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Vince G

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Re: Chnlove Anti Scam Site
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2010, 11:37:11 pm »
Mikael, I have been around that site for more then a year now. I call it the "P" site because that is half of what it's full of, the other half is even worse. I have read and heard all the different stories there, here and elsewhere so I am not saying there isn't any scamming going on just that site lies, fluffs, exaggerates and is basically fake reports. I know for a fact that there are three guys, two most of the time that just write it's a scam? No story, or proof just to have a rating.

If you read the posts there most will say the scam is they bought credits? D'uh! it's a business and that's not a scam. You choose to. Others on there boost how they have multiple profiles and harass the women and when the women stop writing them or don't want to meet them they cry scam? And yes they have been on here too. So take it as just another site with no sound confirmation. 

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Re: Chnlove Anti Scam Site
« Reply #16 on: September 09, 2010, 11:44:36 pm »
Vince is really our expert when it comes to that particular web page.

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Re: Chnlove Anti Scam Site
« Reply #17 on: September 09, 2010, 11:49:42 pm »
Few posts above Mikael gave an interesting link of the site where people leave their reviews of different dating sites and agencies

Reviews of are not good (actually they are mainly either bad or neutral) BUT:
1) satisfied customers often have less motivation to give feedback than angry customers   
2) almost all dating sites there (which have a fair number of reviewers) result in 30 to 55% or "bad" grades - being in that range --> 48%

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Re: Chnlove Anti Scam Site
« Reply #18 on: September 09, 2010, 11:53:09 pm »
Few posts above Mikael gave an interesting link of the site where people leave their reviews of different dating sites and agencies

Reviews of are not good (actually they are mainly either bad or neutral) BUT:
1) satisfied customers often have less motivation to give feedback than angry customers   
2) almost all dating sites there (which have a fair number of reviewers) result in 30 to 55% or "bad" grades - being in that range --> 48% Vince's thread above.  You can not take those statistics as gospel.  Vince, as well as a couple of us spent a lot of time on their site in the past, and it is the same people posting over and over.  They don't actually provide any facts...just say it is a scam.  Vince can probably better explain their game.

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Re: Chnlove Anti Scam Site
« Reply #19 on: September 10, 2010, 12:32:30 am »
It just came to my attention , in favour for lovechn´s adminstration.

Theres another player who might be out to scamm you. The woman herself. and there are evidence enough to show that happens just reading here.

As far as concerns the P site. i was googling some info about Wuhan when it showed up. i spent 20 seconds scrolling . So i have no opinion about it. I only shared it.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2010, 12:52:07 am by Mikael_Shim »
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Re: Chnlove Anti Scam Site
« Reply #20 on: September 10, 2010, 01:10:56 am »
Mikael could you please post a link to one of the threads you were refering to.In your last post.I seem to remember some outrages dowries some of the girls wanted for thiere families.And I remember.Vince posting a while back.About a woman who he thought was working some kind of scam(Sorry Vince I don't remember the details).

WHat it ussualy comes down to is the Agency where the lady signed up at.Is the one running the scam.And the woman knows nothing about the scam.We have seen that happen a number of times.And we have seen the bate and switch a number of times.The agencies use theese tactics.To keep the money flowing.

One poor guy on here wrote to a lady for about 3 months.Just about every day.When he showed up in China.The lady told him she had no idea who he was.And that she had never recieved a letter from him.So I tend to think that it is more the agencies blame then it is the woman.

