Author Topic: DRUGS, ALCOHOL AND DAMB ADDICTIONS  (Read 1903 times)

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Offline Scottish_Robbie

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« on: February 12, 2012, 06:36:44 am »
Having read the sad news about another death (Whitney Houston) from drugs. :'(

It saddens me and makes me wonder WHAT IS IT with these people.  They have fame and fortune and all the trappings that come with that YET they turn to taking drugs etc.

Surely the must see the poverty and death (from their addiction) that is around the planet.

They may be 'great singer's or 'good lookers' or 'brilliant actors', BUT where is their bloody BRAINS. :( :( :(

hOW MANY MORE ARE WE GOING TO LOSE before something is done to STOP these addictions from happening
« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 06:38:42 am by Scottish_Robbie »
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Offline shaun

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« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2012, 07:22:45 am »
Rob I'm not taking up for Whitney but from what little I do understand you have no idea what these people go through.  One of my closest friends has 3 famous sons.  The demand on them is phenomenal.  There isn't any peace and quite and everyone always wants something.  Friends, acquaintances, industry personnel all want something from them.

If they don't have the staff around them to help keep their sanity then this is one of the outcomes in my mind.  The three sons I talk about in the paragraph above are lucky they have their parents who manage them. 

Vince G

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« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2012, 08:10:07 am »
Talking about this last night. First, they said they have not found anything suspicious in the room she died in. By past experiences (M. Jackson, others) means they didn't find any drugs around. So means either someone grabbed them up? or she finished them? This all started from the morons that she didn't have to listen to anyway, saying she wasn't Black enough. So instead of taking pride in herself she hooked up with bad boy B Brown (to show she was getto) and he in turn fucked her career, voice and life up. It's on right now... found in the bathtub she may have drowned in the tub? But anyway, a real shame to such a great voice.

Offline joeswuhandream

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« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2012, 12:15:17 pm »
 i agree with you Shaun on your post      MY THOUGHTS    Whitney was     a wonderful women with wonderful voice 
we will never understand what  these world class entertainers go thought 
my thoughts are with   her family
as we are a Chinese forum  i like to say  my thoughts are with the beautiful Teresa Teng who died ovewr a decade ago  a true and loving performer  who lost her life to  a asthma attack in Thailand  my the good lord look after Whitney and Teresa 
well said in your post Shaun   FIRT CLASS

Offline JohnB

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« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2012, 04:26:27 pm »
The “War on Drugs” is failed. I think, like maybe all incarcerations, 60%+ or so are drug related. I was watching a Charlie Rose interview some weeks back, & it was mentioned that the growth of jails, police, judges is 6 times the population growth the past 20 years. It is a run amok bureaucracy.
So, what does that tell the “casual” observer? There is money in peoples' misery.
Drugs are prevalent. The “War” ain't gonna work. Never did. Never will. It is what it is.

Maybe some progressive function in government will form a blue ribbon committee, figure out a way to control this shit. I think some controlled environment, with few doctors & nurses, can care for the drug infirmed. A facility available to anyone & all druggies. They don't have to steal, whore, or act bad to get their fix; also, some sort of reclamation. One way in. A sober exit out. They out & about acting bad, then bust their ass. A medical facility is just one idea. Much better than a f*cking jail. I think life is cheap the way we go about this whole thing. It just gets worst.
I do not feel bad for the self- indulgent. I feel for their families, their neighbors, communities, the victims of their love affair of drugs. I feel especially bad for the crap in Mexico & any country that is on the pipeline to America.
I do not think the long arm of the law, the right wing assholes in Congress with their wacked out ilk, present the correct solution to anything, especially the “War on Drugs”. 
« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 04:32:19 pm by John »

Vince G

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« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2012, 04:49:04 pm »
Crack is sooo last century. These days it's prescription drugs. They get a prescription, fill it and trade or sell some or all for other pills. There is also a new (I guess it's a weed?) that is being bought and smoked Legally because it's not pot. Sold over the counter. It has some stupid name like Fire? This is what Demi Moore smoked and went to the hospital on.

War on drugs? Everyone makes money off it why stop it? Like you said there's more jails, courts judges, medical facilities, rehabs, etc etc see more money made off it.