Author Topic: HELP lost in America......  (Read 3288 times)

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HELP lost in America......
« on: August 15, 2010, 11:56:24 pm »
Just recently, I was going to town from the ranch, when I discovered that one of my friends (well used to be) was home from his worldly travels, of seven years,
only to find that he was now married to a phillipino girl and had two kids 2 and 4 years old.  I did the usual hello, how ya doing and met the wife and kids ( I even acted suprised) and went on. 
Well the very next day I had to do the 12 mile go to town for parts thing agian and as I drove by, I noticed him with his trucked packed and he was off to
mexico where he has a home also.  He was on his way to china and works with one of those teacher go-here -go there programs kind of like the english
teacher thing in china.
Well out comes his wife in really big tears holding the 2 year old, and yelling for me to help her and of course out comes the old man.  Now I have her crying in
my drivers window and him yelling at her through the passenger window....what a scean if you can think about it.  Well I told them I didn't want to be involved
and drove on down the road.  Well I got about 2 miles down the road and felt so bad I turned around and went back.  And low and behold, there she is walking
down the dirt road, he is no where to be found and she is bare footed with a skimpy dress on and the baby was in a skimpy dress, both had filthy clothing on
and still crying.  So I ask where the husband was and he had kicked her and the baby out on the street, and taken the 4 year old to mexico and not only
that, he took her passport with him and did not leave her any money or other clothes or even shoes or anything else to wear.
Now let me describe  the girl.  She is 26, about a size 11, about 4"4" and has a great behind, excellent grapefruit, and long black hair and is cute as a button face
Why anyone would want to do this is beyond me. (whoops ranout room see next messege)
« Last Edit: August 16, 2010, 12:03:32 am by rockycoon »


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Re: HELP lost in America......
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2010, 12:42:08 am »
When I got down the road I started feeling guilty, so I turned around and went back, and here she was walking barefooted in the dirt in a dirty filthy light dress and the baby was the same way.  So I stopped and told her were my house was, (close by) and told her the place was unlocked to go there and make herself at home.  When I got back from a small job (2 hour) that I had to do, there she was sitting on the front porch with the baby.  Her old man took the 4 year old
and split to mexico untill he goes to china.  Just left her and the baby and split.
so I took her in the house, washed her up the best I could and made them a meal and put a cartoon in the dvd for the baby and showed her the guest room and
made her a bed and talked most of the night to her in the kitchen to find out just what in the hell was going on.  Seems she has been married for five years and
came from mindanow in a small villege and he got her pg and then married her.
she has been treated like a slave for five years while he smoked a lot of pot and drank hard liqure and was with other women.  I fact he would have women in
there bed while she was home and more than once she caught them.
So I called some friends and put in a mercy call for clothes for them.  The next morning we had tons of clothes for them, but since I am building and my place don't have sheetrock up yet and a generator for electric, I called a friend who had a daughter that would take her in along with the child. 
I told her that since I lived so close to the husbands house that It would not be safe for her.  (see next messege -out of room agian...damn)


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Re: HELP lost in America......
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2010, 12:52:37 am »
Anyway, I took her over there and got her settled in, looked like the baby hadn't eaten for a week and no shawn they didn't die from my cooking, in fact they said it was quite good.
Anyway, this next week I will take them to welfare and get them food stamps and medical and anything else I can.  The problem is that he took her passport,
she is here on a 90 day visitation visa, and she wants to stay (don't they all) so what are my options without getting her kicked out of the country or locked up?

She is a sweet girl, works hard (my place has never been cleaner) and her son has been taken to mexico (with the father) and she has nothing and knows only
a few people I have introduced her to.  Even with a BS she is not that bright and is just lost in America.

Anyone got any bright idea's.  Sure would help.  By the way, the baby is American.  Anchor perhaps? and yes before you ask she speaks English, Chinese and
« Last Edit: August 16, 2010, 12:55:52 am by rockycoon »

Offline maxx

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Re: HELP lost in America......
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2010, 01:08:12 am »
Chinese and Saudi ? no shit.Im immpressed.Yes Rocky that kid being American does help allot.Immigration will not kick her out of the country.Especially since that kid is American.And her other kid was kidnapped by a American.

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Re: HELP lost in America......
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2010, 01:09:13 am »
Ok Rocky.When you run out of room.Just put your mouse pointer on the bottom of the box.Click it then drag the box down to make it bigger.If you run out of room can do the same thing again.You can do it as many times as you need.

