What a horrible day weather wise it was yesterday here. So much so that I never left the house, except to pop downstairs to get some fresh air into my lungs...

So Sophie comes in from work and while sitting eating dinner, her mom calls. After a few minutes she informs me that, me and Peter is to go to mom's house in the morning. NOW, remember I have not met this woman yet!!!
So I agree, relucklantly, better meeting with Sophie I think...So she continues to chat, and amongst them they decide we should go to her house NOW.
So we go and change and go to the shop for a another gift. Man have you ever felt like a spare one while your lady is floating about doing the shopping!!! Well I was feeling like this, on top of feeling a little bit aprehensive about meeting her mom. We finally get out of the mall and jump a taxi, a little gift was not quite accurate more like a weeks shoppiong

We get to mom's and as I mentioned the place is not the best looking place. Sophie knocks on the door and some minutes later, this old woman walks out. Once the door is open Sophie tells me this is my mom. I offer my hand, say Ni hao, and she bids me enter. I forget she cannot speak a word of English, but I start babbling on saying things like. hello, my name is Robert, pleased to meet you etc

We are shown through a little orchard into the house, and taken into the living room. The first thing that I notice is the television, and my face lit up

This will be the first time I've seen one on since I been here. Now Sophie is told to make the tea, and I am offered some, along with a Pomegranit (Spelling). The old lady nearly cuts her hand of, cutting it in half

I tell her I like this (thumbs up), so her and Sophie get to talking, and sophie leaves me alone with her for about 30 minutes.
Well I start to use the translator, but she cannot read it, poor eyesight!, so I show her the tattoo on my arm and try to explain my sons and daughters...We sit in a muted silence just watching the tv, finally Sophie comes back. I was so tempted to leave before dshe got back, but thought I'm better waiting it out...So once Sophie does come in I was never so relieved to see someone so much.. She sits down next to me, and starts telling me the questions her mom wants to know, so we go through maybe 2 hours of her asking questions, and me explaining about what my life was like before meeting Sopie.
Her mom goes to the bathroom, and Sophies face is lit up like a Christmas tree, she looks at me and say's " Baby, my mom likes you"..WELL... ASs you can possibly imagine, I was SO RELIEVED to hear this. The only thing she is not sure about is my height!!!...I told Sophie not to worry about this, tomorrow when I go back, I will showher that 'My Height' will not be a problem that she seems to think it may be...
Just before we left, her mom said something to Sophie, got up and left the room. Sophie told me that her mom has told her to tell me, I am welcome to come back to her house anytime...The lady comes into the room again carring a parcel. It is a box set of Green Tea, she had bought for me, it looks lovely, this is a nice gesture on her part. I also explained to her mom through Sophie, that ME as a parent, would have the same fears and doubts that she has, which went down very well...I csaw her nodding her head in agreement when I said this...
Anyway we leave, but before we do,Sophie starts to get very angry, I wonder why. Her mother 'apparently' asked her to ask me if WE would like to move into HER home and live there RENT FREE...Sophie is against this idea, because her mom and sister are too controlling, so we shall have to wait and see..
I am now getting ready to go back to her moms, I will be meeting Sophie after work there.