Author Topic: wo ai ni  (Read 6089 times)

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Offline Martin

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Re: wo ai ni
« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2010, 08:44:00 am »
Come on Ted...spill the beans.  What do you know?

Offline Crafty

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Re: wo ai ni
« Reply #16 on: August 05, 2010, 08:54:17 am »
Okay, I hope I'm not breaking any unspoken rule (or spoken for that matter...) by posting these but given the message content I'd like to get your opinions.  I'm sure a lot of this is fluff, but I did get at least one answer (maybe easy?) so perhaps the girl is there?  At this point it doesn't matter one way or the other, I'd just like to pick this apart so that if I do write again I'll have an idea of what to look for.

Hi, dear Paul :

ni hao !~~~~hehe ~~very nice to see you here you today ~~~~~~~~~~>________________<

well,.i want to tell you that this letter which I write to you is very seriously and sincerely,
I really want to find my life partner from here ,,,,not games.
You know, I do feel that you are the person who I am always waiting for
At first sight of your picture on your profile, I do think you are very kind and nice
So I want to share not only the good times ,but also the bad times with you , do you have the same dreams with me ?my dear ~~

I am a girl who is optimistic and kindhearted and easygoing ..
I am curious about many things, Like small things ,because I think that it is very important to me .
Hehe ~~~~such a girl ,do you want to take my hands until our hair growing to grey….?

In my spare time , I like reading, traveling and listening to music.
I like traveling among different countries and taste the different cultures there.
Do you want to come to China to know Chinese culture ?
If you have chance to come here, I hope to be you guide , and tell you how interesting it is !
and I still take you to see the beautiful scenery and taste delicious food ,
do you think it sounds great?

hehe ~~~~~ and I am learning English now ,do you want to be my English teacher?
I do hope you can say “YES,I DO WANT!!!!” can you ??

dear ,please write back to me soon
waiting for you here~~~~



P.S: Do you like my photos ? are you interested in it ?if you like ,can you give me your personal e-mail,coz I want to sent your more my natual photos there.

My reply;

Hello Vanessa,

I'm very glad you decided to write to me. I'd like very much to get to know you better. Can you tell me more about yourself?

As you asked my email address is xx If you send me your email address I will send you more pictures.

I have always thought about going to China. The landscape is so beautiful there. The culture has always intrigued me. I hope you can teach me many things about Chinese culture.

Who are your favorite authors? What are some of your favorite stories?

Vanessa I look forward to hearing from you again. I hope to get to know you very well and to let you know me.

I hope to hear from you soon

I tried to keep it short yet interested, with a question to try and see where she might be at.

Second Email;
My dearest Paul :

How are you ? i am so excited to receive your letter today ! how nice it is !
i am so happy to hear that you are willing to be english teacher! hehe ~
And i also very glad to teach you Chinese. i will help you to speak with an excellent chinese language !and my chinese name is WeiXueZhu.dear ,from what you said i can really feel that you are sincere and serious to me .i like to read what you said to me .you are a man who like to enjoy you life and also be positive with you life .

Life never takes two, and the time is limited, we must treasure every moment. So I want to be new places, to know new friends, to taste new food… I'm always curious about different cultures and different people. The power of internet is so magical, people communicate easily though they are different ethnicities, in different countries~

I want to find a kind and easygoing man. I use chnlove to find a special person, someone who changes my life just by being part of it, he gets me through the hard times, the sad times, and the confused times. And we'll share all the things happiness, joyful, bright together in the furture ,i don't mind how poor he is ,I just care about how happy we are together … Mr. right didn't appear in the real life yet, so I'm willing to find him by using this websites services.

I was born in Chongqing, a hearty, big city of China and be famous for the food—Hot Pot. When I was 18 years old, I went to university in Zhuhai, because I am passionate about brand new things and new places that had never been before! I like this beautiful coastal city, for this reason, I've sought for job here after I got my bachelor's degree in management. Now I'm a training assistant of PICC insurance company.I like big city, but small or big isn't the point, I just hope the relationship of people in that city isn't cold.I like music and also like sports and i think we can share more together in the future!

hmmm~~~my favourite author is CaoXueQin ,do you know Hong Lou Meng ?dear ,can you tell me more about your personal things ,coz i want to know more about you .
i hope to hear more from you soon ,my dear !!!

always yours,


P.S:i have sent many of my natual photos to your Personal e-mail ,i hope you like it ,and i also want to get more of your pictures ! i do really like to receive your photos !you are really a handsome guy !!! i am so luck to get your letter and get your love !!!!

