haha