Nice pics Todd thanks for posting them

Sunny and I have been all over the country literally the last few weeks and are having a wonderful time.
In fact as I type this it is the longest time we have been apart in three weeks bar toilet breaks! She is going back to her apartment to get some fresh clothes and I am in Starbucks getting in some much needed coffee!
Thanks to Ted and Paul for coming to our wedding it it was super to have a couple of you guys there to celebrate the special day with me.
Ted thanks again for being my best man on such sort notice.
Paul you are as nice as guy in person as you come across on the forum and it was a real pleasure to meet you and your lovely wife in person finally.
By the way, how was the Guinness ?

I'm heading back home next Saturday 9th and coming back hopefully in December to get Sunny's visa sorted out.
Right now , 7 hotels later it is great to be back in sunny warm Guangzhou, I really love the warm weather and am dreading the gales and cold and rain back home, but one day soon she will be with me there to hold close keep me warm in these coming fall and winter evenings

I haven't had internet access in quite some time so apologies for the lack of updates here.
To all the guys here planing on taking the journey here, just do it!, the rewards are immense.
I am the happiest I can ever remember being right now

Muireadach & Sunny M 15th Sep 2010 !
On honeymoon in the mountains in Zhangjiajie