All About China > Understanding Chinese Women

Talk with my mom- A traditional Chinese woman

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--- Quote from: RegnisTheGreat on August 03, 2010, 09:03:29 am ---
--- Quote from: Chong on August 03, 2010, 06:38:48 am ---Yan,

Even though those were 'touching' scenes and dialogues, "Desperate Housewives" is probably the worst tv show about the way wives & mothers act. I know that it's American entertainment but they're the worst role model for any young women. Mostly, you see jealousy, manipulation, murder, infidelity & cat fights ... besides the cooking, family BBQ and sewing ... hahaha.

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I would say "Sex and the City" as even worse.

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For single women, I TOTALLY AGREE.

Sad to say that "Sex ..." & "Desperate ..." are very popular shows, what does that say about today's mentality of women.

I would add any soap operas ... American or Asian. I always kid my wife about watching them. She's starting to agree with me.

I'm so glad Qing does not watch any TV except CCTV ( chinese news )and the News here for half an hour .. that's it ! She doesn't even watch Movie's .
That leaves me very happy , as I was a TV junky before and now don't miss it at all . Soccer is the only exception though .

outside of a good movie,sports,and the news not much value to tv

I don't watch much TV.  I do watch and I go through old series almost every night.  I am watching McHale's Navy right now.  Now THAT was some good TV. I only watch 1 episode per night.  Peggy used to not watch because she is glued to it.  But her son showed her how to watch American television.  I am going to have to break her of it when she gets here.

cant get hula in china shaun


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