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Offline Mikael_Shim

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Random question about healthcare...
« on: September 07, 2010, 05:15:40 pm »
How do you go about if you need some medical attention? Not talking got hit by a bus but say had a nasty wound or broke a finger. The kind that doesnt mean emergency but still ill enough for you to not ignore it. Dental care etc

Any experiences? i guess this might vary alot city to city. Expensive?

Just got curious

"Just call me Mikkie , thats what all Asians do anyway"



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Re: Random question about healthcare...
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2010, 06:09:35 pm »
Well , I will tell you Mikael .. in matter of fact .. on my fourth and last Visit to Shanghai , my Lady and I went to a Medical Facility and I had both a Blood Check and a mmmh Sperm count to see if we could have a Child . Both times it cost's ( Cash ) 300 Yuan , which I thought was cheap for that service .
No Dental work so far , haven't got in any Kung Fu fights yet over there .  ::)


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Re: Random question about healthcare...
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2010, 07:21:27 pm »
for dental work i would not go to the small places but rather go to the main hospital for that. the hospitals have beside the
regular run of the mill procedures they also have eye care for glasses and dental offices.

if your going to be here any lenth of time go to a main and clean hospital register and get your medical book which is like
a tablet were they will record any procedure in it that you might have done there. its like a journal that a doctor can review
which has your history. i have had my teeth cleaned here and one false cap put over the metal plate and it was all done
professional and cheap.  also had my yearly check up which was thurough and cheap.

Offline Mikael_Shim

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Re: Random question about healthcare...
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2010, 08:04:40 pm »
Thanks all, great info. And good hehe.

That takes balls Arnold. literarily. Props to you!
"Just call me Mikkie , thats what all Asians do anyway"


Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Random question about healthcare...
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2010, 09:28:21 pm »
Me I cannot wait fo something to go wrong with my teeth.  There is a dental clinic below th complex I live in.  I walk past the windows and see all the dentists (all women) and Nurses (again all women) looking out at me.  Head covered, face masks on just a pair of beautiful dark eyes peering from the covered face.

  And how modern they are.  Each dentist has a TV screen and can see each and every one of your teeth in detail.   That thats really 'looking down in the mouth'.

No hospital for me Ted.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Paul Todd

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Re: Random question about healthcare...
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2010, 10:28:55 pm »
I have had a couple of medicals over here so far for work related stuff. Never paid more than 300rmb and one included a full C.A.T scan and you get to keep all the x-rays too! The main problem I found was as always the language, you can point to were it hurts but that's about it! Some of the larger cities have western style private medical centers or even wards in some hospitals. There's an intersing couple of articles here
about private health care. For basic stuff the general hospitals are fine,waiting time is minimal and the doctors are friendly and helpful.
Dental care here is very good indeed. I use one that is run by a beautiful Chinese lady who use to be the head of dental practice at one of the hospitals. Then when they opened up the economy she started her own business. She now says very happily in English "open wide" :)

Offline Mikael_Shim

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Re: Random question about healthcare...
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2010, 10:38:59 pm »
She now says very happily in English "open wide" :)

lol, free interpretation
"Just call me Mikkie , thats what all Asians do anyway"



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Re: Random question about healthcare...
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2010, 12:56:49 am »
I hurt my shoulder after falling while running last week.  Sophie took me to the main hospital here in Zhucheng, they carried out a 4 day course of Acupuncture which cost 109 Yuan (9 pound UK)(16$ US)


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Re: Random question about healthcare...
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2010, 11:29:01 am »
I hurt my shoulder after falling while running last week.  Sophie took me to the main hospital here in Zhucheng, they carried out a 4 day course of Acupuncture which cost 109 Yuan (9 pound UK)(16$ US)

Rob , you must of had a Coupon with you !! Great price for sure , but then .. this was not Shanghai .

Offline Mikael_Shim

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Re: Random question about healthcare...
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2010, 12:07:47 pm »
Well, it certainly feels safe to know a minor accident wont ruin you.

Willy, (and others if they know) im abit curious about the rates for professional dental care. My mom had her complete upper jaw fixed here in Sweden
about 18 months ago. All teeth new, not "cheap" removable ones, i think their called real implants and it looks really natural and she said after a month of
getting used feels like they always been there.

