When everything is going so well, you can RELY on Rob to put his foot in it, and get into all sorts of TROUIBLE...

Very long story short...Will give the complete one at a later date, once I am composed...
The plane ticket I tore up,COULD NOT BE EXCHANGED FOR A LATER DATE...
Don't know why? Was told, "you have to go to the place yopu got it from and see them" TROUBLE with this is, The shop is in Barrow in Furness.
Even if I could [phone them now, I DON'T HAVE THE FUNDS TO CHANGE IT...
I used them to go to Beijiing
Went to Beijiing to see about repatriation ... DECLINED...They only 'repatriate' dead people.
What they WILL do is, help you contact YOUR relatives to help them to pay for the flight. BUT the Brittish Embassy WILL NOT PAY ONE CENT TOWARDS IT.
I was told "You can find work'...Okey I said, "AND IF I DON'T..."
Their answer..."TOO BAD..
"Ok "I said .."My visa expeires at the end of the month, what happens then'
5000 RMD a day fine"
"So , how do I get back to the UK?" I asked
"Unless your relatives or someone can help you, YOU will stay in China" they replied.
Reltative DON'T have that type of money...
so bottom lineI am in Shandong Province (Zhucheng) witha grand total of 45 RMB to my name...No prospect of work and within the next couple of days NOWHERE to live..
Please look at what I am saying..THIS IS DOWN TO ME NOT SOPHIEI don't like to ask, BUT CAN YOU HELP?