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Re: Chnlove Anti Scam Site
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2010, 01:13:31 am »
Cant resist my 2 bob's worth in this little debate !!!!
For the record, I made 5 abortive trips to China to meet CHNLove Ladies after doing the whole pre-amble by EMF (Duh !!)
I was very naieve, I admit it, and I should have known better...but emotions sometimes get in the way of reality, as many of us here know from bitter experiences.
The reason these trips crashed and burned you all know already...the Ladies were NOT as represented in the profiles, they had played little part in the overall composition and content of the EMF's...most of it was Translator Fluff.
I felt cheated, betrayed and humiliated.....(pompous prick) !!!!! A Man of my age and experience should have known better....if its too good to be true, it probably isnt !!!
I never really felt that I had been scammed however, because scamming to me means that the Lady or her "minders" deliberately set out to get money from the Punters and nothing else. I dont think that many of the CHNLove ladies are in that category.
Whether or not, extracting EMF's under dubious circumstances can be considered as scamming...I dont know, but I dont think so. Unethical, unprincipalled, cheap...yes, but scamming ...Mmmmmm
When finally I got to the Brotherhood and started to read and get advice from the experts here, it all became very clear that I had brought much of my pain on myself by lack of due diligence and lack of common sense. Yes...mea culpa !!!!

I felt disinclined to go back to the CHNLove scenario, because I was disillusioned, so like Shaun , I tried other sites where the contact was with the Lady herself, not an Agency or a Translator. Boy !! on these sites there are some REAL gotta be double careful, but at least you are wise to the possibility, it never occured to me that CHNLove was anything but honest and ethical (dummy)

CHNLove Business method is all very well, if they had either ownership or full control of all the Agencies in the loop...but they dont and I dont see how it is possible for them to police all the Agencies to a required standard 100% of the time. Added to that is the normality of cheating in various forms within Chinese Businesses (I know that for a fact from my Business dealings with them, so I am not shooting blanks here ), it is a recipe for problems.
Sadly, I dont think many of the thousands of ladies on CHNLove are part of a deliberate attempt to get money off us....they just get caught up in it all. And if we add to the mix, the vast majority of the experiences these Ladies have will be communication with Blokes who want a bit of fun and have very little thoughts of truly finding a Chinese wife, then you can see why the Ladies get a bit cautious.
Nevertheless, I am sure CHNLove and its Agencies make a fair few quid out of the whole thing, its just that guys who are ethical and serious get the flick pass too...and we dont like it. But again, I am not sure it is an actual, deliberate scam.

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Re: Chnlove Anti Scam Site
« Reply #22 on: September 10, 2010, 01:18:43 am »
All of these sites are scam sites. Why because people hate it when other people make money. People of today have no stomach for risk. Everyone needs a guarantee. It's like a ton of people I have heard say that guy is a ripoff a real jerk. He is selling a product on TV and making a fortune and it thought of that 2 years ago. Everyone's a ripoff  that makes a buck in the eyes of most. Some of you guys have no idea what I am talking about. But i know some of you are sitting back laughing you have seen it a hundred times.
I really hate to insult people but if these places are such a scam and a ripoff and all they do is take you money. and you are sure of it.. Why are you still giving it to them? Who's the fool? If someone just keeps giving me money hey I will keep taking it. And they can call me anything they want as long as the cash keeps coming. Why are there so many scams and criminals around? Because it is easy money a guy gets ripped off and then pays more again. It's all greed people want something for nothing so bad they will let themselves get scammed and just to be sure it wasn't just an error lets try it again. oops it was a scam. well lets try this place, that woman has such a nice body and a pretty smile she must be real. Or hey it's Lucy Liu maybe I will pay this 8 bucks and get a date with her. It is only 8 bucks worth a chance. So think the other 10000 guys that saw it.  This is pretty bad exaggeration but you get the idea.
Jimmy Henson

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Re: Chnlove Anti Scam Site
« Reply #23 on: September 10, 2010, 03:41:09 am »
To me it’s a matter of semantics. A swindler is a swindler regardless of the level of his involvement in the crime. Maybe Chnlove is not directly involved but there is a level of dishonesty in the organization that makes the whole thing stink. If they want to be respectable then they need to clean house.  I have been had more than once for a few EMFs which served as reinforcement of the lesson I learned in original big score of over 1,000 USD.

