I'm getting somewhere now. I'm booking my flights this week. I will go there on December. Arrive to Guangzhou airport late Saturday night. And then return home in 8 days, Sunday. I can't get more time off from work. So this will do for now.
It seems she is getting rather excited as well. Shes telling me she is learning English on her free time. She does know some already. So I think we can at least communicate without a translator. And those were her words

I think she is trusting me more and more. And shes even starting to be a bit playful as well. I mostly share whats going on in my daily life. And she likes to comment everything.
Lately she has mostly been playfully asking about my mother and what will she think about her. And I try to answer to her playfully as well. And she often replys with "呵呵" (haha in Chinese). After I told her I learnt those letters she keeps using those. What will my mother think of a Chinese girl etc. But my mother is a great person so she will accept her and her own words "Asian girls tend to look after the guys more than these Europeans..."
She is telling me not to rush with my Chinese studies. But I will try to learn what I can in this time.
She has also said that I will most likely get to see her parents as well depending how well we actually work things out when its face to face time.
She is also telling me to wear more clothes all the time. Because she knows it gets cold at Finland during winters. Or at least colder than where she lives at.
I'm just now wondering if there is still anything I've missed with her?
Something I should maybe know before going there?
And one thing I've been wondering about. How much cash can/should I bring with me? I've read that 5000 USD is maximum one can bring. But theres no way I'm gonna need that much for a weeks trip.
The plane tickets are going to cost me around 900 euros back and forth. I guess its a decent price. The worst part of the trip will be when I'm at HK airport and waiting for the connection flight to Kanton/Guanghzou airport. I will have to wait there for 5hours I think. I will go out of my mind then haha. So close but still so far from her...
How far away is Jiangmen from the airport if anyone knows? Will we need to spend hours in a cab? She promised to come and pick me up from the airport.
Its still 2 months away but. I've asked her so many questions already I think I should chill for a while with it hehe. About the trip of course. Like what kind of weather will it be. Apparently cold and maybe some rain. But if it rains it can't be cold... When it rains snow then it can be cold

She has suggested some places we should try and visit already. But I keep telling her I will come wherever she wants to take me to. As long as she is around. We've also joked that if I get lost in a crowd or she does. I might not find her easily but she should find me easily at least. Being ~20 centimeters taller than the average Chinese and paler skin color.
I am quite sure everything will go fine when seeing her. And will lead to a new visit. But if it doesn't at least I'm a richer person with the experience. I've also thought that if it doesn't work I could go to Guangzhou airport and then to Beijing for the normal tourist places. But I think and wish that it won't go to that.
I'm quite sure that the translator isn't changing things I write to her at least much. And whoever the translator is, that person seems to be doing a good job understanding what I write. Even though I often end up just writing hard words or sentences that might not be too easy to understand.
Oh I will also need to check out how much I've spent on EMF. So I can tell her at the end of the trip. So that she can understand that I can buy a ticket to China with the moneys if we try to use Emails, txt messages etc.
She is still hardly at QQ, but I think thats because of our time difference, she working 6 days a week. But I've made some random friends on QQ. Some school aged girls add me randomly, and I ask who are they. They say they are X X... And if they can write with me just to use English. I tell them sure as long as I can try to practice Chinese with them and they can teach me something. Like I learnt "呵呵" that way.
Hmm this post is getting quite unorganized I think. So I'll leave it here 呵呵.
Oh a offtopic funny thing I found in the internet, thought I'd share it:
Chinese calendar: 2 years ago: Year of the Cow - Mad Cow Disease. Last Year: year of the Bird - Bird flu. This year: Year of the pig - swine flu. Next year: Year of the Cock. Anybody else worried???