It was the personal email with photos that had the wo ai ni subject line. With "Hope you like my photos" written in the body in Chinese.

So, what I'm leaning towards is what was mentioned earlier. Just an overzealous translator trying too hard.

Again... thoughts?
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Offline Martin

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Re: wo ai ni
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2010, 09:31:30 am »
I see translator fluff, but I also see that she is giving you some personal information.  My thought it, she is starting to become more active in writing to you...she tells you about her University life...told you where she works...sent you "real" pictures.  I think she is real...but that's me.  Anyone else have an opinion?

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: wo ai ni
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2010, 09:57:40 am »
I agree with you Martin , I would say to Crafty a couple more emf each way and then ask how far is she from the agency as with the translator there whether she would like a videocam few minutes , also can someone give Crafty the link to load QQ , she might be pleasantly suprised if he also tells her his QQ number as I bet she is connected , regards Sujuan and Robert .
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Offline Martin

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Re: wo ai ni
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2010, 10:21:08 am »
Good idea Robert!  Here is the link to the thread that will help you get QQ, and also get an ID number. (All free)

Offline Irishman

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Re: wo ai ni
« Reply #20 on: August 05, 2010, 12:13:32 pm »
I think she sounds genuine enough, of course there will be a bit of translator fluff there, but the fact that she's sending you personal emails with pictures is promising.
Also if she has any English at all then suggest a qq chat, every Chinese lady with computer access has qq and this is a great way to get to know each other.
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Offline Hajo

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Re: wo ai ni
« Reply #21 on: August 05, 2010, 12:23:32 pm »
Crafty, I kind of agree with Martin. She gives you personal information and "real" pictures. Just a little at the moment, but in my experience it is often hard to get.

It also depends on the age I think. The younger girls are more western orientated. They might be more open, but also more volatile. I think it is also a difference if they grow up in the big city or in the country side. My wife is 41 and it took about 20 mails before the first real pictures.

Write her some longer letter and see the response. She seems to be real, maybe she wants a quick decision and do not like slow back and forth. Send some more EMF's and try to get her on the webcam.

I wish you good luck!

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Re: wo ai ni
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2010, 05:25:01 am »
I have seen this several times myself. It happen to a good friend who it didn't end up so well for. But it also happened to me. And my wife and I are very happy together for almost a year now. And the fact I am now living in China with her takes a lot of stress off of her. To be honest I was like you thought it was a risk. But my heart told me to take it. And it has been a tough road, She had a very jealous sister that caused us problems. and a very over zealous translator  that ended up,,,, Well that's another story.  ANYWAY
Go with your true gut feeling on it. Usually it will be the right choice.

If she is willing to kick down pictures so quick. Ask for the phone number. Skype international calls are cheap. You can call her. Maybe it's a scam. Maybe it's the real deal. Other than a little time and a couple bucks. You really have nothing to lose to check it out.
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Re: wo ai ni
« Reply #23 on: August 06, 2010, 06:19:17 am »
good point Jimmy

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: wo ai ni
« Reply #24 on: August 06, 2010, 07:59:13 am »
If you both go on Skype the calls are not Cheap. They are free!

My calls to the Ambassador takes up hours every week and cost nothing.

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Re: wo ai ni
« Reply #25 on: December 28, 2010, 06:01:54 pm »
Me and Sophie use both Skype and yahoo messenger.  I also have QQ dowloaded that I use with some of the guys on here.

Offline odysseus007

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Re: wo ai ni
« Reply #26 on: December 28, 2010, 09:39:12 pm »
First letter is typical translator fluff.

Second letter volunteers extra personal info, and the email is a good sign, run with it & see where it goes.
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