I have seen it mentioned here several times that if I think I am being swindled by Chnlove then why do I keep going back. There are a couple of answers. First, I thought (according to some here) that the original incident was the one bad apple in the bunch and I would have much better luck on my next try.  Secondly, they have my money and they won’t give it back!  I have said before when I spend my remaining cupid credits that will be the end of it. But I’m still not going to keep quiet about my experience with them. I will share my experience on this forum. That is what I am here for, to learn and to teach and to share information.

So far ALL my experiences with chnlove have been negative. But I think we can all agree that chnlove sometimes connects two people. Those two manage somehow to get around all the fluff and greed and discover each other in spite of the business dealings and fall in love. It happens. Even a blind pig will find an acorn occasionally.  Hats off to your couples that found your true love there. I envy you.

I have taken the advice of someone here and I have moved away from Chnlove to the others. Namely CLL, CLM, and Blossom. And I have certainly found my share of greedy people there too. But it didn’t take me 3 weeks and $200 to find it out. You can immediately talk directly with the lady. You can ask for and demand real photos and exchange phone numbers and email addresses. It doesn’t take long at all to find out who is real and who is playing you. And even if you do get led down the path you can always back out and it didn’t cost you anything other than some time and your monthly membership.  Ted and Willy’s is also a great place to look. 

I don’t think I have ever seen so much debate among people that are agreeing with each other. 

So like yesterday while I’m here writing on this forum I got another letter from a lady on Chnlove. But this one is different. I got a direct response from the lady using her private email to my private email. The letter was short but there was enough mentioned to know that she  (or someone) read my first letter to her.  All this for the price of one EMF!  I don’t know what to make of this. She is with the same agency that I mentioned in an earlier post that gave me trouble before. You think the agency is trying to suck up to me? You think they are reading our forum?  This is very interesting. I think I will peruse this one further and see where it leads. At least it’s free.  Stay tuned…
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

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Re: Chnlove Anti Scam Site
« Reply #24 on: September 10, 2010, 05:24:55 am »
When I first read this new thread, before I responded to it I thought I would write a letter to chnlove and see what their response was.  It is a typical chnlove BS response.  Nothing has changed.  They know the questions and still 1 year later do not respond.

In reality I feel sorry for the woman caught up in this.  To the best of my knowledge she never put her profile out there again.

The following is my letter and their response.

From:     Shaun
To:    Customer Care
Date:     09 Sep, 2010 GMT
Just read your new website called Chnlove Anti Scam Site. What a load of crap. You joined in and scammed me for over $300.00 with P218. You said you investigated but you would never answer my questions or would you prove that it was not a scam. Now you are luring thousands more with this supposed "We're here to protect you BS."

If you are not a scam then send me back my money. Then and only then will I believe you. And until you send me the money that was scammed from me I will tell everyone I come into contact with that you are nothing but a scam.

From:     Connie Chong (Customer Care)
To:     Shaun
Date:     10 Sep, 2010 GMT
Dear Shaun,

Thanks for sharing your concern with us. I can fully understand your concern. I am very grateful that you could let us know your thought, which gives us a chance to address your concern and provide you possible assistance.

Chnlove has always treasured every single word of comments from the members and other people who have not joined our site, as these are impetus which may help us provide a safer and better platform to our sincere clients. However, recently we notice that there are some people diffusing negative information against us spitefully. Actually our Intendance Department is looking into this matter currently, and will take legal actions if necessary.

With regard to your concern on the agency P218, please kindly note that we did investigate the issue and also gave the feedback to you on Aug. 31, 2009. It has been over a year when this issue was closed. If you have any problem in reviewing the previous replies from us, please let us know, we would like to send you the letter for you kind reference. Please advise.

