Author Topic: yum yum foods from china  (Read 18477 times)

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Re: yum yum foods from china
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2010, 07:28:17 pm »
Ted.  You know I'm joking.  I think we are all the same way.  If it doesn't look right I won't either.  If you ever want a slice of heaven try eating roasted ants from Columbia.  If you want to get an idea of what they taste like go to Walmart and buy a small back of Kingsford Charcoal.  Simply bit of a corner of a brick and chew.  Voila, roasted ants.

Mustfocus, that's the one.  I didn't think it tasted all that bad mixed with a little pork and onion.  It wasn't great but it didn't taste as bad as liver and onions.

Dave.  Peggy had me eating the mushroom soup about every three days.  One thing I notices is that the smell of my gas disappeared.  Maybe that is why she fed it to me.  I was back in the US almost two weeks and the noxious smell came back.  Peggy in two trips did not complain about the smell she just change my diet.  Within a couple of days all was fixed.


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Re: yum yum foods from china
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2010, 07:43:44 pm »
so your now back to clearing out the place. lol!!!  good thing you dont get stuck in an elevator haha


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Re: yum yum foods from china
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2010, 10:08:05 pm »
Yes but tomorrow morning kids will get stuck with me on school bus.


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Re: yum yum foods from china
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2010, 10:13:43 pm »
great the poor kids  have to put up with that. just tell them its coming from all the cars on the road


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Re: yum yum foods from china
« Reply #19 on: August 08, 2010, 10:21:37 pm »
It is my not so secret weapon.  They behave, no problem.  They do not behave, in the immortal words of the woman in the Movie An American Tail, "Wee weese the sequet weapon!"   >:( : >:( :o ??? :)  Ahhh!!!!!!  ::) :P

Offline Martin

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Re: yum yum foods from china
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2010, 10:41:30 pm »
I have eaten the pigeon.  Maybe it was the same place as you Shaun...along the river.  I liked it myself, but was also aware of what i was eating.  I have also eaten bugs, wild mouse, dog, and turtle soup.  I can't wait for my next trip over...who knows what they will feed me next!
« Last Edit: August 08, 2010, 10:44:39 pm by Martin »

Offline Lain

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Re: yum yum foods from china
« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2010, 08:01:03 pm »
Well I guess that I must be the exception here in this group.....I will eat anything, does not really matter to me. On my first trip to China recently I ate things that I have no idea what animal or part it came from and with only 1 or 2 was all excellent.

Had pigeon my second third. Even had a huge bowl of frog soup....and NO it was not frog logs...these were whole frogs, skinned and gutted but whole from tip to toe...about 3 inches long and really hard to hold in chopsticks while eating. Not much meat, but good none the less.

The irony is that I got sick from eating a cooked crab which is "normal" by comparison to some of the things I ate....and let me tell ya, they call it "travelers diarrhea"....but it really should come with a better name, almost went to the hospital, thank god I had medication or I would have. On my return to live there I am having my doctor write me a prescription for 24 of the pills...not the 2 like I got last time. My thoughts are that after 6 months of living there my gut should build up the proper enzymes to keep me from getting sick... I hope  :-\ 

Offline shaun

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Re: yum yum foods from china
« Reply #22 on: February 27, 2011, 10:31:07 pm »
Tonight I was talking to Peggy.  She was all the buzz about a new food she wanted me to try because she liked it very much.  She tell me that she thinks I will like it as much as she does.  So of course I bite and ask her what it is.  She sends it to me in Chinese; 驴肉火锅.  I translate and get a horrible look on my face and she starts laughing.  I quickly find a picture of a donkey and yes smiles and says yes.

Now, I had just finished supper.  Suddenly things start backing up and I get real light headed.  No really I was laughing and making faces about the thought.

My question to you guy's is this, have you tried 驴肉火锅?   What did you think of the experience.

I told her I would try ir once but I am not sure I have the nads to do it at this point.

Vince G

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Re: yum yum foods from china
« Reply #23 on: February 27, 2011, 11:13:19 pm »
I would imagine it's like horse meat? Though I haven't had it that I know of ? It won't kill you.


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Re: yum yum foods from china
« Reply #24 on: February 27, 2011, 11:16:29 pm »
Shaun , now this can't be too bad .. really . We in Germany eat Horse Meat ( In Cold Cuts ) all the time . If you ever go/been to a German Deli and tasted some of their Sandwhich Meat's ( not here in the Sates ) are mostly made out of Horse Meat and so much better then the Cold Cuts you get here  .. any day .
As I see it , it's for HOT POT and you get to cook it to your likking . haha

Offline Rhonald

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Re: yum yum foods from china
« Reply #25 on: February 28, 2011, 12:40:55 am »
My question to you guy's is this, have you tried 驴肉火锅?   What did you think of the experience.

I would never ASSume anything about such a consuming experience.
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Offline mustfocus

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Re: yum yum foods from china
« Reply #26 on: February 28, 2011, 03:26:43 am »
驴肉火锅 is actually a common meat in Hebei.  As I remember it, it tasted a little gamey to me.  In Baoding, they're known for their 驴肉 burgers...
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Paul Todd

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Re: yum yum foods from china
« Reply #27 on: February 28, 2011, 05:56:12 am »
Absolutely right, My students tell me that Baoding has the best Donkey burgers in China! Not that I have tried one. Donkeys remind me of trips to the seaside as a child too much to want to eat one. I have tried donkey unwittingly at a picnic once. You know the routine you are offered something to eat so you try it only to be told after the fact exactly what it was. I have since  worked out the signs of this, people tend to go a little quite and stare, a sure thing that what ever it is will cause them great hilarity when your told just what you have eaten!  ;)

Offline shaun

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Re: yum yum foods from china
« Reply #28 on: February 28, 2011, 09:54:02 am »
Paul, Peggy really enjoys giving me foods that I do not know what they are then watching my reaction.  :o  I'll react just to make them happy.   ;D  This began the first full day I was there.

I'll try just about anything but I;ll throw a fit when I find out.  I agree with your observation but will add one more.  I will ask them what it is and if they say that they do not know the English word for it then they all sit there and watch get ready you are about to eat donkey, dog, cat, rodent, pigeon, worms, etc...

I can't wait to get Peggy here and have her try cow tongue, tripe, pickled pigs feet, ox tail, of course this may be nothing to her.  :(


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Re: yum yum foods from china
« Reply #29 on: February 28, 2011, 11:00:07 am »
Shaun , it's funny you mention cow tongue , tripe ( which she try'd in Menudo ) and ox tail .. but my LaoPo stays now far away from those . How dare she .. after all I been eating ! >:(