Author Topic: Here I go again...  (Read 59234 times)

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #135 on: September 20, 2010, 04:49:17 am »
Dont forget to get them to apply for your work visa before you start. The penalty is 5 year refusal
into China if caught without it. And were your at it wouldnt be hard to figure out who it is that is
working  8)


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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #136 on: September 20, 2010, 07:05:22 am »
And were your at it wouldnt be hard to figure out who it is that is
working  8)

Darn, and here I thought guys like me and Rob, could blend in with the locals in Shandong Province
no can do Rob, something about us just gives us away  :-\

Mike for the life of me, I have NO IDEA what it could be??? ??? ??? ???

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #137 on: September 20, 2010, 04:06:15 pm »
Do not fret over the Dinosaurs Robbie.  Pop down to GZ and spend an hour looking at Ted.  You will realise that you have not missed anything at your local park!!!

Yippe another few Hours and we will be on way back to China.  Then there will be an older relic to view. 

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #138 on: September 21, 2010, 09:25:55 pm »
What a horrible day weather wise it was yesterday here.  So much so that I never left the house, except to pop downstairs to get some fresh air into my lungs... ???

So Sophie comes in from work and while sitting eating dinner, her mom calls.  After a few minutes she informs me that, me and Peter is to go to mom's house in the morning.  NOW, remember I have not met this woman yet!!!
So I agree, relucklantly, better meeting with Sophie I think...So she continues to chat, and amongst them they decide we should go to her house NOW.

So we go and change and go to the shop for a another gift.  Man have you ever felt like a spare one while your lady is floating about doing the shopping!!! Well I was feeling like this, on top of feeling a little bit aprehensive about meeting her mom.  We finally get out of the mall and jump a taxi, a little gift was not quite accurate more like a weeks shoppiong  ;D

We get to mom's and as I mentioned the place is not the best looking place.  Sophie knocks on the door and some minutes later, this old woman walks out.  Once the door is open Sophie tells me this is my mom.  I offer my hand, say Ni hao, and she bids me enter.  I forget she cannot speak a word of English, but I start babbling on saying things like. hello, my name is Robert, pleased to meet you etc :o

We are shown through a little orchard into the house, and taken into the living room.  The first thing that I notice is the television, and my face lit up  ;D This will be the first time I've seen one on since I been here.  Now Sophie is told to make the tea,  and I am offered some, along with a Pomegranit (Spelling).  The old lady nearly cuts her hand of, cutting it in half :o    I tell her I like this (thumbs up), so her and Sophie get to talking, and sophie leaves me alone with her for about 30 minutes.

Well I start to use the translator, but she cannot read it, poor eyesight!, so I show her the tattoo on my arm and try to explain my sons and daughters...We sit in a muted silence just watching the tv, finally Sophie comes back.  I was so tempted to leave before dshe got back, but thought I'm better waiting it out...So once Sophie does come in I was never so relieved to see someone so much..  She sits down next to me, and starts telling me the questions her mom wants to know, so we go through maybe 2 hours of her asking questions, and me explaining about what my life was like before meeting Sopie.

Her mom goes to the bathroom, and Sophies face is lit up like a Christmas tree, she looks at me and say's " Baby, my mom likes you"..WELL... ASs you can possibly imagine, I was SO RELIEVED to hear this.  The only thing she is not sure about is my height!!!...I told Sophie not to worry about this, tomorrow when I go back, I will showher that 'My Height' will not be a problem that she seems to think it may be...

Just before we left, her mom said something to Sophie, got up and left the room.  Sophie told me that her mom has told her to tell me, I am welcome to come back to her house anytime...The lady comes into the room again carring a parcel.  It is a box set of Green Tea, she had bought for me, it looks lovely, this is a nice gesture on her part.  I also explained to her mom through Sophie, that ME as a parent, would have the same fears and doubts that she has, which went down very well...I csaw her nodding her head in agreement when I said this...

Anyway we leave, but before we do,Sophie starts to get very angry, I wonder why.  Her mother 'apparently' asked her to ask me if WE would like to move into HER home and live there RENT FREE...Sophie is against this idea, because her mom and sister are too controlling, so we shall have to wait and see..

I am now getting ready to go back to her moms, I will be meeting Sophie after work there.

« Last Edit: September 21, 2010, 09:28:03 pm by Scottish_Rob »


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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #139 on: September 21, 2010, 10:33:41 pm »
Oh I meant to say, I was supposed to be going to Jinan for my single certificate, but Sophie called them and I was informed it would be closed for the festival...

