Author Topic: Missing your Children.  (Read 1564 times)

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Offline Jimmy

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Missing your Children.
« on: August 12, 2010, 02:23:40 am »
Twenty + years ago I used to hear people say" I sure miss my kids"  I truly could not understand why. But at that time I didn't have any.
But Now I do. And it is not a very good feeling.
Made some wonderful plans coming to China. I even got a local Skype phone number, That rings me in China. No Charges to the caller. I know how my Emily would call me every hour if she had the chance. And didn't want people she would be staying with to get angry about a big phone bill.  When I left in June, school was out and as they have for their entire life, they when to spend the summer with their grand parents.  Now I had made this plan, and told everyone about it for more than a year. But for some reason out of no where at the last minute this year the Grand Parents are mad as hell they think I should be back in 2 weeks. 
And in their eyes I am abandoning my children being gone longer than 2 weeks. And no way they are allowed to call me. To call China from California for free must be impossible they told me I was lying it must be a scam.  So for the past 2 months when I want to talk to the kids, I just call them easy solution.  And the fact that 2 years ago their daughter walked out on me and her children because she was gay, and did not even call them the first 6 months. This does not count as abandonment of a family.  And 2 of the 4 children she left me with, They are not even mine. But I love them take care of them anyway it's not their fault, We don't get to choose our parents.
  Now after several months of separation from my current wife here in China,  all we want is to be together. So I promised her I would not leave her again, and will stay in China until we can leave together.   Looks like about November according to my lawyer.
So now summer is coming to and end and school will start pretty soon and the Children are very excited they are suppose to go stay with their mother the rest of the time, Until I return.  Which is where they are now, only the 2 youngest, The older 2 are still with grand parents where they will stay. I have no control of that as I said they aren't even my kids. 

I have tried to call my baby girls at their mothers house , she refuses to let me talk to them. in fact yesterday informed me she is turning off her telephone so that I can not call. I have offered her money, I have offered to actually just pay for her phone all she has to do is not turn it off.  But no way. Unless I want to get her a cell phone and pay all of the charges, it's not going to happen.  I was married to this woman and paid her $300 A MONTH CELL BILLS FOR YEARS. Never again.  I told her no. Her reply " Not much you can do from 7000 miles away" .
Why do people like this not stop to think. The way things are today, are not the way they will be forever.

 Why am I writing this today?  Because I really do miss those girls of mine. and I do feel a lot better now that I have written it all down.
And she is right nothing I can do about it...... Not today.
Just doing a little venting Please excuse me my friends.
Jimmy Henson


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Re: Missing your Children.
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2010, 04:21:58 am »
very tough situation to be in Jimmy i feel for you and i hope when you get back around november or
december you will be able to pick up were you left off. i hope the girls will understand what has happened
after you explain everything to them. i am sure they will. vindictive people like this usually do have their day
and it will come. just keep a calm head when you return and be a dad again with your children and let them
get to know your new wife. im sure it will all be ok


Offline Jimmy

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Re: Missing your Children.
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2010, 07:35:12 am »
That is the good part Ted. They already know what is going on. They have spent a lot of time talking to her on web cam over the past year.
They know exactly why I am here, And are excited for me to bring her home. Before I even left we would talk about it everyday.
A couple of the props that my wife uses to learn English they made for her in school.
I Like China But I don't think I can stay away from them any longer than I must. I would be to hard.
Jimmy Henson