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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Another Knock At The Door
« on: September 02, 2010, 08:48:57 am »
Talking to Ted this morning by Skype when there was a knock on the door.  Answered it and went back and told Ted I would call him back as I had two police officers waiting for me. One male and the other was a very attractive women.

I ushered them in and sat them down and waited on their questions.  But neither had more than a few words of English.

After a  while i found all the official papers that we had in the house and I piled them on the table.  This pleased the man and he went through them and he took details from a couple.

I wish there had been a reciprocal arrangement as I would have gladly let the lady take down my particulars if I could have taken hers down!!!!!!

After practising what English was coming to their mind they said goodbye and asked if they could call round again.  I really could not say one can but the other cannot so I said yes and off they went with a cheery Bye Bye.

But still I have no idea why or what the reason was for the visit but whatever I did certainly satisfied the male officer but I think I would have problems doing the same for the other.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Another Knock At The Door
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2010, 09:02:01 am »
Sure Willy , probably one of your long lost girlfriends checking up on you , maybe next time it will be 2 females ha ha , then you will be in trouble , regards Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline Rhonald

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Re: Another Knock At The Door
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2010, 11:08:27 am »
What Willy?....... no Raven yet knocking at your door. Thinking of lady cops, when I was in Nottingham this July, finally my work sent me somewhere interesting, I saw two Bobby's. Hum.... are would the be Bobbette's get out of a squad car. Suddenly I had the urge to do some vandalising just to be arrested by this two buxom boobies  8)
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Re: Another Knock At The Door
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2010, 04:36:01 pm »
China is keeping their eyes on you and want to know your whereabouts at all times


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Re: Another Knock At The Door
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2010, 07:06:23 pm »
What Willy?....... no Raven yet knocking at your door. Thinking of lady cops, when I was in Nottingham this July, finally my work sent me somewhere interesting, I saw two Bobby's. Hum.... are would the be Bobbette's get out of a squad car. Suddenly I had the urge to do some vandalising just to be arrested by this two buxom boobies  8)

Hahaha Rhonald..I get the same way when The female police are in my view... ;D


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Re: Another Knock At The Door
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2010, 08:15:23 pm »
probably wanting to know where he was at 1 am last tuesday night, and if he would submit to a blood test in a paternity suite....haha also if Willy was
selling those egg's without a lol
(they had some complaints about the party noise)....

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Another Knock At The Door
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2010, 09:25:44 am »
My thread so I can go off it!!!!

I will judge how my wife with limited English and no knowledge of Western Food at all copes during her forthcoming first trip out of China. 12 days in London will be interesting.

 No point in  telling me that there are plenty of Chinese Restuarants.  I have yet to find one that serves the food eaten in a typical Chinese household.  What we get in the UK seems to be Western food cooked in a Chinese style.  She is amazed that cooking is not permitted in hotel rooms.

 Not sure what my four sisters are going to do with the packs of raisins she has purchased to give them!  It that Chinese Culture or what?

Wonder how she will get on with walking straight across roads and not diagonally and trying to explain to her that traffic is not used to driving round you and through preference will knock you out of the way.  How will she manage to obey the red and green man on traffic lights.   Will she always remember that cars are going the opposite way than in China - thats a rubbish point Willy you know bloody well they drive whichever way they want in China.

 Will she argue with every shop keeper over prices? - cannot see that working in Marks and Spencers or Harrods?   Will she spit the remains of food on the table cloth in the Savoy Grill?

 I have warned her not to shop in the normal Chinese way and that is paying for your purchase by throwing screwed up notes over the cash point.

I told her that there is a law against peeing, spitting and gobbing in the street and public places. But I also told her I will try to remember not to do any of these things.
We leave Hong Kong on Friday so if anyone has any other last minute advice then let me know. 

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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Re: Another Knock At The Door
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2010, 09:28:59 am »
if someone asks her   teach her this line------ im the caretaker----- :o

Offline David E

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Re: Another Knock At The Door
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2010, 06:39:51 pm »
Willy...a few minor points of protocol for you to consider on your pending visit to the Old Dart.....

*    Waiting patiently in a queue is normal, using teeth, elbows, knees, fists and feet to bludgeon your way to the front is likely to be frowned upon
*    Holding a shouted conversation at the top of your voice with a friend/aquaintance at the opposite side of a crowded restaraunt is likely to result in ejection from said restaraunt
*    Offering a Policeman 10 bob to "forget" a traffic offense will result in arrest
*    Eating pumpkin seeds all day and spitting the shells wherever you wish, including the face of passers-by is likely to result in violence or arrest...or both
*    Staring fixedly at strangers in the street who look different / interesting is likely to result in violence or arrest...or both
*    You only get one tissue/napkin with a meal...not 3 whole packets
*    Swilling restaraunt crockery with tea to sterilise them before eating will upset hotel and restaraunt management
*    Having a Beautiful Chinese wife will attract so much envy from everyone who sees you....priceless

David E


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Re: Another Knock At The Door
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2010, 07:33:08 pm »
David absolutely priceless....LOLOLOLOL ;D ;D

Wily remember and take her to see the tower, see if she can get the jewels on loan for a day...hahahaha


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Re: Another Knock At The Door
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2010, 07:37:42 pm »
having been with Willy's wife several times she will not be the problem in london.

she is a very calm, respectful lady, who goes out of here way to be courteous to people
so she will be well recieved there and looked upon with mutual respect.

now as far as her husband  :-\ :-\ :-\ ::) ::) ::)


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Re: Another Knock At The Door
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2010, 07:44:00 pm »
having been with Willy's wife several times she will not be the problem in london.

now as far as her husband  :-\ :-\ :-\ ::) ::) ::)

Ted I'm intrigued, do tell !!...hahaha ;D

I know what you mean about willy, is this the reason he cameto china in the first place...?.... :o ??? ::) ;D

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Another Knock At The Door
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2010, 09:33:15 pm »
Just to set the record straight a British Citizen cannot be deported from th UK.

Liked David E's remarks and will take full note of them.  Its gonna be fun in Tesco's on a Saturday morning.

Not sure about Ted's Comment ' having been with Willy's wife several times'  better tell me more Mr Ambassador.

And Rob why do I need to see the Crown Jewel when I already have the biggest Diamond on my arm.


Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Pineau

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Re: Another Knock At The Door
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2010, 02:58:44 pm »
In reference to your original thread.

This happened to me three times when I lived in Shenzhen. It was not the shenzhen police but the local neighborhood police called the urban management officials (Chengguan). It is their job to make sure the neighborhood is "safe and under control". I lived in an apartment far away from the hotel distric and they thought it was strange to see an American living and shopping in a Chinese only neighborhood.  They came by twice when I was alone. They spoke in Chinese and I spoke in English and after about half an hour they left disgusted. The third time they came they brought my landlord who could speak broken english. It was enough to let me know what they wanted. They pulled out some neighborhood registration documents. I wrote my name and passport number in their book and they left very happy and I they never came again. I would see them occasionally while walking home and they would just wave and smile. After a few months the whole neighborhood got used to me and paid me no attention.
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Re: Another Knock At The Door
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2010, 06:30:55 pm »
This also happened to me twice when i first got here. i also thought they were the police until we had a
major battle with the neighbor downstairs over him moving his air conditioner from below our window so
we could put up our new one for the bedroom.

my wife took me to an office right down the street and i saw their the 2 people who had visited me. they are
also similar to this in that they our like a go between before you get the police involved. and they help the
people in the assigned blocks they have if they need any help.