Offline David E

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #140 on: September 22, 2010, 01:30:17 am »
Hi Rob...

Well...after putting yourself through endless stress and pressure at the thought of meeting Mum, finally it has come and gone...and you have made the are home free  ;D ;D

I think there is a lesson here for all prospective husbands who travel to China.

At the point where your Lady invites you to meet her parents, you know that she is deadly serious about the relationship. Simply because Mum will be the first, last and only hurdle you have to jump to win her.

Sure, Dad wears the pants (!!!!) and "makes all the decisions"..but make no mistake, when it comes to her Daughters marriage, Mum carries the big stick and the final approval and/or veto.
I know Western Women would certainly discuss a prospective son-in-law with her Mother, but I dont ever think in general that Western Mothers carry any where near as much weight in the final decision about you.

I am fairly sure, that whatever your lady thinks about you, if Mum says "NO"...then you have got a real hard row to hoe !!

And its no use thinking you can bluff your way into Mum's affections with gifts, flattery and bulldust...because it wont work. Mum will size you up 100% and you wont even know it is happening, she will be so subtle, but Boy are you being scrutinised. And finally, if Mum approves it wont matter what height, weight, hair colour or pant size you are, you will have passed the test and all will be plain sailing.

Mum will look at you with intense, beady scrutiny, with not one word of English and somehow will look deep into your mind and soul and work out who and what you are in about 3 minutes flat.

After all, look at my case !!!...I have more lines than the Perth street map, what little hair I have left is turning grey, without my specs I am half blind and I got rheumatism in my feet...but Mum saw that despite all that I was truly in love with her Daughter and would be an honourable and worthy husband. Ming's Mum was an ex-headmistress, and I surely felt to be under the microscope for a while until she worked out that I was OK. On the other hand, Dad was always happy to guzzle scotch with me and be "good mates"...but then again, maybe this was a different test !!!

Interesting stuff...all newbies please note  ;D ;D



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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #141 on: September 22, 2010, 02:18:46 am »
Points well said. It truly is a big thing to meet mom and for her to think it is alright to marry
her daughter. After having been to China for so many years i really dont think dads opinion
weighs nearly as much as moms. In fact i would say probably none compared to mom. And your
right the gifts dont sway that. One thing i think you left out is they watch with intense scrutiny
your FACIAL EXPRESSIONS, these are very IMPORTANT in these meetings.

Later on in the relationship thats when the gifts of fruit, nuts,seeds,tea make an excellent
gesture on your part each time you visit them. But in the beginning yes they are ok but the
real test are the actions and gestures you make. Just my observance here.


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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #142 on: September 22, 2010, 02:27:37 am »
Sorry i left out, Willy @@@%$^$%$#$$$!@#@#@# to your comment about me
looking like a old relic. Just because when we are walking around and all the chinese ladies
think it is nice of me to WALK my GRANDPA that just makes you mad 8)

Offline Rhonald

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #143 on: September 22, 2010, 06:04:00 pm »
I guess after all this good advice from David E there is nothing else to explain........ Mums the word  8)

Also another good update Rob. After passing the Mum test you can be so free with your Sophie
Life....It's all about finding the Chicks and Balances


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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #144 on: September 23, 2010, 01:35:32 am »
Thanks guys, yes the stress was a little bit getting to me, but would have been much worse had the 'surprise' not been landed on me.  i never expected to meet her mom, because'She' was so adament that I had almost gien up any hope...I think the thing that swayed it were 2 things, I was respectful, even though she had 'disrespected' me in the past, and I looked her in the eyes and told her " I understand your feelings, I too am a parent, and would possibly feel the same way, if it was my daughter.  She saw MY sincerity.

Well the next morning i went with Peter to mom's house as planned... :o :o :o  However, we were there about 30 minutes, when the eldest daughter came in, and i was ushered out into a waiting  car...Haha I thought Oh No, I'm going for a LONG ride hahaha.  We were taken to the Uncles house, it was his birthday, they were holding a 'Party' for him.  so of course, when the Laowei walked in, all eyes were immediately transfixed :o..  NOW, I am not really a shy sort of guy, but when this throng of people made their way towards me, I was promptly introduced to the eldest grandfather first, the the next youngest and so on.  God there were about 45 relatives there.