But holy cow the bill. 280.000SEK, should translate to roughly 37.000 US$ i wonder what it would had landed on there. I read some story before about someone
who went to Thailand to do something similar and it was alot cheaper but i dont remember the numbers.

I have 2 chin teeth that both cracked in a motorcycle accident almost 3 years ago. Insurance didnt cover for such fancy but only to "fix" the problem.
I think they killed the root with some electrical stuff. Theyre still in place and havent ever caused any trouble, but might in the future. When i checked
here last time about a year ago or so the prices were still ridiculous. But we are famous for having very expensive dental care in Sweden and it has become
more and more expensive since they privatized it.
"Just call me Mikkie , thats what all Asians do anyway"



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Re: Random question about healthcare...
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2010, 12:26:30 pm »

I hurt my shoulder after falling while running last week.  Sophie took me to the main hospital here in Zhucheng, they carried out a 4 day course of Acupuncture which cost 109 Yuan (9 pound UK)(16$ US)

Rob , you must of had a Coupon with you !! Great price for sure , but then .. this was not Shanghai .

Shanghai is pretty overpriced on many things or maybe i should say pretty much everything sorry just my observation
from all these years dont mean to offend

Paul Todd

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Re: Random question about healthcare...
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2010, 10:47:58 pm »

I'm not sure of the rates for different procedures best thing is to ask when your here. I do know it's less expensive here than in Thailand and much more professional. I've had treatment in both counties over the years.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Random question about healthcare...
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2010, 11:07:42 pm »
I hurt my shoulder after falling while running last week.  Sophie took me to the main hospital here in Zhucheng, they carried out a 4 day course of Acupuncture which cost 109 Yuan (9 pound UK)(16$ US)

Just a quick question Rob.  Have you stopped pppppeeeeeeezzzzzzziiiiiiinnnnnggggg yet.   All those needles in you must have let out a lot of spare air!!!!!

But do not get too deflated, remember China needs you.


Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Jimmy

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Re: Random question about healthcare...
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2010, 11:53:20 pm »
I stumbled and fell one day needed 6 stitches in my elbow. Went to this little clinic right here in our Apartment building. They cleaned me up sewed me up and 10 days later I stopped by and they took them out for me. Total cost 50 rmb.
Now I have had some problems with my heart as of late. The doctor wanted to give me Injection treatment. Said it will help until I can see my doctor in the states which I told him is still probably at least 2 months away. My wife's mother had the same thing done about 6 or 8 months ago. She said she still feels good from it.
So I let them do it I was in the Hospital 7 Days. My wife was with me for every minute of it.  Nurses do not care for you the way they do in American hospitals. Your family does it. If you did not have someone to be with you. I have no Idea what would happen for you. And the cost for the week and the treatment all came to 5300 rmb.
I was in a room with 3 other men and all 4 of us had our wives there to take care of us 24 hours a day. It was defiantly a great lesson in the culture of Chinese  family's. At night your wife sleeps with you, They insist to sleep at the other end of the bed. I never saw any of these people show affection of any kind toward the spouse. Maybe a hug as they leave to go get some food or something. but that would be considered a lot even. 
It was a bit odd sometimes Being a white American people from all over the hospital would come just to look at me. I didn't know if I should be flattered or feel embarrassed . A little of both I guess, The care was good for me if my wife hit the button for a nurse one was there less than 30 seconds every time.
All in all The care is pretty good and very cheap. But will not be what you would expect. All of my doctors were women under 30 and all pretty nice looking gals too.  And yes I got a good slug every time she thought I was looking my arm still a little sore.
And the treatment was not as good as I had hoped, But I do feel much better than I did, and have regained a little stamina also.
Jimmy Henson


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Re: Random question about healthcare...
« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2010, 12:04:25 am »

Just a quick question Rob.  Have you stopped pppppeeeeeeezzzzzzziiiiiiinnnnnggggg yet.   All those needles in you must have let out a lot of spare air!!!!!

But do not get too deflated, remember China needs you.


now I know why I lost weight...tut.. ::)

arnold, Sophie done the deal, so I just went along with it, at first I thought itt was 109 a day?