Mike and Vince , you two are proof how the Catholic Religion is slowly moving away from the Church . Myself included . I was brought up an Catholic , went to Church every Sunday as a youngster , but as I grow up , I felt the same way you two feel . God is not only in the Church ( it may be the house of the Lord ) , but as I see it too , Jesus lives in your Heart , when you want him to live there . When he lives in your Life , your Love for other People will show , through your Heart and through him being present in you . Like my own Step-daughter , which is Faith Baptist , told me ones that God does not hear your prayer's , unless it's in a Church and you believe in him . So all my prayer's after my Late WIfe passed away , never reached the Lord ? She told me , my prayer's never go farther then the Ceiling , because there from home instead of a Church . You know how that made me feel ? I have not seen her since , about a year and a half . I know , of what I'm blessed with , that all my prayer's were answered . So no need to tell her , what I received will tell , without word's .