As for your refund request, please note that according to our Refund Policy, when your circumstances meets with the policy that the credits can be refunded. When double check your case, we noticed that it has not met with the listed circumstances of our Refund Policy. For more information of this Policy, please refer to:

Shaun, as you know, Chnlove is independent from each local agency as individual companies. We pay the agency who provides EMF messages translation and delivery services to the Chinese ladies. Though Chnlove is not involved in the internal business of each agency, we have strict policies and regulations that each agency should censor the ladies' profiles and offer quality service to help both male and female members communicate smoothly. For more details about our measures taken to against the dishonesty behaviors, please check below page for reference:

Also, we welcome our gentlemen clients to rate and comment the work of the local agencies. For those agencies who are reported for not doing a satisfactory job, we will carry out further investigation and find out the situation at the soonest. We firmly believe your involvement and support is always the wealth that nothing can compare with, and your feedback will be the impetus to push Chnlove's and the agencies' services to a higher level. :-) You may refer to the link below for other clients' comments and rates after meeting their ladies in China:

Thanks again for your support to our service. Please feel free to let us know if you have additional question or concern. We'll be glad to help our sincere clients.

Kind regards,
Connie Chong
ChnLove Support Team

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Re: Chnlove Anti Scam Site
« Reply #25 on: September 10, 2010, 08:04:11 am »
You think they are reading our forum?
Without a doubt, both, and many of the agencies are very aware of our presence, and I am certain that some of them do read what we write.  Whether or not they take it to heart is another matter completely!


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Re: Chnlove Anti Scam Site
« Reply #26 on: September 10, 2010, 09:12:09 am »
That new site doesn't really say anything new. Chnlove are probably starting to realise that the game is up and that their lucrative business model is being exposed for what it is.

Business practices are really going downhill in Hong Kong - there's all kinds of other internet scams coming out of there now.

As a newbie I spent a lot of money on chnlove and I would have been much better off starting on Blossoms or CLL. A load of my credits were wasted as well, like Changsha Love Bridge sending me duplicate EMFs, and those reminder EMFs if you don't contact a lady for a few days. I would have spent even more but learning basic Chinese meant I could cut out the EMFs quite soon.

At least the lady I met was real, but it's a shame she was just another one of those looking for a rich American dude. There are a lot of those on all of the dating sites.

I don't know why the brothers persist with the women who don't speak any English. There are plenty of cute Asian girls who speak English, so you'll save yourself a lot of hassle by finding one of those.

I'm still going the introduction agency route as there's a lot less timewasters with them. If anyone knows a good Chinese introduction agency then let us all know! I guess the escorted tours might be another idea. I think they might be a bit of fun and at least you know the ladies you meet are real.

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Re: Chnlove Anti Scam Site
« Reply #27 on: September 10, 2010, 09:18:06 am »
I don't know why the brothers persist with the women who don't speak any English. There are plenty of cute Asian girls who speak English, so you'll save yourself a lot of hassle by finding one of those.
Well, when I met my wife, she could maybe speak 2 words of English.  There was a language barrier in the beginning, but I don't know if I would go as far as to call it a hassle.  We fall in love with whomever we fall in love with...the language of love is deeper than the spoken word.  My wife has worked hard to learn English, and we communicate again, no hassle.  Everyone has their language preference, but I don't think you can criticize anyone who chooses to meet someone who doesn't speak the same language initially.

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Re: Chnlove Anti Scam Site
« Reply #28 on: September 10, 2010, 10:48:11 am »
I never had a problem with chnlove , but then as is usual the only people one does hear from are ones who have had problems and not the thousands of happy chappies , there are many sites and many of the ladies are listed on multiple sites , so anyone looking just has to sort out the wheat from the chaff and be optomistic , regards Sujuan and Robert .
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Re: Chnlove Anti Scam Site
« Reply #29 on: September 10, 2010, 05:24:44 pm »
Oh No !!!!!!!

The dreaded "Intendance Department" again.........

Cant get past them Shaun...bit like the KGB I suspect  ;D ;D ;D