Author Topic: One of the many reasons why I love my Qin Ai De  (Read 2087 times)

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One of the many reasons why I love my Qin Ai De
« on: August 11, 2010, 08:46:28 pm »
She used to ask me why did i want a Chinese girl, what was so different from a western girl?

Here is one of the nicest things that still gets me all the time, maybe you guys have something else that your girl did or said that set her apart as different to what you are used to.

So what is it? - never ...say...thanks to her!!

To a guy that hasn't dated a Chinese lady he is thinking what the??!!

In the west we say thanks all the time, thanks for calling me, thanks for handing me change in the supermarket thanks for really doesn't have much meaning.

So if you cannot say thanks to the person you love the do they know you are appreciative?
Getting it yet?
Actions speak louder than words, you give her a smile, a kiss , a hug, you show her you appreciate it. The stuff that got a meaningless thanks gets nothing but the stuff that matters, gets a hug, gets a smile..gets something meaningful.

I though it was very strange initially but once I though about it i really realised I just love this, as lovers we do nice things for each other naturally, why do we need to vocalise every little thing, a little smile is far nicer than a meaningless thanks mutters without thought, a hug if its a bigger just makes sense to me at every level.

So when she puts rice in my bowl, or some slippy vegetable i cannot possibly manage with chopsticks, i look her in the eye and smile and she knows its a real thanks. I know if I do something nice I'm getting a smile or a kiss + ..its better than a thanks!
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.


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Re: One of the many reasons why I love my Qin Ai De
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2010, 06:58:19 am »
There are a number of things that sets Sophie apart from others.  even though we only speak on webcam, skype yahoo etc.   Which as you all know, will be different in 3 weeks time when I get there. ;D ;D

Manners....We speak for hours everyday, and have done since February..
As you know with getting to know each other we all have to ask questions?...
Anything Sophie wants to know, she will start off with "May I ask you a question?"
Hehe no matter how many times I tell her just to ask the question, she still reverts to her way.  I think this is brilliant, I am not used to manners like that.

Oh and her soft feminine voice, she sounds so delicate and sexy... :D :D


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Re: One of the many reasons why I love my Qin Ai De
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2010, 09:37:07 am »
thats just a few good reasons for being in these relationships  but on the flip side some of the down sides would be

when WE think they should learn english versus us learning chinese to compliment the relationship
when THEY dont want to blend both cultures in the relationship and want it to be almost all chinese
when THEY put a do's and dont list together because of the way they have been treated before or of
what they want in a relationship
when WE expect them to cator to our every whim at any time like we are helpless in doing anything
when THEY think you have to save every penny you make because of the circumstances they are accustomed to
so you have to remind them you work to live not live to work

just a few points ive read and seen or heard over the years from men coming here to china