I was placed at the top of the table and immediately given tea, I was then offered cigarettes, which I refused because Sophie does not want me smoking, this become some amusement for them once I had this information translated to them ;D ;D   Suddenly the table was being filled with plates of food.  I followed suit when someone started eating.  I picked up this bit of meat, just as I was about to put it in my mouth the young nephew told me it was 'DOG'.  So it was put back on the place without hesitation hha.  I made the sound of a dog barking, and said BU, BU hahah everyone started laughing.  Everyone all wanted me to take a drink from them, but being a NON Drinker I politely refused, explaining I don't drink alcohol..they were fine with that.
Once I had taken my fill of food, I went outside into the garden to get some fresh air.  Ying came in and went into the kitchen with the other women.  She then came into the garden to me and introduced her 'sisters' and cousens etc (again).  There was this youn cousen who was wearing HIGH HEELS, I made gestures to her to take them off, and she would be the same size as me haha.  This broughts howls of derision from the others.  After a while a few of us went to the riverbank for a walk, then when we went back to the  house, we took some pictures.

Finally it was timeto leave, so we went back to Momma's home.  later the eldest sister came in and for another hour asked me some questions.  Once she was satisfied with my answers 'She' told Ying 'As long as you 2 are happy, she and the family will be'.  so yes I finally cracked it. She, the eldest sister was the one who was worried about me being 'Small', but she had noticed that this did not deter me earlier on, when i was reaching for something for someone.  He mom told Ying that 'we' had to stay at her house last night, because in the morning, we had to go and visit' the 'TREE MOM'...

Offline JamesM.Roberts

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #145 on: September 23, 2010, 04:42:41 am »
Very great news indeed ;D I was so happy to hear that Laowei did not translate into Pinata  ;)
This proves that sincerity and understanding along with love are our true allies. Happy for you both!!! James
Anyone can pick up an apple off the ground, but the sweeter ones take a little work to get to!!

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #146 on: September 23, 2010, 04:59:46 am »
Rob, I am pleased to see everything going so well.


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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #147 on: September 23, 2010, 08:24:19 am »
I couldn't get it all in today, the son was pestering me to use the computer.... the update I mean..hahaha

We, last night once we came back to mom's home, she went in and made MORE food, :o :o.  Once it was ready, she 'LAID' out a table in the orchard, set for 2 places, with everything that we were having.  We ate, then went outside and burned 8 stacks of paper, scattered all around the door and at the teable., then I was asked to kneel, down and say a little prayer and bow 3 times... ??? ???  Still don't know why, I suppose it was for 'absent' friends or relatives because of the day (Mid Autumn Festival).

Sophie was very pleased about her mother and sisters appraisal of me, as you can imagine.  NOW, I did not want to 'upset' the apple cart right away... ::), so  I asked about the sleeping arrangments, she told me that because mom agrees with us, we could sleep together. ;D  I wasn't too sure about this, so I said NO, NOT inn moms house until we are legal ;).  So sophie agreed, I could see her mom's face as they went to bed, she had a very big grin on her face. So I think I done something else right...

This morning at 05.30 I was wakened up by the smell of frying fish (YUK), so I went in, got washed and dressed then went in to see if there was anything I could do.  HOWEVER, someone told me that the 'Kitchen' is their domain, I saw the look from mom and Sophie and run outta there as fast as my little legs could carry me hahahal. After breakfast, her elder sioster and brother in law came to collect us.  We were going to 'Tree Mothers' ???...I had no idea what this was.  Anyway this place is on the outskirts of the town and in a very rural place.  All it was was an old forest, with a very 'OLD' tree...  They placed 2 'Red' blankets on the ground.  'Laid' out food, 'Poured' wine onto the ground at the base of the tree, 'lit' 3 sticks and dug them into the ground.  Once this was domne, we took it in turn to say a 'prayer' to this 'Tree', then tied a Red Ribbon onto it..  We went from there,  into another  part of the forest and repeated the same process at another very old tree.  I found out it was to bless 'Mother Earth' for everything she had provided for us, and to 'Keep' us safe.  These 'Offerings, were a sort of 'payment'... ;D  A very nice ritual I thought, even though it wasn't my cup of tea...

On the way home, Sophie went to work and I and Peter came back to the house...  I will put more pictures on tomorrow when I get a bit of time... ;D

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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #148 on: September 23, 2010, 08:45:59 am »

This is a great story and I am very happy for you. Reading this is bringing back allot of good memorys. good luck to you both!


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Re: Here I go again...
« Reply #149 on: September 23, 2010, 12:22:55 pm »
I go away for a few days and then I can read some extra adventures of Indiana Rob ^^'
It seems everythings goes fine for you, Rob :)
Very good news that you are giving us. Please go on ^^'
Do you have some news about your next job or not yet?
By the way, I will try to see if I can find the photos you are talking about, because at the moment... I didn't see anything of it :(
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