I don't know if you want to get involved anymore then you already are.If you do.You need to call immigration and explain to them what happened.Wonder boy is responsible for the woman.And the kids.You need to find out her visa status.Does she have a green card? ( if she doesn't have a green card don't worry immigration will not deport her) You mite call the sheriff to.Wonder boy kidnapped that kid.And transported him across a  international border.That is some serious jail time.

Find her a immigration attorney.She needs to get her green card straightened out.If you look hard enough you probably can find one that will work for free.And collect the money latter from wonder boy.After he gets out of jail.

The girl is going to be a burden until she can get on her own feet.With  government assistance.Thiere mite be a welfare office close to you.I think that is where I would start.They can get the ball rolling.And get her a place to live and some food stamps.And some medical care for her and the baby.

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Re: HELP lost in America......
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2010, 01:47:36 am »
Where in Ca are you?
I have friends all over the state mostly in the north.
Not got any good Ideas, But interested in hearing how the are doing from time to time.
And how her husband eventually gets whacked.
Jimmy Henson


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Re: HELP lost in America......
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2010, 05:52:04 am »
you know  this dirt bag is responsible for her and the kid and the first stop i would go to the police and file the
complaint. they need to be aware so when he does come back the report has been filed. you wonder why they do this
he needs his #%$ kicked but that will only get you in trouble. if she is in calif i have a boat load of people who could help her there
but she is in your state right???  is the 4 yr old theirs also?? not clear on that?? this compounds to all immigration procedures
and why it takes so long

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Re: HELP lost in America......
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2010, 10:21:35 am »

First off it is nice to see you back here. Secondly have her file a report of the kidnapping of the 4 year old. They need to put out an Amber alert for the child. (I think Mexico participates in this program too) This is how they will catch this guy. Then they will put him in a Mexican jail for a while and you know the treatment he should get for kidnapping.... Then I don't think he will be going to China for quite a while. He should not be able to board the plane for China if there is an Amber alert out for the child.

Dave C
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Re: HELP lost in America......
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2010, 03:24:36 pm »
I am not sure if I am reading this right?If he is also the father of the child it will not be considered kidnapping.The court must first determine custody of said child.If the child is her child before the marriage then she will be the custodial parent then she has the right to list it as kidnapping.Taking a child out of the country is going to be difficult for him.It should be when he tries to cross the border.If she reports it they will stop him from crossing until this is worked out.It is sad to see this happen especially with children involved as well.Hopefully she has the childs paperwork showing birth and all that as well.I hope this helps.She does know his address in mexico doesnt she? He wont be hard to find if he owns another house there.


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Re: HELP lost in America......
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2010, 03:48:42 pm »
Ron , it is kidnapping .
I have a Cousin in Nevada with two Kids and is going through a Divorce proceeding . She want's to move back to Calif . ( she has costidy of them both ) , but can not go with the kids without "HIS" permission to do so . If she did , it would be Kidnapping and this only over State lines . Over International Border's is .. let say much more trouble for the one doing it , as now dealing with two Gov's .


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Re: HELP lost in America......
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2010, 06:03:21 pm »
only kidnapping if it is in the process of a divorce or not his kid. this will turn into a he said and she
said with all the burden of proof being on her side when he just says she is crazy i didnt do anything like
that i just went for a visit.  she needs to start the abuse papers right away and get the process started

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Re: HELP lost in America......
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2010, 08:59:56 pm »
Sorry i thought they got in an argument and he left with the child.Either way he seemed to abandon her and the other child.She has grounds for abandonment but she needs to act swiftly before he does anything.My heart goes out to her this shouldnt have gotten this far .Its sad she doesnt have any friends in this situation and its a good thing you got involved I commend you for that seems like most people just turn their backs these days and dont want to get involved .You did a great thing .


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Re: HELP lost in America......
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2010, 10:32:25 pm »
Don said they are not married.  I think it is kidnapping.  Secondly they are already in Mexico.  Where Don lives is only 2-3 hours from the border.  Mexico does do Amber Alert but it is like China.  It will take a little green grease to get the child back.  The Mexican police force is as corrupt as it can be.

Don, welcome back.  You have been missed.

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Re: HELP lost in America......
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2010, 12:20:31 am »
Shaun Rocky said they were married.First post third line.


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Re: HELP lost in America......
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2010, 05:00:44 am »
Dang Maxx.  ???  That's what you get when you try to read, type and talk to your girl all at the same time.