Ok guys, been trying all day with this bloody phone to download the pics, no joy...TOMORROW I will search this town for an internet cafe, see if there is someone in there who can help me do it....
Saturday lunchtime, Sophie comes in from work, so now we have the full weekend together. WE have some dinner, she gets called back into work, just before she leaves to go, they call back, NOW she is NOT needed to go in...AAAgggghhhhh
Wer head out (after her changing and changing, and changing again) she has mentioned a park that she wants to take me too. It is 30 minutes away on the bus. While waiting on ours 2 buses pull up, and won't leave the stop until every passanger has taken a good look at me...What can I do but stand there and smile and wave etc...But it does get annoying heheh. Anyway the bus comes we get on and pay the heavy fare 1 yuan, for any distance...
we get to this park, it's called Weihai Water park, now the name will become evident later on in this story. It is beautiful, and very, very large. While walking we spot many different things, like for example a fun fare is permentantly situated inside it, we take our shoes off, and walk barefoot on the grass. Imbedded into logs at given points there are speakers where the music is played all over the park, delightful. The park itself is situated on the banks of some river, cannot remember the name, and inside the park there is a lake...
We take lots of pictures of the statues and each other of course, and I get someone to take some pictures of me and her together.. Anyway, in the park there is a massive area that holds many people, they stand there to watch the 'Water' being sprayed up into all different shapes. At night when the lights are on the water are all different colours apparently.
Anyway, when Sophie or I are talking and need the bathroom, we have a code word, this is 'Flood', it makes us both laugh, well we are simple people. We make our way around the park buy ice-cream and water etc, she has a craving for 'Pea Ice Cream' ..yuk When I say craving I mean everytime we buy ice cream thats the flavour she wants...As we are heading towards the boats to take out, she noticed that the 'Showers' had started, so grabbed me by the arm and started pulling me towards them.
I was astonished at this, this was magnificent to see. Sophie positioned herself directly behind me as we got closer, and as soon as they started again, I got pushed right into it.

I laughed my head off, and run back out grabbed her and lifted her in as well, we were both like drowned rats. The locals were laughing there heads off at this, She kept putting me in, and me trying to get her in too...We had so much fun. As we were leaving all she could do was laugh at me, point at my trousers and say 'Flood' she thought this was hilerious.
Of course I too thought it funny, I forgot that the clothes she was wearing were so thin, and when the water covered her, they became transparent hahah nice one !!! hahah..I think I may have a picture to show you, nah I won't hahaha. We get back onto the bus to go home I looked at the time on my phone, and discovered we had been there for 6 hours, and I am sure we did not see everything. When we got home, she was still laughing her head off, when telling everyone about our day.
Because her mother and family do not agree with us, she will not hold my hand duing the day, she will when it's dark, this is the only low point for me, she is afraid people will talk, me, I don't give a damb, but I gotta think of her and her feelings on this. However, on the bus coming back from the park and again today, coming home from town she did hold my hand, heck she even gave me a smacker on the bus...
I will get the pics as soon as I can guy's I promise...