Author Topic: Now that she's here...  (Read 5606 times)

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Re: Now that she's here...
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2010, 09:13:26 pm »
Something to chew on .
My Sweetheart took and passed her driving test on August the 3rd. and was told .. she should receive the License in about four to six week's . So waiting like good People , that time has now passed and some . No License in sight ? This made me take today off and go into the DMV , not to happy of course . I was thinking this would/shouldn't take too long and it not being necessary to stand in the famous long line of fun/waiting . But , as the Gov. has proven too often .. this does not happen in any of their Offices . As I told the Man , look .. I'm not going to stand in this long line .. first of all .. it's your mistake us not having the License yet and second I should not even be here and take a day off from my Work . You have to see the Manager " Sir " . Oh ..  here she comes all three hundred pounds of her . What is the problem ? After explaining our demise , she " kindly " in a very rude way .. told us in a loud voice too . You have to pick a number and wait your turn or there is the Door . Not that I thought I would not have to stand in line , but had hoped I might not have to . This rude approach to a Customer was enough for me and I grabbed Qing and I told her let's go .. I'm not waiting here and give this " Bit** " the satisfaction of seeing us wait for some two hours , while she's smiling inside .
Out the Door and of to the next DMV not too far away from this one . To the front counter and one could see right away , these People are so much more friendly about the whole thing . What we were told , is to fill out a new form .. like we had lost our License and apply for a new one . Did that and back to the Person we go and now we were handed a number and told to wait for it to come up . After an hour and a half , we were informed after checking with records .. as to why it was late .
This is why I write this for our Member's who bring their Wife's/Fiance over and planning to teach them how to drive a Car . The reason it was late , was not do to the Mail . It is because she is an Immigrant and they do a back-ground check on her status and if all is "Kosher" her being here . This is funny , to think .. she can have a Credit Card ( which she has already ) , but can not have her License .. which she payed for and passed like any other applicant . " Yes " I do love our Government ! hahaha
« Last Edit: September 28, 2010, 09:18:58 pm by Arnold »

Offline shaun

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Re: Now that she's here...
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2010, 09:24:54 pm »
Arnold this is a good example of whom the government personnel work for.  They are not civil servants.  They are not civil nor are they a servant.  They work for the government and we pay them.  Makes sense to me.

Now if we could only find protection from our government.

Yes, Yes, I know.  Don't get political.

Offline maxx

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Re: Now that she's here...
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2010, 12:02:45 am »
Arnold in New Mexico.Some of the DMV are ran by the city.And some are run by the state.I would find who runs your local DMV is it CA or by the city.If it was the city.I would raise hell with the city officials.


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Re: Now that she's here...
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2010, 12:32:44 am »
Arnold in New Mexico.Some of the DMV are ran by the city.And some are run by the state.I would find who runs your local DMV is it CA or by the city.If it was the city.I would raise hell with the city officials.

I had prepared a Complaint already .. as I printed out Forms to do just that .. raise hell and some eyebrows .

Offline Rhonald

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Re: Now that she's here...
« Reply #19 on: September 29, 2010, 12:56:39 am »
Life....It's all about finding the Chicks and Balances

Vince G

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Re: Now that she's here...
« Reply #20 on: September 29, 2010, 01:19:51 am »
I don't know how the Complaint form will be received? but it's worth a try. I can remember twice putting a complaint in at government offices but I didn't wait or fill out any form I got the boss out of his office and let him know right there and then. One was the sheriff's dept and the other was Social Security. But that's another story.

I went down to the DMV recently. I call it that but they don't have a DMV here. One place you go for your license and there is another for your regi and title and they're miles apart. So I went to the one not far from here in the bad neighborhood. the waiting area is about 30 ft by 15 ft and was packed to the door. I said to myself "no way" so I went to another it was a few miles the other way but hey! I'll give it a try. It's in a better area and in a less populated area which might be to my advantage and I was right. 3-4 people in there with a dozen behind the counter. 15 minutes in and out. And no waiting for the mail got it right there.

Offline shaun

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Re: Now that she's here...
« Reply #21 on: September 29, 2010, 05:10:07 am »
Arnold it used to be done on a local level with the Georgia State Patrol but it has changed to the DMV now.  Since the change it has become extremely difficult to do anything.  Like you said everything takes a long time.

Back in February I went in to change my address.  No sooner that I sat down they called my number.  I continued to sit.  The man behind me ask me if I was I45.  I said no. A minute later one of the ladies behind the counter said sir, are you having your address changed?  I said yes.  She said I45.  I looked at my ticket and was surprised.  I was I45.  I went up to the counter and said Wow I have never been waited on this quickly.  She smiled and said I know, something must be wrong.  We both laughed.

I have complained before and have even called the main office of the DMV.  Their response?  They think it is better than it used to be.  If you find a way to get through to them document it here.  Maybe it will work here too.